Dao De Jing

The Classic of the Way and its Virtuous Potency

(This is a work in progress, exploring various versions and styles of translation. Everything here is subject to change and transformation.)

(Received One)

A path can be followed as a path, neglecting the constantly enduring path, the Dao.

Its name can be assigned and designated as a name, neglecting its eternally persisting designation.

Without name, it is of the beginnings of Heaven and Earth; with name, it is the mother of countless phenomena.

Because of this, constantly enduring without desire and striving, is the basis for contemplation of its inscrutable subtlety; constantly enduring with desire and striving, is the basis for contemplation of its borders and outer edges.

This pairing, in sameness emerges forth and only then differs in name and designation; in their sameness we refer to them as a mysterious subtlety that merely hints at what is beyond what is apparent.

Mysterious subtlety's continuing into mysterious subtleties, the gateway of numerous inscrutable subtleties.

Guodian A One (Received 19)

Breaking past thinking abandons clever solutions,
and the commonfolk benefit a hundred times over.

Breaking past skilled work abandons advantages,
and thieving outlawry is undone again.

Breaking past falsification abandons contemplation of what may be,
and the commonfolk return to the seasonal harvest.

Three phrases taking doing as low level and inadequate,
a case is made for returning to destiny,
a case is made for what to put down.

Watching out for what is expected conserves simplicity,
limiting to some degree the spread of desires.

Guodian A Nine (Received 40)

Heavenly-descended all understand the excellence of things for the sake of their excellence, and so the next step down is established;

All understand goodness, here is one's not-goodness established.

Becoming and unbecoming they exist because of each other,
troubles and worries they fulfill each other,
long and short they are cast from each other,
High and low they complete each other,
reputation and peerlessness they balance each other,
before and after they fall into each other.

Because of this the peerless person rests in unbecoming and carrying out the serving of that interest,
doing not speaking this teaching.

The 10,000 do not stand up and then not commence or,
do and then not attend to or,
accomplish and then not rest.

So indeed in all cases of not resting it,
this is the means of not storing it up.

又 amd 亡 are like adding and subtracting, but more in the sense of furthering and negating. Coming from nothing, and returning to nothing. They are replaced with characters for "something" and "nothing" in subsequent versions, but these do not carry the sense of their activity.

The peerless one, recognizing that dichotomies ever maintain themselves and fall into each other, sees that by rooting in unbecoming, in reducing and returning to formlessness, to become nothing, is the only way of brining things home to rest and end their dichotomy, by storing it up. Letting it be done, by not giving it reason to continue to stand up and commence.