Clear Qi not yet rising,
Unclear Qi not yet sinking,
Drifting not yet ,
The Five Hues not yet divided.
Existing within this phenomena,
Darkness, obscurity, and yet is present,
This is named .
Hun Dun manifests Great Inception.
As for Great Inception,
It is sprouts and new beginnings of this preeminent womb,
Great Inception's numeric is ONE,
ONE manifests ,
As for Tai Ji,
It is due to being Heaven and Earth's mother and father.
ONE is the Pole of Change,
Heaven is exalted and luminous and therefore clear,
Earth is widespread and substantive and therefore unclear,
This is named Great Change.
As for Great Change,
It is due to Heaven and Earth's activated changing,
Great Change's numeric is TWO,
TWO manifests duality,
As for duality,
It is due to yin and yang's manifested forms,
This is named Great Birth.
As for Great Birth,
It is due to Heaven and Earth's reciprocal intertwining,
Great Birth's numeric is FOUR,
FOUR expands Change,
The four formless image's activated changes accomplish the 10,000 things (Wan Wu / Myriad Phenomena),
This is named .
As for Great Innocence,
It is due to the Inception of ,
Great Innocence's numeric is THREE,
THREE expands Change,
Heaven and Earth are pregnant and then create men and women,
This is is named Three Innate Capacities.
As for Three Innate Capacities,
They are due to Heaven and Earth's preparations,
Drifting Shen is stimulated into movement and then becomes Ling,
Therefore above it spreads and underneath it transmutes,
Stimulating activity in plants and insects and fish and so on invariably preparing with regard to the space between Heaven and Earth,
This is named .