The Shuo Gua Zhang

The Commentary Discussing the Trigrams

Section Five reveals the Huo Tian arrangement of the trigrams by identifying the directions that relate to each of their roles in digesting phenomena.


Supremacy issues from Zhen, normalizes in Xun, perceives one another in Li, brings about servitude in Kun, expresses what is in its mouth in Dui, contends in Qian, contributes with its toils in Kan, and accomplishes what is in its mouth in Gen.


Myriad phenomena issue from Zhen, because Zhen identifies with the eastern direction.


Normalizes in Xun, because Xun identifies with the southeastern direction. When it comes to the reasons for normalization, it is because the myriad phenomena that issue from its mouth are measured uniformly.


Li because it is that which, due to the illumination of light, the myriad things in all cases perceive one another, the southern direction identifies with this gua.


The sage person turns to the south and then listens to the heavenly falling, turning to face the illumination of light and then following its proper ordering, by way of covering and capturing anything nearby.


Kun because it is that which, due to earthliness, myriad things in all cases bring about nourishing support therein, for this reason it is said: bringing about servitude relates to Kun.


Dui, because it properly conforms to the west, and on account of myriad phenomena's having reasons and purposes for expression, for these reasons it is said: expressing what is in its mouth relates to Dui.


Contending in Qian, Qian, because it is the gua of the northwest, and because what is in its mouth is yin and yang entangling and pressing upon one another.


As for Kan, identifying with water, on account of properly conforming to the gua of the northern direction, identifying as the gua that contributes via laboring, due to myriad phenomena's having the position and means for settling down and returning to where it belongs, for this reason it is said: contributing via laboring relates to Kan.


Gen, identifies as the gua of the northeast. On account of myriad phenomena's having a place and means for accomplishing a conclusion and then accomplishing inception. For this reason it is said: accomplishing what is in the mouth relates to Gen.