The Yi Jing | I Ching
Here the hexagram and line statements of the Zhou Yi are translated.
Additionally the commentary of the 象傳 Xiang Zhuan (The Commentary on the Symbols / Images / Sembled Forms of Change, of the "Ten Wings (opens in a new tab)") is included.
3 ䷂ Difficulty Beginning
Beginning Development Gathering Maturity, Advantageous Culmination Aligning Toward Completion, Do not apply having a place to go, Advantageous Culmination establishing the goal.
- 象傳: 雲,雷,屯;君子以經綸。
Cloudy, Thunderous: Difficulty Beginning. The noble person uses guiding principles to bind things together.
經: Jing, the Warp threads. Like those in a loom that are placed vertically to hold place for the weaving. These are the guiding principles, much like that which descends of heavenly light. These provide the means to be Zheng 正 - proper, correct, upright - in the following of the standards and guidelines. This is also the Jing of classical texts that in turn provide guiding principles. Like the Yi Jing 易經.
綸: Lun, like Wei, the Weft threads, these are the interweavings that network and pull together the pattern of something, like in organizing policies for affairs or the words of a leader that draw people together. Lun here is likened to silk threads, so this is refined weaving. The Lun reveal what we make of our proper following of principles. Even though we are not making major moves yet, in the beginning we establish our intent and set our goals so that they may be acted upon as the time becomes appropriate. This is how in the beginning the heart's purpose binds together.
Beginning Nine: The flagstone of the guidepost: Advantageous Culmination in positioning to Align Toward Completion. Advantageous Culmination in establishing the enterprise.
- 象傳: 雖磐桓,志行正也。以貴下賤,大得民也。
Even though there is a flagstone of the guidepost, this has to do with the heart's will to advance properly. Applying noble expense in a low and humble position, has to do with the great gaining support from the common people.
Establishing the Enterprise here 建侯 relates to setting up or establishing a target to aim for. However it also means being invested with the office of nobility and thus gaining a fiefdom. Establishing an Enterprise carries both nuances. Given the context of the hexagram, Beginning Yang here is advised to show restraint, and this restraint may be employed from this low position by establishing something meaningful that can be developed. It simply needs to await the proper timings. Then it will find natural resonance with the upper trigram, even as it is able to carefully invigorate from the bottom up, winning over those below.
Six Second: Like difficulty beginning then changing direction, like riding a horse and managing order over. It is not like taking a wife for marriage by force, the woman Aligning Toward Completion in not procreating, ten harvests before procreating.
- 象傳: 六二之難,乘剛也。十年乃字,反常也。
Six Second's difficulty, on account of riding unyielding strength. Ten harvests before procreating, on account of constant resistance and opposition.
Six Third: Approaching the deer without unease, carefully pondering involvement with the center of this grove, a noble person wonders if it would be better to stay in the guest house, going toward [Fifth Yang] is disgraceful.
- 象傳: 即鹿无虞,以縱禽也。君子舍之,往吝窮也。
Approaching the deer without unease, on account of means for freedom from beasts. A noble person staying in the guest house this, on account of concluding that going toward [Fifth Yang] is disgraceful.
Third Yin is at the top of the lower trigram and has met with the grove of the upper trigram. It finds itself without a resonant yang to match with at the top, and is instead drawn to the leader at the grove's center, Fifth Yang. But is advised to remain as a guest. Even though it finds welcome freedom from the wilds here in the upper trigram's cloister, it is also able to recognize that it is inappropriate for it to seek closeness with Fifth Yang.
Six Fourth: Like riding a horse and managing order over, soliciting marriage, going toward [Beginning Yang] auspicious, without dis-Advantageous Culmination.
- 象傳: 求而往,明也。
Soliciting and then going toward, on account of having clarity of perception.
Nine Fifth: Difficulty extending its fecundity, minor Aligning Toward Completion auspicious, major Aligning Toward Completion inauspicious.
- 象傳: 屯其膏,施未光也。
Difficulty extending its fecundity, on account of extending without illuminating.
Top Six: Like riding a horse and managing order over, then weeping a river of bloody tears.
- 象傳: 泣血漣如,何可長也。
Then weeping a river of bloody tears, on account of how it allowed things to develop.
4 ䷃ Incubation of Innocence
Incubation of Innocence: Gathering Maturity. It is not that we summon incubation of immature innocence, incubation of immature innocence summons us. The initial divination informs, over and over again inundates and shows disrespect, inundating and disrespecting the standard misinforms. Advantageous Culmination Aligning Toward Completion.
- 象傳: 山下出泉,蒙;君子以果行育德。
At the foot of a mountain emerges a spring, Incubation of Innocence; A noble person uses this to bring something to fruition, acting to nurture virtuous power.
Beginning Six: The incubation of innocence that is the teaching children the fundamentals, Advantageous Culmination in application of their formal discipline, making use of persuasions that bind and constrain, to go away is disgraceful.
- 象傳: 利用刑人,以正法也。
Advantageous Culmination in application of their formal discipline, on account of using upright standards and models.
Nine Second: Containing incubation of innocence auspicious; the wife storing up within auspicious; offspring bring about family relations.
- 象傳: 子克家,剛柔接也。
Offspring bring about family relations, on account of the hard and the soft connecting.
Six Third: Do not use following after, capturing, or yearning for women; Understand the durable and lasting hardness of husbandry, not possessing personally, without a place for Advantageous Culmination.
- 象傳: 勿用取女,行不順也。
Do not use following after, capturing, or yearning for women, on account of acting without accommodating their way.
Six Fourth: Afflicted incubation of innocence, Shame.
- 象傳: 困蒙之吝,獨遠實也。
The shame of afflicted incubation of innocence, on account of being alone and without companions, separated from prosperity.
Six Fifth: Incubation of immature innocence, good fortune.
- 象傳: 童蒙之吉,順以巽也。
The good fortune of incubation of immature innocence, on account of accommodating the way for using the yielding and gentle.
Top Nine: Encountering Incubation of Innocence, Dis-Advantageous Culmination in carrying out pillaging, Advantageous Culmination guarding from pillaging.
- 象傳: 利用禦寇,上下順也。
Advantageous Culmination putting to use guarding from pillaging, on account of accommodating the course of it from top to bottom.
6 ䷅ Contention
Contention: There is captivation; blocking. Alertness in the center auspicious. bringing it through to conclusion inauspicious. Advantageous Culmination perceiving the great person, dis-Advantageous Culmination fording a large river.
- 象傳: 天與水違行,訟;君子以作事謀始。
Heaven and water moving counter to each other, Contention; A noble person uses this to commence engagement with initial planning and considering.
Initial Six: Discontinuing from engagement, a little having of talk, in the end auspicious.
- 象傳: 不永所事,訟不可長也。雖有小言,其辯明也。
Discontinuing from engagement, on account of contention not being permitted to grow. Although there is a little talk, it is on account of its explaining clearly.
Nine Second: Incapable of contention, returning home and then eluding, its town has three hundred doorways, not having affliction.
- 象傳: 不克訟,歸而逋也。自下訟上,患至掇也。
Incapable of contention, on account of returning home and then eluding, the self below, contention above, on account of troubles coming to the point of collection.
Six Third: Sustaining on established merit, Aligning Toward Completion with effort to work through danger, In the end good fortune, In some cases giving allegiance to serve the King, accomplishing nothing.
- 象傳: 食舊德,從上吉也。
Sustaining on established merit, because serving what is above is auspicious.
Nine Fourth: Incapable of contention, Going back to take up the mandate changing, securing Aligning Toward Completion auspicious.
- 象傳: 復即命,渝安貞;不失也。
Going back to take up the mandate, changing and securing Aligning Toward Completion; On account of not giving up.
Nine Fifth: Contention Beginning Development auspicious.
- 象傳: 訟元吉,以中正也。
Contention Beginning Development auspicious, On account of central correctness.
Top Nine: In some cases presenting them a money belt, by the end of the day three times stripped away.
- 象傳: 以訟受服,亦不足敬也。
Taking up contention confers responsibility for, in cases like this implying it is not worth bringing awareness to.
9 ䷈ Simple Cultivation
Simple Cultivation: Gathering Maturity. Dense clouds but no rain, coming from our western countryside.
- 象傳: 風行天上,小畜;君子以懿文德。
Wind moving over heaven, Basic Cultivation; A noble person uses this to perfect refinement of virtuosity.
Beginning Nine: Returning to one's way, how could this be blamed? Auspicious.
- 象傳: 復自道,其義吉也。
Returning to one's way, on account of their undertaking of responsibility auspiciously.
Nine Second: Pulled and guided to return, Auspicious.
- 象傳: 牽復在中,亦不自失也。
Pulled and guided to return to centrality, particularly in regards to not allowing oneself to forfeit it.
Nine Third: The chassis of the carriage expressing power at the wheel-spokes, husband and wife with opposing views.
- 象傳: 夫妻反目,不能正室也。
Husband and wife with opposing views, on account of lacking capability to conform to upright standards in their living quarters.
Six Fourth: Having captivation, storing its blood and guarding against bringing it forth, without blame.
- 象傳: 有孚惕出,上合志也。
Having captivation and guarding against bringing forth, on account of aligning the heart's purpose above itself.
Nine Fifth: Having captivation via connections, wealthy by means of its neighbor.
- 象傳: 有孚攣如,不獨富也。
Having captivation via connections, on account of not being alone in wealth.
Top Nine: It has rained and it has stopped, giving precedence to setting down and displaying its virtue power, a married woman Aligning Toward Completion to make effort to get through danger. The moon is almost full, a noble person pressing strongly forward inauspicious.
- 象傳: 既雨既處,德積載也。君子征凶,有所疑也。
It has rained and it has stopped, on account of the virtue power having been gathered and then set down and displayed. A noble person pressing strongly forward inauspicious, on account of having reason for doubt.
10 ䷉ Stepping Upon
Stepping upon the tiger's tail, not getting bit, Gathering Maturity.
- 象傳: 上天下澤,履;君子以辨上下,安民志。
Above heaven below marsh, stepping upon; A noble person uses this to distinguish above and below, pacifying the people's heart intent.
Beginning Nine: Innocent Stepping, Going along without blame.
- 象傳: 素履之往,獨行愿也。
Innocent Stepping's going along, implies walking alone attentively.
Nine Second: Stepping upon the way smoothly and evenly, a secluded and concentrated person Aligning Toward Completion auspicious.
- 象傳: 幽人貞吉,中不自亂也。
A secluded and concentrated person Aligning Toward Completion auspicious, because within not having confusing troubles of the self.
Six Third: Squinting so as to see, limping so as to step, stepping upon a tiger's tail, being bit, inauspicious. Martial efforts from great nobility.
- 象傳: 眇能視;不足以有明也。跛能履;不足以與行也,咥人之凶;位不當也。武人為于大君;志剛也。
Squinting so as to see; due to not having enough to see with clearly. Limping so as to step; due to not having enough to provide for walking, the inauspiciousness of getting bit, on account of the position being unsuitable. Martial effort from great nobility, because the heart's purpose is firm and unyielding.
Nine Fourth: Stepping on the tiger's tail, informing on and bringing a claim against, in the end auspicious.
- 象傳: 愬愬終吉,志行也。
Informing on and bringing a claim against, In the end auspicious, on account of the heart's purpose acting.
Nine Fifth: Resolute stepping, Aligning Toward Completion making effort to get through danger.
- 象傳: 夬履貞厲,位正當也。
Resolute stepping Aligning Toward Completion making effort to get through danger, on account of being in the right time and place.
Top Nine: Evaluating the stepping and acting, examining the omens, Their circling back around to Beginning Development is auspicious.
- 象傳: 元吉在上,大有慶也。
Beginning Development auspiciously positioned at the top, implying there is great synchronicity.
11 ䷊ Tranquility
Tranquility: small goings, great comings, auspicious Gathering Maturity.
- 象傳: 天地交泰,后以財成天地之道,輔相天地之宜,以左右民。
Heaven and earth joining together as Sublime Peaceful Magesty, A ruler uses their material wealth to complete the way of heaven and earth, aides and ministers the keeping in line with heaven and earth, by means of being at the left and right of the ruler ready to aid and assist the inhabitants of the country.
Beginning Nine: Uprooting thatching grass more comes, because of their dense clumping, pressing strongly forward auspicious.
- 象傳: 拔茅征吉,志在外也。
Uprooting thatching grass and pressing strongly forward auspicious, because the heart's purpose is out there.
Nine Second: Holding the wild and untamed in a tolerant accommodation, availing itself of crossing a river, not far from a bequeathal, equality is undone, obtaining a position above in the the central action.
- 象傳: 包荒,得尚于中行,以光大也。
Holding the wild and untamed in a tolerant accommodation, obtaining a position above in the central action, on account of shining magnificently.
Nine Third: Without evenness no grades, without going to no returning back, difficulty Aligning Toward Completion without failing. Do not worry about its captivation, in taking in and receiving there is good fortune.
- 象傳: 无往不復,天地際也。
Without going no returning back, because heaven and earth are joined together.
In this way Third Yang and Fourth Yin exchange harmonious relations as they revolve around the intersection connecting heaven and earth.
Six Fourth: Freely fluttering light and effortlessly, not full of wealth, leaning on its neighbors, not turning prohibitions into captivation.
- 象傳: 翩翩不富,皆失實也。不戒以孚,中心願也。
Freely fluttering light and effortlessly, not full of wealth, because in all cases forfeiting possessions and the filling up that leads to substantiality. Not turning prohibitions into captivation, due to centering in the heart-mind's heart-source.
Dreams and cherished aspirations may be found within the depths of the heart's beginnings. But following them often leads to filling up and accumulating. One easily becomes captivated by dreams. The heart's true devotion belongs to its source. Realizing sufficiency's sufficiency constantly is enduring sufficiency.
Six Fifth: Di Yi marrying off his younger sister, using blessings for Beginning Development auspicious.
- 象傳: 以祉元吉,中以行愿也。
Using blessings for Beginning Development auspicious, on account of the center making use of action.
Di Yi was the last king of the Shang Dynasty. Rather than hostility, it was commonplace to create bonds of marriage amongst the nobility so as to develop tolerance in the ruling class. He saw that Ji Chang, the Duke of the West was growing in power. So he married his younger sister to Ji Chang.
Just as in Hexagram 54, Fifth Yin reaches down to receive Second Yang. They are from different walks of life and must learn tolerance, and yet the relationship is mutually beneficial and serves as a comeuppance for Second Yang. Chang's growth continued. He became known as King Wen and his children began the Zhou Dynasty.
Top Six: The settlement wall returning back to the moat, do not use the army. The settlement itself proclaims the mandate, Aligning Toward Completion shameful.
- 象傳: 城復于隍,其命亂也。
The settlement wall returns back to the moat, because its mandate pushes against the current.
What has been experienced of sublime tranquility culminates. And in the subsequent overturning, the feelings that remain serve as the conditioning that becomes a blockage in hexagram 12's Third Yang.
Best to let it be done.
12 ䷋ Stoppage
Stoppage of negligent people, dis-Advantageous Culmination for noble people's Aligning Toward Completion, much going away, little coming to.
- 象傳: 天地不交,否;君子以儉德辟難,不可榮以祿。
Heaven and Earth not connecting in reciprocal exchange, Stoppage. A noble person employs frugal efficacy to break through difficulty, not feasible for unfurling into good fortune.
Beginning Six: Pulling up thatching grass and the roots come too, by means of its clustering together, Aligning Toward Completion auspicious Gathering Maturity.
- 象傳: 拔茅貞吉,志在君也。
Uprooting thatching grass Aligning Toward Completion auspicious, Because the heart's purpose is set on nobility.
Six Second: Accommodating carrying along. Lesser people are fortunate, great people stop, Gathering Maturity.
- 象傳: 大人否亨,不亂群也。
Great people stop, Gathering Maturity, On account of not getting mixed up with the crowd.
Six Third: Accommodating shameful indulgence.
- 象傳: 包羞,位不當也。
Accommodating shameful indulgence, on account of being positioned inappropriately.
Nine Fourth: Having a mandate, without regret, good fortune leaving the farmland.
- 象傳: 有命无咎,志行也。
Having a mandate, without regret, on account of the heart's purpose taking action.
Nine Fifth: Ceasing the stoppage, great people auspicious. They undo their undoings, depending on wrapping themselves in hearth and home.
- 象傳: 大人之吉,位正當也。
The auspiciousness of great people, on account of positioning themselves upright and appropriately.
Top Nine: Overturning stoppage, before stopped, after relieved.
- 象傳: 否終則傾,何可長也。
Stoppage reaches the end and follows the standard of overturning, because how could it last?
14 ䷍ Great Possession
Great Possession: Beginning Development Gathering Maturity.
- 象傳: 火在天上,大有;君子以遏惡揚善,順天休命。
Fire placed above heaven, Great Possession; A noble person uses this to hold back evil and lift up good, complying with the heaven blessed mandate of destiny.
Beginning Nine: Without coming into contact with harm, it is without blame, difficulty conforming, without blame.
- 象傳: 大有初九,无交害也。
The Great Possession of beginning nine, has to do with not coming into contact with harm.
Nine Second: A great vehicle to use for riding in, having a place to go, without regret.
- 象傳: 大車以載,積中不敗也。
A great vehicle to use for riding in, on account of gathering centrality it is not defeated.
Nine Third: The fair application of Gathering Maturity by the Son of Heaven, no small people are capable of this.
- 象傳: 公用亨于天子,小人害也。
The fair application of Gathering Maturity by the Son of Heaven, because small people damage it.
Nine Fourth: Canceling its impact, without regret.
- 象傳: 匪其彭,无咎;明辨晰也。
Cancelling its impact, without regret; has to do with differentiating light clearly.
Six Fifth: Their captivation connects with compliance, overawed compliance; auspicious.
- 象傳: 厥孚交如,信以發志也。威如之吉,易而无備也。
Their captivation connects with compliance, on account of having faith to boldly express their heart's purpose. The auspiciousness of overawed compliance, on account of having change and then being unprepared.
Top Nine: The Heavenly Self divinely protects this, auspicious without dis-Advantageous Culmination.
- 象傳: 大有上吉,自天佑也。
Great Possession at the top auspicious, because the Heavenly Self aids and keeps safe.
15 ䷎ Humility
Humility: Gathering Maturity, The noble person has opportunity to see things through to the end.
- 象傳: 地中有山,謙;君子以裒多益寡,稱物平施。
Within the earth is a mountain, humble; a noble person employs reducing the abundant and augmenting the deficient, practicing weighing, esteeming, and raising up things with equality.
Beginning Six: A humble and unpretentious noble person, takes up crossing the great river, auspicious.
- 象傳: 謙謙君子,卑以自牧也。
A humble and unpretentious noble person, on account of the lowly taking up self-regulation.
Six Second: Giving voice humbly, Aligning Toward Completion auspicious.
- 象傳: 鳴謙貞吉,中心得也。
Giving voice humbly Aligning Toward Completion auspicious, on account of having control within the heart-mind.
Six Third: Laboring humbly, A noble person has opportunity to see things through to the end, auspicious.
- 象傳: 勞謙君子,萬民服也。
A noble person laboring humbly, On account of accepting responsibility for the myriad people.
Nine Fourth: Without dis-Advantageous Culmination, signaling humbly.
- 象傳: 无不利,撝謙;不違則也。
Without dis-Advantageous Culmination, signaling humbly, On account of not turning away from what is expected.
Six Fifth: Not wealthy, using its neighbors, Advantageous Culmination making use of appropriating the boastful, without dis-Advantageous Culmination.
- 象傳: 利用侵伐,征不服也。
Advantageous Culmination making use of appropriating the boastful, on account of not taking on personal responsibility for pressing strongly forward.
Top Six: Giving voice humbly, Advantageous Culmination employing action as a teacher, pressing strongly forward through the capital city.
- 象傳: 鳴謙,志未得也。可用行師,征邑國也。
Giving voice humbly, on account of the heart's purpose not being satisfied. Permissible to employ action as a teacher, on account of pressing strongly forward through the capital city.
19 ䷒ Overseeing
Overseeing: Beginning Development, Gathering Maturity, Advantageous Culmination, Aligning Toward Completion. Getting as far as the eighth month and there is inauspiciousness.
- 象傳: 澤上有地,臨;君子以教思无窮,容保民无疆。
Marsh going up to hold the earth, Overseeing; A noble person uses this to teach inexhaustible consideration.
Beginning Nine: All encompassing overseeing, Aligning Toward Completion auspicious.
- 象傳: 咸臨貞吉,志行正也。
All encompassing overseeing, Aligning Toward Completion auspicious, on account of the heart's purpose acting according to proper standards.
Nine Second: All encompassing overseeing, auspicious without dis-Advantageous Culmination.
- 象傳: 咸臨,吉无不利;未順命也。
All encompassing overseeing, auspicious without dis-Advantageous Culmination; on account of not yet amenable to assigning mandates.
Six Third: Overseeing with pleasure, without a place for Advantageous Culmination. Soon after troubled by this, without blame.
- 象傳: 甘臨,位不當也。既憂之,咎不長也。
Overseeing with pleasure, on account of being positioned inappropriately. Soon after troubled by this, is the reason for blame not growing.
Six Fourth: Accomplishing overseeing, without blame.
- 象傳: 至臨无咎,位當也。
Accomplishing overseeing, without blame, on account of being positioned appropriately.
Six Fifth: Mastering overseeing, This is suitable for a great lord, auspicious.
- 象傳: 大君之宜,行中之謂也。
This is suitable for a great lord, because this speaks to acting with centrality.
Top Six: Sincere overseeing, auspicious without blame.
- 象傳: 敦臨之吉,志在內也。
Sincere overseeing's auspiciousness, on account of the heart's purpose residing internally.
22 ䷕ Refinement
賁:亨。小利有攸往。 Refinement: Gathering Maturity. Small Advantageous Culmination having a place to go.
- 象傳: 山下有火,賁;君子以明庶政,无敢折獄。
Under the mountain there is fire, Refinement; A noble person uses light, clear perception, and bright illumination, for all kinds of governing, without daring to adjudicate sentences.
Beginning Nine: Refining its foundation, Giving up the carriage and then walking.
- 象傳: 舍車而徒,義弗乘也。
Giving up the carriage and then walking, on account of not correctly profiting from its bearing.
Six Second: Refining its wants and needs.
- 象傳: 賁其須,與上興也。
Refining its wants and needs, on account of the arising of involvement above.
Nine Third: Refining as if imbued in water, Lasting Aligning Toward Completion auspicious.
- 象傳: 永貞之吉,終莫之陵也。
Auspiciousness of lasting Aligning Toward Completion, because all the way to the end in no instance does it transgress.
Six Fourth: Refinement as if like purifying whiteness repeatedly like this, White horses soar like this, It is not plundering marital relations.
- 象傳: 六四,當位疑也。匪寇婚媾,終无尤也。
Six Fourth, has to do with undertaking responsibility for the position without clarity. It is not plundering marital relations, implying getting all the way to the end without error.
Six Fifth: Refining on a hill garden, bringing silk together finely finely, stingy, all the way to the end auspicious.
- 象傳: 六五之吉,有喜也。
Six Fifth's Auspiciousness, On account of having reason for joy.
Top Nine: White refinement, without regret.
- 象傳: 白賁无咎,上得志也。
White Refinement without regret, on account of ascending to satisfy the heart's purpose.
24 ䷗ Returning
Returning: Gathering Maturity. Going out then coming in without cause for trouble, gathering together to come back without blame. Turning around and returning back, Seven days of coming back and returning, Advantageous Culmination having a place to go.
- 象傳: 雷在地中,復;先王以至日閉關,商旅不行,后不省方。
Thunder residing within the earth, Returning; Kings of old made use of the winter solstice by sealing off the country, travelers and merchants not moving, the sovereign not examining in all directions,
Beginning Nine: Not separated from returning, Without respect blame, Beginning Development auspicious.
- 象傳: 不遠之復,以修身也。
Not separated from its returning, on account of making use of personal refinement.
Six Second: Desisting and returning, auspicious.
- 象傳: 休復之吉,以下仁也。
Auspiciousness of desisting and returning, has to do with the means to lower kindness.
Six Third: Continuously returning, making effort to get through danger without blame.
- 象傳: 頻復之厲,義无咎也。
Continuously returning's making effort to get through danger, on account of being upright without blame.
Six Fourth: finding the center of balance in action, independently returning.
- 象傳: 中行獨復,以從道也。
Finding the center of balance in action, independently returning, on account of complying with its way.
Six Fifth: Sincerely returning, without regret.
- 象傳: 敦復无悔,中以自考也。
Sincerely returning without regret, on account of finding the center of balance by means of self-examination.
Top Six: Losing the way of returning, inauspicious, having calamity and blame. Making use of engaging authority, at the end having utter defeat, by means of its territory ruler, inauspicious; Even in ten years, Unable to press strongly forward.
- 象傳: 迷復之凶,反君道也。
The inauspiciousness of losing the way of returning, on account of overturning the noble way.
25 ䷘ Without Falseness
Without Falseness: Beginning Development Gathering Maturity, Advantageous Culmination Aligning Toward Completion. One does not conform to standards by having deviations, dis-Advantageous Culmination having a place to go.
- 象傳: 天下雷行,物與无妄;先王以茂對時,育萬物。
Heaven sending down and thunder acting, phenomena synchronizes without falseness. Kings of old used this to fully stand up to the moment, nourishing and nurturing countless phenomena.
Beginning Nine: Without Falseness, going toward auspicious.
- 象傳: 无妄之往,得志也。
The going toward of Without Falseness, on account of this acquiring the heart's purpose.
Six Second: Harvesting without having tilled, seeding without having prepared the soil, following the principle of Advantageous Culmination having a place to go.
- 象傳: 不耕獲,未富也。
Harvesting without having tilled, on account of being without amassing of abundance.
Six Third: Without Falseness's disaster, sometimes when tying up an ox, a person wandering by takes it, and the town people having a disaster on their hands.
- 象傳: 行人得牛,邑人災也。
A passerby taking an ox, has to do with the town people's disaster.
This is a position that has come to rise up to connect with the upper trigram, so therefore it is at ease at first, feeling that it need not walk with raised caution. Someone leaves their car running with their keys in the ignition at a gas station, trusting that no one will steal it. There is a chance that under the right conditions it will be taken. But also, this is how plants and trees spread their seed far and wide. By making an attractive offering of surplus that is free for the taking. The ease with which something may be gently allowed into the course of being sent off into the current to find its place of usefulness. This is why it is a disaster of the town people. It is in their nature to create abundance, and when that abundance is loosely held and claimed, nature makes it available to the whole. This is why the sage stops when enough is enough, yet is still able to always have enough.
Nine Fourth: Permissible to Align Toward Completion, without blame.
- 象傳: 可貞无咎,固有之也。
Permissible to Align Toward Completion without blame, on account of securely possessing it.
Nine Fifth: Without Falseness's dis-ease, do not use medicine and remedies to get better.
- 象傳: 无妄之藥,不可試也。
Without Falseness's medicine, on account of not allowing it to be taken.
Top Nine: Without Falseness, action has deviance, there is no place for Advantageous Culmination.
- 象傳: 无妄之行,窮之災也。
Without Falseness's action, because depleting resources to their exhaustion has disaster.
26 ䷙ Profound Cultivation
Profound Cultivation: Advantageous Culmination Aligning Toward Completion, not eating at home auspicious, Advantageous Culmination fording a great river.
- 象傳: 天在山中,大畜;君子以多識前言往行,以畜其德。
Heaven residing within a mountain, Profound Cultivation; A noble person uses this to accrue insight, familiarity, and experience before talking about going to do something, by means of cultivating their virtue power.
Beginning Nine: There is making effort to get out of danger Advantageous Culmination stopping this.
- 象傳: 有厲利已,不犯災也。
There is making effort to get out of danger Advantageous Culmination stopping this, on account of not infringing on disaster.
Nine Second: The carriage chassis expressing strength through the part that holds the carriage to the axle.
- 象傳: 輿說輹,中无尤也。
The carriage chassis expressing strength through the part that holds the carriage to the axle, because it is centered without blame.
Nine Third: A finely bred horse chasing after something, Advantageous Culmination with challenging Aligning Toward Completion. Saying 'protect the carriage cabin', Advantageous Culmination having a place to go toward.
- 象傳: 利有攸往,上合志也。
Advantageous Culmination having a place to go toward, on account of the heart's intent to unite with what is above it.
Nine Fourth: A young ox's wooden crosspiece that keeps its horns from doing damage, Beginning Development auspicious.
- 象傳: 六四元吉,有喜也。
Six Fourth Beginning Development auspicious, on account of having consummation.
Six Fifth: A gelded pig's tusks, auspicious.
- 象傳: 六五之吉,有慶也。
Six Fifth's auspiciousness, on account of having the favor of heaven.
Top Six: Carrying Heaven's thoroughfare, Gathering Maturity.
- 象傳: 何天之衢,道大行也。
Carrying heaven's thoroughfare, because this is the way of profound action.
27 ䷚ Nourishment
Nourishment: Aligning Toward Completion auspicious. Contemplating nourishment, the hungry mouth seeks to fill itself to repletion.
- 象傳: 山下有雷,頤;君子以慎言語,節飲食。
Below the mountain there is thunder, nourishment; A noble person uses this to be mindful of the reality of speech in a conversation, limiting and moderating what is drunk (imbibed for swallowing) and eaten (received for consumption).
Shen 慎 is a combination of the radical for heart-mind , and the character zhen 真 that means truth, reality, what is real, what is genuine. Thus, the attentiveness, mindfulness, caution and prudence of its definition are in relationship to taking care to be mindful about what is true and real.
While we nourish ourselves with food, we also nourish ourselves with thoughts. Thus the moderation of eating and drinking also applies to moderating what we take into our minds for consumption as well.
The fair and equitable distribution of resources applies to all manner of class disparities. The lines reveal where potential for blocking the nourishment of the whole from the top down have created obstructions that do not serve the pattern of the guiding principles.
Beginning Nine: Setting aside your spiritual tortoise, watching me and chewing up nourishment, inauspicious.
- 象傳: 觀我朵頤,亦不足貴也。
Watching me and chewing up nourishment, because in this case it is not valuable enough.
This is like people being distracted by that which is beautiful all around them that has been nourished by the energies of heaven and earth. In Journey to the West, Sun Wu Kong is said to beam light out as he consumes fruit, and this light is said to be a distraction to the denizens of heaven. The stories of the garden of eden are similar.
It is not that we sin by eating, it is more that the upholding of the spiritual tortoise, representing our spiritual immortal self that sustains itself on light, depends upon a delicate balance to maintain coherence with its mandala. Allowing distraction by fruits and over eating, even though this is natural, is also a setting aside of and turning away from the balance needed to cohere to the light. In this sense First Yang too is able to reach all the way up to line six to connect with true nourishment from above. Nourishment that is more valuable because it is pure spiritual light.
Six Second: Top down nourishment, dusting off the guiding principles, from the farmland nourishment, pressing strongly forward inauspicious.
- 象傳: 六二征凶,行失類也。
Six Second pressing strongly forward inauspicious, because its acting fails to match the needs of the group.🖋️Here the light from above shines down upon the earth and things grow. Guiding principles are necessary for sustainable cultivation of farmlands. With too much ambition comes a forfeiting of the measure by which nature is healthy and a source of nourishment. Being patient and following guiding principles is humble and slow. It does not attempt to grasp all of the light for itself, but understands that it just can be patient and open to receive, and day by day it will grow.
This means not clearcutting thousands of acres to plant one crop. The answer to this type of imbalance will manifest itself. Patiently accepting what is given, one receives and follows the guidelines as they become clear, like the branches and leaves of plants turning slowly to fill in the places where light shines. Thus one harmonizes with all around itself, and as all follow these guiding principles together, ecosystems are born.
Thus the principle of Top Down nourishment is one wherein there is receiving from above, that manifests so as to nourish what is below. While it is inappropriate for Second Yin to cross over, Sixth Yang is already doing the crossing over. Second Yin just needs to patiently away what is able to filter through from the lines above on its way from Top to Bottom. Trying to rush the process by eliminating the participants above is to invite disaster. Patiently working with what comes through to the bottom adapts to the needs of the group. This is how roots grow strong - strong wood grows slowly over a long time.
Six Third: Clearing a way for nourishment, Aligning Toward Completion inauspicious, for ten years do not make use of it, without a place for Advantageous Culmination.
- 象傳: 十年勿用,道大悖也。
For ten years do not make use of it, because it opposes the way of greatness.
This is like someone who is in charge of money taking some of it for themselves. Or like being the child to someone wealthy and desiring that wealth for one's own comfort. Even though as it came from many, so too should it re-cycle back to many.
Were this line to learn to behave in an upright manner, and be fine with sharing the nourishment from above with all around it, it would find that it is still able to receive plenty of nourishment for itself. There is simply no proper place for its choosing to take for itself. From that which belongs to all.
This is also like a loom and its upright warp threads gathering dust, then having the dust shaken from them so they can be worked with to hold a true pattern. The warp threads are metaphor for heavenly guides. Dusting them off is like clearing them of anything that might adhere to them and block the way through from top to bottom. Thus in lines 2 and 5 we see the role of keeping the guidelines themselves clear, while line 3 itself is responsible for keeping the flow of nourishment itself clear and unobstructed. Only in Fourth Yin is there the allowance for using the nourishment to manifest something. Because what materializes of this is in itself designed as nourishment for what is below. Because Fourth Yin has materialized something, Third Yin is even more challenged to not obstruct the flow of nourishment.
This is why the path of nourishment needs to be kept clear, and we do not make use of this yin's opening proclivity, because it would not keep this path clear.
In this can be seen humanity taking from nature and storing it up without allowing it to pass through and nurture nature from top to bottom. There is much we do to 'get in the way' of this natural process, as what we store up for ourselves is much more than is necessary, and much potential nourishment for the planet becomes wasted rather than being naturally distributed.
The number ten is the number of completion. Thus we are advised to allow what is channeled through here to come through without obstructing it until it has reached completion. Then we can have some of the excess. This is like allowing the seeds and of fruits and plants to accomplish their nourishment of the earth below and only take from them so long as their role is able to function fully. The role of the harvester should not get in the way of the functional nourishment of the land. If the land is obstructed from its nourishment, it becomes stripped of resources.
Six Fourth: Top down nourishment, auspicious, a tiger staring piercingly and severely, its desire to chase after and pursue, without blame.
- 象傳: 顛頤之吉,上施光也。
Top down nourishment's auspiciousness, on account of the top extending light.
Here is seen the proper route of nourishment, from above to below, without hoarding for selfish reasons. Wang Bi names this the most important line in the Yi. The focused will and desire of the tiger is the work of drawing energy through to create that which can pass through toward the resonance below. First Yang needs to learn to receive nourishment from the source, however Fourth Yang enables it to grow to the point of working toward that goal. The codependency that emerges manifests as another layer of Second Yin's Top Down ecosystem.
Top Down 顛 has the meaning of the summit, or apex, or peak of something. But also of something toppling, head over heels. Hence this representation: Top Down. Bearing not the meaning of a toppling and collapse, but a descending flow. This descending flow could be seen as backwards from the natural flow of a hexagram from bottom to top. Such demonstrates the phenomena wherein the seed of one is contained within the other. Every expansion is also a contraction. Every contraction is also an expansion. Such is the interplay of matter and light.
Six Fifth: Dusting off the guiding principles, residing in Aligning Toward Completion, must not ford a great river.
- 象傳: 居貞之吉,順以從上也。
Residing in Aligning Toward Completion's auspiciousness, on account of using compliance as basis for following the top.
Top Nine: Nourishment derives from this, making effort to get through danger auspicious, Advantageous Culmination fording a great river.
- 象傳: 由頤厲吉,大有慶也。
Nourishment's source making effort to get through danger, on account of great possession of heavenly favor.
28 ䷛ Great Exceeding
Great Exceeding: The ridgepole bends, Advantageous Culmination having someplace to go, Gathering Maturity.
- 象傳: 澤滅木,大過;君子以獨立不懼,遯世无悶。
Marsh flooding wood, Great Exceeding; A noble person uses this to establish independence fearlessly, Retreating and for a generation without worries.
Beginning Six: A mat made of white thatching grass, without regret.
- 象傳: 藉用白茅,柔在下也。
A mat made of white thatching grass, has to do with softness placed at the bottom.
Nine Second: A withered poplar creating shoots, An older man acquires a younger woman to take as his wife, without dis-Advantageous Culmination.
- 象傳: 老夫女妻,過以相與也。
An older man acquires a younger woman to take as a wife, has to do with exceeding on account of according with one another.
Nine Third: The ridgepole bends, Inauspicious.
- 象傳: 棟橈之凶,不可以有輔也。
Inauspiciousness of the ridgepole bending, on account of inability to have support.
Nine Fourth: The ridgepole arching prominently, Auspicious; Having something for another is shameful.
- 象傳: 棟隆之吉,不橈乎下也。
Auspiciousness of the ridgepole arching prominently, on account of not bending so it falls.
Nine Fifth: A withered poplar creating flowers, An older woman acquires a younger husband, without regret without acclaim.
- 象傳: 枯楊生華,何可久也。老婦士夫,亦可醜也。
A withered poplar creating flowers, because how could it possibly persist? An older woman and a younger husband, implying in this case allowing the scandalous.
Top Six: Excessively fording and drowning, inauspicious, without blame.
- 象傳: 過涉之凶,不可咎也。
Excessively fording's inauspiciousness, implies it cannot be blamed.
30 ䷝ Coherence
Distinct from having separated even as coherent due to remaining inherently connected to what is now gone: Coherence: Advantageous Culmination Aligning Toward Completion, Developing Maturation. Domestic cultivation of female ox, auspicious.
- 象傳: 明兩作離,大人以繼明照于四方。
Bright clarity, paired, making Coherence, Great people use this to amplify bright clarity to illuminate all four directions.
Beginning Nine: Stepping toward convergence, Sincerity has no blame.
- 象傳: 履錯之敬,以辟咎也。
Stepping toward convergence's sincerity, on account of using it to break away from blame.
Six Second: Yellow Coherence, Beginning Development auspicious.
- 象傳: 黃離元吉,得中道也。
Yellow Coherence Beginning Development auspicious, due to obtaining the middle of the way.
Nine Third: The declining hours of the day's Coherence, not beating the drum (opens in a new tab) but then singing, The standard of great longevity's exclaiming its distinction, inauspicious.
- 象傳: 日昃之離,何可久也。
The declining hours of the day's Coherence, because how could it endure?
Nine Fourth: It arrives like suddenly bursting forth, then burns, then dies, then is lost.
- 象傳: 突如其來如,无所容也。
It arrives like suddenly bursting forth, let there be no place for accommodating this.
Six Fifth: Like bringing forth gushing tears, then intimate companions exclaiming what's wrong, auspicious.
- 象傳: 六五之吉,離王公也。
Six Fifth's auspiciousness, due to Coherence with kings and high dignitaries.
Top Nine: A king makes use of coming forth and pressing strongly forward [be it in a punitive declaration, a military advance, imposing a fine, going on a long expedition, etc], having commendable adjudicating and subduing of its core, captivating those not of its disgracefulness, without blame.
- 象傳: 王用出征,以正邦也。
A king makes use of coming forth and pressing strongly forward, has to do with taking up governing of the state.
31 ䷞ Affection
Affection, Gathering Maturity, Advantageous Culmination Aligning Toward Completion, Reaching to the feminine auspicious.
- 象傳: 山上有澤,咸,君子以虛受人。
Mountain Rising to hold the Marsh, Affection, The noble person uses emptiness to receive others.
Beginning Six: Affection in its big toe.
- 象傳: 咸其拇,志在外也
Affection in its big toe, has to do with the heart's purpose going without.
Six Second: Affection in its calf, inauspicious, centrality auspicious.
- 象傳: 雖凶居吉,順不害也。
Even though inauspicious, placed auspiciously, on account of accommodating no harm.
Nine Third: Affection in its thigh, attached to its pursuing, going along with this is disgraceful.
- 象傳: 咸其股,亦不處也。志在隨人,所執下也。
Affection in its thigh, because it too does not stop. The heart's purpose is set to pursue after others, on account of holding with those below.
Nine Fourth: Aligning Toward Completion Auspicious, Misfortune vanishes, Indecisively circling round and round going away and coming to, like this thinking about banding together in partnership.
- 象傳: 貞吉悔亡,未感害也。憧憧往來,未光大也。
Aligning Toward Completion auspicious and misfortune vanishing, on account of not yet affecting the heart harmfully. Indecisively circling round and round going away and coming to, on account of not yet glowing brightly in the darkness.
Nine Fifth: Affection in the sides of its back, without misfortune.
- 象傳: 咸其脢,志末也。
Affection in the sides of its back, because the heart is holding with what is secondary.
Top Six: Affection in its cheeks supporting the tongue.
- 象傳: 咸其輔頰舌,滕口說也。
Affection in its cheeks supporting the tongue, on account of gushing in the mouth to express.
34 ䷡ Great Strength
Great Strength: Advantageous Culmination Aligning Toward Completion.
- 象傳: 雷在天上,大壯;君子以非禮勿履。
Thunder placed on top of heaven, Great Strength; A noble person uses absence of appropriateness so as to not step upon.
Beginning Nine: Strength in the feet, pressing strongly forward inauspicious, there is captivation.
- 象傳: 壯于趾,其孚窮也。
Strength in the feet, because its captivation is exhaustible.
Nine Second: Aligning Toward Completion auspicious.
- 象傳: 九二貞吉,以中也。
Nine Second Aligning Toward Completion auspicious, On account of using centrality.
Nine Third: Small people make use of strength, a noble person makes use of a weaving and netting, Aligning Toward Completion making effort to get through danger. A ram collides with a hedge, entangling its horns.
- 象傳: 小人用壯,君子罔也。
Small people making use of strength, has to do with a noble person making use of weaving and netting.
Nine Fourth: Aligning Toward Completion auspicious regret vanishes, The hedge breaks open dis-entangling, Strength comes from the great carriage chassis' axle mounts.
- 象傳: 藩決不羸,尚往也。
The hedge breaks open disentangling, on account of putting going ahead.
Six Fifth: Losing the ram vis-a-vis change, without regret.
- 象傳: 喪羊于易,位不當也。
Losing the ram vis-a-vis change, implying the position is unsuitable.
Top Six: Ram collides with a hedge, it cannot go back, it cannot go forward, without place for Advantageous Culmination, with difficult work comes good fortune.
- 象傳: 不能退,不能遂,不祥也。艱則吉,咎不長也。
It cannot go back, it cannot go forward, implying an unfavorable omen. With difficult work comes good fortune, having to do with the bad fortune not worsening.
35 ䷢ Pushing Forward
Pushing Forward: The Prince of Kang (opens in a new tab) makes use of being awarded a horse to breed many more, three receptions in a single day.
- 象傳: 明出地上,晉;君子以自昭明德。
Light emerging from within the earth, Pushing Forward; A noble person uses the virtuous light of self-illumination.
Beginning Six: Like pushing forward, then getting pushed backward, Aligning Toward Completion auspicious. Ensnaring captivation, enrichment without blame.
- 象傳: 晉如,摧如;獨行正也。裕无咎;未受命也。
Like pushing forward, then getting pushed backward; on account of acting according to standards on one's own. Enrichment without blame; on account of not yet receiving a mandate.
Six Second: Like pushing forward, then sadness, Aligning Toward Completion auspicious. Here accepting position as a go-between favorable, with regard to one's queen mother.
- 象傳: 受玆介福,以中正也。
Here accepting position as a go-between beneficial, on account of using centering and rectification.
Six Third: The masses trust, losing remorse.
- 象傳: 眾允之,志上行也。
The masses trust this, on account of the heart's purpose moving up.
Nine Fourth: Like the Pushing Forward of a large rodent, Aligning Toward Completion making effort to get through danger.
- 象傳: 碩鼠貞厲,位不當也。
A large rodent Aligning Toward Completion making effort to get through danger, on account of the position being unsuitable.
Six Fifth: Losing remorse, Do not worry over the loss of ability, going to is auspicious, without dis-Advantageous Culmination.
- 象傳: 失得勿恤,往有慶也。
Do not worry over the loss of ability, on account of going to having favor.
Top Nine: Pushing Forward its horns, Upholding making use of attacking the capital, Making effort to get through danger auspicious without blame, Aligning Toward Completion disgraceful.
- 象傳: 維用伐邑,道未光也。
Upholding making use of attacking the capital, implying this course is without illumination or glory.
36 ䷣ Subduing of Light
Subduing of Light: Advantageous Culmination with difficult Aligning Toward Completion.
- 象傳: 明入地中,明夷;君子以蒞眾,用晦而明。
Light entering into Earth, Subduing of Light; A noble person uses this to merge with the multitude, having used up the darkness to the last lunar night, then light.
Beginning Nine: Light Injured while flying, Drooping one's wings. A noble person decides to move, three days without acceptance, having a place to go, those with influence have occasion for gossip.
- 象傳: 君子于行,義不食也。
A noble person decides to move, on account of not accepting social responsibilities.
Six Second: Subduing of Light, Subduing arriving at the left thigh, availing oneself to rescue by a strong horse, auspicious.
- 象傳: 六二之吉,順以則也。
Six Second's auspiciousness, has to do with compliance by means of conformity.
Nine Third: The Subduing of Light arriving on the southern hunt, Attaining its great apex, it must not rush Aligning Toward Completion.
- 象傳: 南狩之志,乃大得也。
The heart's purpose on the southern hunt, has to do with there acquiring great control.
Six Fourth: Infiltrating at the left side of the belly, acquiring the Subdued Light's heart-mind, emerging from the main hall gate.
- 象傳: 入于左腹,獲心意也。
Infiltrating at the left side of the belly, has to do with acquiring the regard of the heart-mind.
Six Fifth: JiZi (opens in a new tab)'s Subdued Light, Advantageous Culmination Aligning Toward Completion.
- 象傳: 箕子之貞,明不可息也。
JiZi's Aligning Toward Completion, because the light must not give up.
Top Six: No light the last lunar night, First climbing to heaven, after entering into the earth.
- 象傳: 初登于天,照四國也。後入于地,失則也。
First, climbing to heaven, on account of radiating light in four territories. After, entering into the earth, on account of forfeiting the standard.
37 ䷤ Family
Family: Advantageous Culmination in women Aligning Toward Completion.
- 象傳: 風自火出,家人;君子以言有物,而行有恆。
Wind issuing from fire, Family; A noble person uses this to talk about what is going on with things, and then act with constancy.
Beginning Nine: The gate at home is shut, remorse disappears.
- 象傳: 閑有家,志未變也。
The gate at home is shut, on account of the heart's will not adapting to changes.
Six Second: Not having a place to progress to, residing at the center maintaining and nurturing, Aligning Toward Completion auspicious.
- 象傳: 六二之吉,順以巽也。
Six Second's auspiciousness, is on account of accommodating and complying with by means of gentle adaptability.
Nine Third: Strictness and scolding in the family, regret, making effort to get through danger auspicious; a married woman exclaiming and laughing, ultimately shameful.
- 象傳: 家人嗃嗃,未失也;婦子嘻嘻,失家節也。
Strictness and scolding in the family, on account of still not giving up on; A married woman exclaiming and laughing, on account of giving up on moderation.
Six Fourth: The household is blessed, Great fortune.
- 象傳: 富家大吉,順在位也。
The household is blessed great fortune, on account of accommodation to the position that is held.
Nine Fifth: Kingship depends upon having a household, do not heartache, going toward is auspicious.
- 象傳: 王假有家,交相愛也。
Kingship depends upon having a household, has to do with exchange of mutual partiality.
Top Nine: Having captivation as if authoritarian, concluding things auspicious.
- 象傳: 威如之吉,反身之謂也。
The auspiciousness of being authoritarian like, on account of countering personally by speaking to.
40 ䷧ Solution
Solution: Advantageous Culmination SouthWest, without a place to go, its coming back auspicious. Having a place to go, earlier better.
- 象傳: 雷雨作,解;君子以赦過宥罪。
Thunder and rain (a thunderstorm) commence, Solution; A noble person uses this to set aside punishment for transgressions and forgive those with blame.
The SouthWest is not a direction to move toward, but the direction of emptiness and Kun ☷. When solving a problem, at first one settles into it. The knot is explored and felt into - there is no place to go, so one continues coming back and opening things up. Then the solution presents itself and there is a place to go, so go without waiting. The knot is opened enough to permit unraveling, so we proceed to untie it.
In this can be seen the noble person's use of Kun ☷ to work with those who require punishment. Using openness and emptiness, they are softly brought back into the fold as they become ready for remediation. Too, in this is seen the principle behind humanity following earth, earth following heaven, and heaven following dao. Following earth first is what gives capacity for working between earth and heaven. So when in need of solving problems, first we listen for where the solution wants to present itself.
Beginning Six: Without blame.
- 象傳: 剛柔之際,義无咎也。
Hard and soft's connection, due to its rightmindedness it is without blame.
Nine Second: Catching three foxes in the fields, obtaining a yellow arrow, Aligning Toward Completion auspicious.
- 象傳: 九二貞吉,得中道也。
Nine Second Aligning Toward Completion auspicious, on account of obtaining the middle of the way.
Six Third: Both carrying and carried by, attracting the arrival of takers, Aligning Toward Completion shameful.
- 象傳: 負且乘,亦可醜也,自我致戎,又誰咎也。
Both carrying and carried by, on account of in this case permitting shamefulness, self-fulfilling conflict, because then again who else is to blame.
Nine Fourth: Solving your thumb, friends arrive in this way captivated,.
- 象傳: 解而拇,未當位也。
Solving your thumb, because it it still not appropriately positioned.
Six Fifth: A noble person preserves by having solutions, auspicious; having captivation with regard to smaller people.
- 象傳: 君子有解,小人退也。
A noble person having solutions, because smaller people step back.
Top Six: The Duke shoots a falcon from the top of the high wall, captures it, without dis-Advantageous Culmination.
- 象傳: 公用射隼,以解悖也。
The Duke shoots a falcon, this is means for solving opposition and resolving confusion.
41 ䷨ Restraining
Restraining: There is captivation, Beginning Development auspicious, without regret, possible to Align Toward Completion, Advantageous Culmination having a place to go. How this is practiced, two round food vessels make possible offerings.
- 象傳: 山下有澤,損;君子以懲忿窒欲。
At the foot of the mountain there is marsh, Restraining; A noble person uses this to hold anger in check and block desires.
Beginning Nine: At Si Hour engaging in quickly going, without regret, consider restraining it.
- 象傳: 巳事遄往,尚合志也。
At Si Hour quickly going, on account of placing importance on joining together with the heart's purpose.
Nine Second: Advantageous Culmination Aligning Toward Completion, Pressing strongly forward inauspicious, not restraining it, enabling it.
- 象傳: 九二利貞,中以為志也。
Nine Second Advantageous Culmination Aligning Toward Completion, on account of using the basis of centrality to carry out the heart's purpose.
Six Third: With three people walking, one person conforms to restraint; with one person walking, they conform to acquiring a companion.
- 象傳: 一人行,三則疑也。
With one person walking, because with three conforming to uncertainty.
Six Fourth: Restraining its dis-ease, hurrying to send a message about the occasion for celebration, without regret.
- 象傳: 損其疾,亦可喜也。
Restraining its dis-ease, on account of there being a case for possible joy.
Six Fifth: Sometimes enabling it, not ten pairs of tortoise shells can go against it, Beginning Development auspicious.
- 象傳: 六五元吉,自上佑也。
Six Fifth Beginning Development auspicious, on account of support raising itself up.
Top Nine: Not restraining it enabling it, without regret, Aligning Toward Completion auspicious, having a place to go, acquiring a subject without a household.
- 象傳: 弗損益之,大得志也。
Not restraining it enabling it, on account of greatly achieving the heart's purpose.
42 ䷩ Enabling
Enabling: Advantageous Culmination having a place to go, Advantageous Culmination fording a large river.
- 象傳: 風雷,益;君子以見善則遷,有過則改。
Wind and Thunder, Enabling; A noble person practices displaying goodness and following change for the better, having exceeded the standard, alternating.
Beginning Nine: Advantageous Culmination effecting the carrying out of great commencement, Beginning Development auspicious, without regret.
- 象傳: 元吉无咎,下不厚事也。
Beginning Development auspicious without regret, because at the bottom not fully engaged.
Six Second: In some cases enabling it, not ten pairs of turtle shells can go against it, completely Aligning Toward Completion auspicious, a king offers it to the gods, auspicious.
- 象傳: 或益之,自外來也。
In some cases enabling it, on account of it being foreign.
Six Third: Enabling by means of unfortunate affairs, without blame. Having captivated the central movement, Proclaiming public use of the sundial.
- 象傳: 益用凶事,固有之也。
Enabling by means of unfortunate affairs, on account of firmly owning up to it.
Six Fourth: Central movement, announcing public allegiance. Advantageous Culmination practicing service following along with change for the betterment of the state.
- 象傳: 告公從,以益志也。
Announcing public allegiance, has to do with taking up enabling of the heart's purpose.
Nine Fifth: There is captivation of kind-heartedness, do not question Beginning Development auspicious. Having captivation of kindness it is I who am blessed.
- 象傳: 有孚惠心,勿問之矣。惠我德,大得志也。
There is captivation of kind-heartedness, do not question this now. Kindness blesses me, on account of greatly acquiring the heart's purpose.
Top Nine: In no instance enabling it, In some cases confronting it, Taking a stand of the heart without constancy, inauspicious.
- 象傳: 莫益之,偏辭也。或擊之,自外來也。
In no instance enabling it, because of sideways explanations. In some cases confronting it, on account of it being foreign.
45 ䷬ Assembling
Assembling: Gathering Maturity. Kingship depends upon having an ancestral temple, Advantageous Culmination perceiving the great person, Gathering Maturity, Advantageous Culmination Aligning Toward Completion. Making use of great sacrifice auspicious. Advantageous Culmination having a place to go.
- 象傳: 澤上於地,萃;君子以除戎器,戒不虞。
Marsh above in regards to earth, assembling; A noble person uses this to set aside weapons, taking precaution against the unexpected.
Making use of great sacrifice refers to how what is gathered is then spent so as to provide for and improve upon. This is the role of the virtue of Gathering Maturity - as it gathers, it matures. As it becomes mature, it begins to reach its moment of Advantageous Culmination. Assembling is the gathering into position so that it can accomplish something. Like investing energy into the ancestral temple, so that one may commune with the ancestors and immortals and divine the way that leads harmoneously forward for the kingdom and its people. Thus the energy of the summer sacrifice is made for the people.
Sacrificing animals can be easily seen today to represent crude wastefulness of life. Some believe that this phenomena, found in many ancient cultures, is an form of atonement with nature for allowing humanity to domestical wild animals. Thus what has been claimed from nature is sacrificed so that its energies may appease the spirits and atone for the imbalances created by the domestication of what had been natural.
In modern times, this type of sacrifice is like a company announcing a new product in a flashy ceremony. They invested a lot to gether something together, but then announcing it to the public is an extra effort. An expensive display is put on and this helps people to connect with the new product and hype it up. Or this is like a New Year's celebration. The parties are fancier and made more special, people stay out longer and party harder, investing their life force more into making the moment special. Or like a marriage celebration, where this and that investment is made to make the bonding a memorable moment for the people involved. What is invested is spent from some perspective, and yet from another carries on and on.
Beginning Six: Having captivation but not come to the end of it, thus jumbled and blurred, then assembled, like marking a single hug as an indication of favor, do not heartache, going toward is without fault.
- 象傳: 乃亂乃萃,其志亂也。
Thus jumbled and blurred, then assembled, on account of their heart's purpose being jumbled and blurred.
Six Second: Drawing through auspicious, without fault, captivation and then Advantageous Culmination making use of the summer offering.
- 象傳: 引吉无咎,中未變也。
Drawing through auspicious without fault, on account of having centrality and being without alternation.
Six Third: Like assembling, then sighing, without a place for Advantageous Culmination, going to without blame, a little shame.
- 象傳: 往无咎,上巽也。
Going to without blame, on account of rising up with gentleness and obedience.
This is like not expecting to see a show, but happening upon it anyway. It may not be to one's taste, but one accomodates and flows along with the timing.
Nine Fourth: Highly auspicious, without blame.
- 象傳: 大吉无咎,位不當也。
Highly auspicious without blame, because its position is inappropriate for it.
Thus Fourth Yang is able to work with what is starting to draw together and help to lead it toward Fifth Yang's central gathering, yet it remains without blame due to it not being the central focus. This is also like an opening act, or someone who is working the crowd as they introduce the main attraction. Line 4 is not what people have come for, but is able to auspiciously gather together for maximum effect.
Nine Fifth: Assembling with position, without calamity. It is not yet captivated, Beginning Development all the way to Aligning Toward Completion, misfortune disappears.
- 象傳: 萃有位,志未光也。
Assembling with position, because the goal is not yet illuminated.
Top Six: Provided with discouragement and heartache, weeping and bawling, without blame.
- 象傳: 齎咨涕洟,未安上也。
Provided with discouragement and heartache, weeping and bawling, on account of not yet settling down so as to secure the top.
In any case, when the timing has reached its limit, it is good to let it go and move on, so that one may tap into what happens next.
46 ䷭ Rising Up
Beginning Development Gathering Maturity, Employing perceiving the Great Person, Never worry, A southern pressing strongly forward auspicious.
- 象傳: 地中生木,升;君子以順德,積小以高大。
Within the earth exists wood, Rising up; Noble people employ conforming to virtuous power, Storing up the small to make into the lofty and great.
Beginning Six: Welcomed to rise up, greatly auspicious.
- 象傳: 允升大吉,上合志也。
Welcomed to rise up, greatly auspicious, because rising up brings together the heart's purpose.
Nine Second: Captivation following the Advantageous Culmination employed by the Summer Offering, without regret.
- 象傳: 九二之孚,有喜也。
Nine Second's captivation, on account of having something to celebrate.
Nine Third: Rising into an empty city.
- 象傳: 升虛邑,无所疑也。
Rising into an empty city, on account of letting there be no place for doubts.
Six Fourth: The king uses Gathering Maturity in regards to Mount Qi, auspicious without regret.
- 象傳: 王用亨于岐山,順事也。
The king uses Gathering Maturity in regards to Mount Qi, on account of complying with affairs.
Six Fifth: Aligning Toward Completion auspicious, Rising up the rungs.
- 象傳: 貞吉升階,大得志也。
Aligning Toward Completion auspicious rising up the rungs, on account of greatly satisfying the heart's purpose.
Top Six: Unseen rising up, Advantageous Culmination not pausing this Aligning toward Completion.
- 象傳: 冥升在上,消不富也。
Unseen rising up exists at the top, on account of disappearing with no wealth.
52 ䷳ Stillness
Stillness. Keeping its spine still, not laying claim to the body, engaging its inner court, not perceiving its people, without blame.
- 象傳: 兼山,艮;君子以思不出其位。
Two mountains together, Stillness; A noble person uses this to consider whether to emerge from their position.
Beginning Six: Keeping its feet still, without blame, Advantageous Culmination in extended and long lasting Aligning Toward Completion.
- 象傳: 艮其趾,未失正也。
Keeping its feet still, on account of still not forfeiting what is proper.
Six Second: Keeping its calves still, not arousing its following along with things, its heart not quickening to pleasure and cheer.
- 象傳: 不拯其隨,未退聽也。
Not arousing its following along with things, on account of not yet withdrawing from listening.
Second Yin's last bit, 其心不快, could be literally translated as "its heart not pleased/cheerful". Kuai 快 seems to have a deeper meaning behind it. The characters combined here are 'heart-mind' and the character for hexagram 43, a parting of ways with something. So something related to the heart-mind being having a parting in some way. Which then becomes the classical definition of experiencing pleasure, being pleased, cheerful. As this meaning evolves into modern times it becomes "rapid, quick, speedy, prompt". So we see the relation between the heart having pleasure and cheer, and it beating rapidly, and this representing a parting of ways.
When one's "heart is on one's tongue", we know that we are acting based on our emotions - the heart might be beating more quickly, we might have lots of feelings going on, and they are pulling us in a certain direction, which is likely a parting from stillness and composure.
Thus line three is telling us that the heart ought to remain still and not allow itself to bubble up into joyousness. It sticks to being composed and grounded and stable.
So the meaning here relates to not allowing the heart to bubble up into having feelings of joy and pleasure. From the daoist perspective, the heart easily becomes distracted by feelings and senses. Some of these we like, some we don't like. But it is easy to get lost in them. Meanwhile, by keeping still, the heart is grounded and at peace. Still and at peace, the heart is content and not pulling us too and fro as we chase after pleasures.
Nine Third: Keeping the reach beyond its threshold still, aligning its reverence, making effort to get through danger dominating the thoughts and feelings.
- 象傳: 艮其限,危薰心也。
Keeping the reach beyond its threshold still, on account of danger dominating the thoughts and feelings.
Dominating the thoughts and feelings here is literally the image of smoke or a scent or a cloud of something coloring the heart-mind. Here, Third Yang is focused on holding things together in its role as the containing line of mountains containing dynamic. When it becomes activated, it needs to actively restrain itself so that its role is maintained. This is the danger it is navigating - the need to remain composed. Thus, even as it touches the upper trigram, it remains focused on the lower trigram dynamic. In this way it keeps the reach beyond its threshold still.
Most translators use 限 to represent a body part, say the hips or loin, that comes between the calves (Second Yin) and body (Fourth Yin) in the order of body parts that are being kept still. Even though there is no evidence for this being a definition. The question ought to be raised - Sixth Yang does not name a body part. Why should Third Yang have to name a body part? Both of these lines are at the top of their respective trigram and functioning in a similar role.
Therefore, working from the definition of 限 as a limit or boundary, as in the threshold over a doorway, works just fine in this context, and adds context to the notion of making effort to get through this particular danger it faces.
Between the lower trigram and the upper trigram, we cross from the inner dynamic into the outer dynamic. Just as Hexagram 15's Third Yang is able to engage in humility because it keeps its substance beneath the surface, contained within the inner trigram dynamic and not revealed to the outer trigram dynamic.
Six Fourth: Keeping its torso still, without blame.
- 象傳: 艮其身,止諸躬也。
Keeping its torso still, on account of bringing all of the torso to a halt.
Six Fifth: Keeping its cheekbones still, speaking has an order of progression, regret vanishes.
- 象傳: 艮其輔,以中正也。
Keeping its cheekbones still, on account of using centrality and uprightness.
Top Nine: Complete stillness, auspicious.
- 象傳: 敦艮之吉,以厚終也。
Complete stillness's auspiciousness, on account of arriving at a substantial conclusion.
53 ䷴ Gradually Advancing
Gradually Advancing: A woman marrying has good fortune, Advantageous Culmination Aligning Toward Completion.
- 象傳: 山上有木,漸;君子以居賢德,善俗。
A mountain top holds wood, Gradually Advancing; A noble person uses position to be worthy of virtuous power, benevolent conventions.
Beginning Six: Wild Geese gradually advancing to the base, the younger ones making effort to get through danger, there is scolding, not having regret.
- 象傳: 小子之厲,義无咎也。
The making effort to get through danger of the younger ones, has to do with responsibility for being without regret.
Six Second: Wild geese gradually advancing to boulders, eating and drinking satisfied and content, good fortune.
- 象傳: 飲食衎衎,吉,不素飽也。
Eating and drinking satisfied and content, good fortune, not due to simply eating to fullness.
Nine Third: Wild geese gradually advancing to a level way, A husband goes to contest and does not come back, A wife becomes pregnant but does not give birth, misfortune; Advantageous Culmination resisting and repelling that which robs from.
- 象傳: 夫征不復,離群醜也。婦孕不育,失其道也。利用御寇,順相保也。
A husband goes to contest and does not come back, because abandoning the group is shameful. A wife becomes pregnant but does not give birth, due to losing its way. Advantageous Culmination making use of governing and controlling that which robs from, on account of conforming to mutual safeguarding.
Six Fourth: Wild geese gradually advance to the trees, in some cases attaining their perch, without regret.
- 象傳: 或得其桷,順以巽也。
In some cases attaining their perch, due to following the operation of flexibility.
Nine Fifth: Wild geese gradually advancing to a rise, A wife for three years not pregnant, Concluding the absence of chance, it is overcome and able to be borne, good fortune.
- 象傳: 終莫之勝,吉;得所愿也。
Concluding the absence of chance, it is overcome and able to be borne, good fortune, due to attaining the position devoted to.
Top Nine: Wild geese gradually advancing to a level way, their feathers permissible to be used for conducting ceremonial rites, good fortune.
- 象傳: 其羽可用為儀,吉;不可亂也。
Their feathers permissible to be used for conducting ceremonial rites, good fortune; because it must not be disorderly.
54 ䷵ A Younger Sister Marrying
A Younger Sister Marrying: Pressing strongly forward inauspicious, not having a hasty placement auspicious.
- 象傳: 澤上有雷,歸妹;君子以永終知敝。
Marsh going up with Thunder, A Younger Sister Marrying; A noble person uses patience all the way to the end to have mastery over that which uses things up.
Beginning Nine: A Younger sister marrying into a subordinate place in the household, treading capacity impaired, auspicious to press strongly forward.
- 象傳: 歸妹以娣,以恆也。跛能履吉,相承也。
A Younger sister marrying into a subordinate place in the household, has to do with taking up something long lasting. Treading capacity impaired auspiciously, on account of mutual receptivity.
Nine Second: Squinting so as to regard and evaluate, Advantageous Culmination for the person secluded in concentration Aligning Toward Completion.
- 象傳: 利幽人之貞,未變常也。
Advantageous Culmination for the person secluded in concentration Aligning Toward Completion, Due to not alternating steady constancy.
Six Third: A younger sister marrying with expectation and neediness, annulment and marrying instead into a subordinate position in the household.
- 象傳: 歸妹以須,未當也。
A younger sister marrying with expectation and neediness, because this is inappropriate.
Nine Fourth: A Younger Sister Marrying reaches past the expected timing, delaying marriage for the right opportunity.
- 象傳: 愆期之志,有待而行也。
The heart's reason for reaching past the expected timing, is on account of there being waiting on, attending, entertaining, then having done this, acting.
Six Fifth: Emperor Di Yi's Younger Sister Marrying, the sleeve of her gentleman, not close to the quality of the sleeves of her younger sisters in law, the moon is nearly to its fullness, auspicious.
- 象傳: 帝乙歸妹,不如其娣之袂良也。其位在中,以貴行也。
Emperor Di Yi's Younger Sister Marrying, has to do with not being close to the quality of the sleeves of her younger sisters in law. His position is located centrally, due to using estimable and honorable conduct.
Top Six: An unmarried woman receiving an offering without substance, the unmarried man slaughters a sheep without blood, not having a hasty placement is auspicious.
- 象傳: 上六无實,承虛筐也。
Top Six is without substance, on account of receiving an empty offering.
59 ䷺ Diffusion
Diffusion: Developing Maturation. Ruling as a king depends upon having a temple, Advantageous Culmination fording a large river, Advantageous Culmination Aligning Toward Completion.
- 象傳: 風行水上,渙;先王以享于帝立廟。
Wind active above water, Diffusion; Kings of old use this by establishing a temple for offering to the divine.
Beginning Six: Borrowing rescue from a strong horse, auspicious.
- 象傳: 初六之吉,順也。
Beginning Six's auspiciousness, on account of following and going with the flow.
Nine Second: Diffusion hastening toward its opportunity, losing misfortune.
- 象傳: 渙奔其机,得愿也。
Diffusion hastening toward its opportunity, on account of obtaining hope.
Six Third: Diffusing its ego-self, without regret.
- 象傳: 渙其躬,志在外也。
Diffusing its ego-self, on account of the heart's purpose extending beyond itself.
Six Fourth: Diffusing its flock, Beginning Development auspicious. Diffusing possession of farmlands and gravesites, It is not for outsiders to think about.
- 象傳: 渙其群,元吉;光大也。
Diffusing its flock, Beginning Development auspicious; On account of illuminating greatly.
Nine Fifth: Diffusion sweating out its largess, Diffusion governing as a King from a central position of authority, without blame.
- 象傳: 王居无咎,正位也。
Governing as a king from a central position of authority without blame, because it is correctly positioned.
Top Nine: Diffusing its blood-ties, departing and going far away, without blame.
- 象傳: 渙其血,遠害也。
Diffusing its blood-ties, on account of separating from harmful troubles.
60 ䷻ Regulation
Regulation: Gathering Maturity. Troubled regulation must not Align Toward Completion.
- 象傳: 澤上有水,節;君子以制數度,議德行。
Above marsh is a supply of water, Regulation; A noble person uses this to work from a design by evaluating the measurements, assessing virtuous conduct.
Beginning Nine: Not coming out of the residence's inner doorway, without blame.
- 象傳: 不出戶庭,知通塞也。
Not coming out of the residence's inner doorway, on account of perceiving all the way through to where things are dammed up.
Second Nine: Not coming out of the residence's outer doorway, inauspicious.
- 象傳: 不出門庭,失時極也。
Not coming out of the residence's outer doorway, on account of forfeiting opportunity's peak.
Six Third: Like not regulating, but then sighing in despair, without blame.
- 象傳: 不節之嗟,又誰咎也。
Not regulating's sigh of despair, because then again who could be blamed?
Six Fourth: Stable and secure regulation, Gathering Maturity.
- 象傳: 安節之亨,承上道也。
Stable and secure regulation's Gathering Maturity, on account of undertaking the way of what is above.
Nine Fifth: Appealing and pleasant regulation, auspicious; going is given precedence.
- 象傳: 甘節之吉,居位中也。
Appealing and pleasant regulation's auspiciousness, on account of occupying a central position.
Top Six: Troubled regulation, Aligning Toward Completion inauspicious, misfortune is undone.
- 象傳: 苦節貞凶,其道窮也。
Troubled regulation Aligning Toward Completion inauspicious, on account of its way reaching the limit.