Unchanging Hexagrams

The Xici Zhuan says:


However we look at Qian [the embodiment of all yang-ness],
Its stillness is due to being entirely concentrated on focused compaction,
Its activity is due to straightening so as to meet things head on, directly,
Consequently greatness originates in this.


However we look at Kun [the embodiment of all yin-ness],
Its stillness is due to gathering together in closing itself,
Its activity is due to opening itself up to development and expansion,
Consequently its vastness originates in this.

In this we see that in stillness Yang-ness is concentrated but not engaging, and Yin-ness is closed and not open to receive.

So when working with Unchanging Hexagrams as results of our divinations, it may help to see them from this perspective of stillness. None of the lines are activated, and therefore there is no activity in the hexagram.

This implies that whatever meaning the hexagram is shaping around is stable and inherent in some sense.

Yang opens Yin; Yin completes yang.

Closing up the doorway speaks of kun (the embodiment of all yin);
Opening the doorway for use and development speaks of qian (the embodiment of all yang);
This closing up, this breaking open, speaks of alternation;

When there is no opening, yin remains closed, and yang remains still. And the state of change rests in the circumstances of its current configuration.

Jiaoshi's Yilin is a mysterious Han era text that endeavors to provide a verse for every possible divination outcome. So it provides 4096 verses, and among them many are duplicates.

This includes verses for the unchanging hexagrams. As can be seen, these verses follow the principle of still yang and closed yin.

For example, in hexagram ䷫ 44 we have 1 yin arising beneath 5 gathered yangs. It is an erosive force, and can lead to the undoing of all that the 5 yangs have gathered. Thus we are warned to not engage with its potency.

However, the Yilin's unchanging verse informs us that the ferry is closed and there is no possibility of meeting.

The Yellow River God widely proclaims,
The ford cannot be crossed.
Going to, then coming back, so consequently,
With this one is without great misfortune.

Thus even if yin attempts to find a way forward, it is denied.

This shows how unchanging hexagrams carry slightly different meanings than we might expect from just reading the hexagram statements and their commentaries.

And in this case, the misfortune of erosion's potency is able to be avoided, because of being turned away from moving forward. If one cannot encounter erosion, erosion cannot unfold.

It is not always quite so simple however. For at times, we might have an assembly, as in hexagram 45. Here it is in lines 4 and 5 that we assemble toward.

Tightly bound favor accorded by heaven receiving blessing,
possessing that which acquires virtue.
Not beneficial to go out of the wall,
exhausted person obstructed by thorns.

Here it can be seen that in the unchanging state, it is auspicious to be within the assembly, and inauspicious to be outside of it.

As ever with the Yi, it is important to carefully consider the subtleties.

Below are the 64 Unchanging Hexagram verses from Jiaoshi's Yilin.

Jiaoshi's Yilin's Unchanging Hexagram Verses

1 ䷀ Qian

Qian 乾 Unchanging
The Embodiment of All Yang-ness, Unchanging


A path ascends the rocky slope,
the foreigners' language broken obstruction.
Interpreters both dumb and deaf,
no messenger with a way that goes through.
Requesting permission for audience impossible,
seeking to negotiate in vain.

Still yang. All potential. Without expression. Dense and blocked up. Not interested in affairs of others. Like a crowd of 80,000 people standing to watch a concert. Hardly any room to move between them, and fortunately they're all still, or all chaos would break loose. No getting through, but there is also something potent that is present, even if it remains unfathomable.

2 ䷁ Kun

Kun 坤 Unchanging
The Embodiment of All Yin-ness, Unchanging


No wind, no rain, daylight clear and bright.
Apt for going forth and accelerating quickly,
gaining passage through to one's destination
with the edge of advantage of the great way.

Closed yin. Posing no obstacle to that which passes through. Like how the hard packed earth of a road is good for moving quickly. Thus, this can be used to travel forward with something quickly - however, this also means that if one is desiring to catch upon something, to open it up, that it is likely to be closed to us. Nothing to get in our way, but nothing to receive us either.

3 ䷂ Difficulty Beginning

Zhun 屯 Unchanging


Troops traveling to far off Da Yuan (opens in a new tab),
going north from the Yu Men Pass (opens in a new tab).
Granting border raids and skirmishes to the northern foreigners,
pacifying walled cities on the road to the west,
by the seventh day provisions are exhausted,
bodies few, not brought to completion.

This refers to the first expedition of the Han Chinese in the War of the Heavenly Horses (opens in a new tab). This expedition relied on supplies from the desert Oasis settlements, which refused to provide for the armies and they needed to attack them. If the attacks lasted more than a few days, the army had to move on. By the time the expedition had reached Da Yuan too many troops had died to continue.
The seventh day refers to the limit of the hexagram, where the six lines have culminated and the seventh marks going past the limit.
Here in difficulty beginning, the way forward is unable to find its opening and quickly becomes exhausted in its efforts. Yang opens yin; yin completes yang. If yin and yang are unable to open, then the cycle cannot begin, let alone attain completion.

4 ䷃ Incubation of Innocence

Meng 蒙 Unchanging


What plant does not yellow,
Reaching late summer and culminating its way.
Separating from and passing beyond the home and family,
Deep sadness felt weighing on the heart-mind.

Yellow (huang 黃) and way (xuan 玄) are associated with earth and heaven. Yellow is the color of centrality. Xuan is a subtle translucence that is clear, but might appear black, as in looking at water. It is used at times like dao, perhaps akin to the mystery of the way of things. Heart-mind (xin 心) is just that. The container of the spirit, where feelings are born and branch out into thoughts. Where senses take in and are processed to become feelings. Where the sage empties people's heart-minds of the above so that their being-ness may become filled in the receptivity of spiritual clarity.
Here we have an incubation chamber, sealed by mountain above, the water below containing the life force. The yin lines represent ways where incubation fails, but also the yin that is open to contain the fluids that nurture the yang in line 2. But with yin still, it is closed. And the vitality that nurtured yang's life force used up. The container that supports yang thus reaches its completion and separation ensues. The culmination of the lifecycle of a plant that yellows in the late summer is a death. Its mature fruits leave behind seeds for the next cycle, and it whithers and dries. The culmination of the way of any being may arrive at death. And then there is the resulting sorrow when their spirit parts from their families and homes. Thus is represented the culmination and ending of a stage, where something has run its course and passed beyond. And we come to terms with the feelings of loss.
This does not always need to mean death, but more generally refers to the ending of something due to exhaustion, depletion, or inadequate resources. A job that is no longer serving one's needs to pay the bills. A relationship with something or someone that can no longer be sustained. The suffering of a lack of resources to continue on in some direction in life. Exhausting the good graces of someone. The plan or goal that is not able to be funded or supported to its end.

5 ䷄ Waiting

Xu 需 Unchanging


A longstanding drought of three years,
plants and trees not growing and living.
Sacrificial container empty of its sacrificial grain,
lacking means to provide spiritual potency.

6 ䷅ Contention

Song 訟 Unchanging


Steering a boat to take the lead,
even if arrested there is nothing to be troubled over.
Xi Wangmu on good terms with the Dao,
trials and tribulations do not result in disaster.

7 ䷆ The Army

Shi 師 Unchanging


A raven caws calling its young,
To feed using fermented bits of predigested meat.
A tall wagon that delays,
A person going to pledge allegiance to their mother.
A thrifty person achieves accomplishment,
Over the years having great possession,
A jealous older woman is childless.

Here we see four examples of the hexagram dynamic, wherein the 2nd yang line gathers and guards its strength using caution and care, leveraging safety via what it gathers around itself. The raven feeds its young predigested meat - a good source of protein for the young, but first it needs to consolidate the nutrients in a form the young can better palate by predigesting it. Our wagon is about to set off, yet delays, so the person can strengthen their bond with their source, their mother, helping to preserve the strength of the bond despite them leaving on a journey. The thrifty person is able to gain, because they stop when enough is enough, therefore they always have more than enough. All the more so as the years of their life pass. Our last line shows that this inherent dynamic of Guarded Gathering can also have the opposite effect - in gathering envy or desire around us, we isolate ourselves from the ability to gather what we desire. Thus are we wise to take care in what we gather to ourselves.

8 ䷇ Accord

Bi 比 Unchanging


A deer acquiring the best quality grasses,
Bleating to call its companions.
Nine generations harmonious and friendly,
Without anxiety about hunger or lack of food.
The eldest son passes into the earth prison,
On Frost's Descent (Oct 23 - Nov 6th) the family mourns.

"Frost's Descent" is the Solar Term that begins the Scorpio month and Stripping Away ䷖. This time of year is often associated with the dead. Inherent Closeness is overall positive in its sharing of mutual support side by side with family. However when the timing coincides with the omens of death, inherent Closeness shows another side, wherein the bonds with family persist beyond death. In Closeness we attend too, to those who have passed on.

9 ䷈ Simple Cultivation

Xiao Xu 小畜 Unchanging


A white bird holding in mouth bait to lure,
Chirping to call its young;
Shifting positions on twigs and spreading open wings,
Coming to follow their mother.
First, second, third, and youngest,
Weakly aspiring to undertaking the task.

What cannot be developed appropriately using great restraints, may be coaxed and guided into development by using subtler measures.

10 ䷉ Treading

Lu 履 Unchanging


Ten ravens altogether take flight,
Master archer Hou Yi (opens in a new tab) catches the nine weaker,
Even if catching and obtaining all of them,
On the one hand frightened, on the other not endangered.

The legend of Hou Yi says that he was tasked with reining in the 10 Suns (sons of the Jade Emperor) that had all decided to come out and play at once and caused the earth to become scorched. After pleading with them, then threatening them with his archery, Hou Yi then begins to shoot them down, all but the last one. The fallen became three-legged ravens. Thus, even if frightened, they were not endangered. The three-legged raven (opens in a new tab) is an ancient Chinese immortal mythological sun creature.
This fits with the theme of treading on the tail of the tiger without getting bit. Lake often represents the youngest daughter, while Heaven represents the father - the father is often quite tolerant of the youngest daughter, even when she oversteps. Both are metal, and the one is learning to receive the wisdom of the other. Here, the safety of the treader is likely, even if they find themselves overstepping what is proper. The three-legged raven is also said to be one of the helpers of Xi Wangmu.

11 ䷊ Tranquility

Tai 泰 Unchanging


Looking for Jade in the Chen territory,
delaying reunion with the eastern state;
staying for my sovereign's grandchild,
the fourth moon arriving once more;
the lord in charge possessed with virtue,
enveloping kindness sustaining good fortune.

Here, Yang-ness has achieved balance with Yin, like the light of dawn having become bright enough to see, and yet the sun still not having risen. The state of tranquility stretches on, for this balance has become still and unchanging and nothing can undo it. Thus the delaying and the staying much longer than anticipated, in pursuit of jade, the dreamy stone of completion. Like a dream that stretches on and on.

12 ䷋ Stoppage

Pi 否 Unchanging


Qin carried out cruelty and ruthlessness,
rendering unto the Jin State a contention for dominance;
entirely consuming its territory and rule,
calling himself the first imperial.

Here, Yin-ness has achieved balance with Yang-ness, and this particular Yin-ness has become corrupt and created an obstacle. Now the state of things are stopped and the blockage persists. Those who see the blockage gather their resolve, even as the tyrant consolidates their reign, and reinforces the blockage. The impasse is maintained without change allowing the balance to shift.

13 ䷌ Fellowship with Others

Tong Ren 同人 Unchanging


Secretly packing to the mountain top,
Melting together weapon tips and reforging blades.
Revealing the vision that they will not again be used the same way,
Heaven descending widely encourages this.

14 ䷍ Great Possession

Da You 大有 Unchanging


The White Tiger bares its teeth,
Forcefully advancing to strike the eastern coming.
The Vermilion Bird presses to the forefront,
Praising the Dao and explaining the theories;
People who opposed now request permission to bear responsibility,
Holding jade bi ahead and hasting toward their covenants.

The White Tiger represents the Western direction, and Metal. The Eastern direction represents Wood. The Vermilion bird represents the Southern direction and Fire.
Metal likes to control Wood. It is like a manager having people to manage. Metal governs the phase of differentiating, judging, determining what is right. It is doing this for the purpose of determining how to condense itself after things have expanded. Ultimately this simply requires acceptance, but Metal easily becomes stuck in judging and over-thinking things. Rather than surrendering to return to water, it continuously attacks Wood, so that it may have more energy to control. And so that Wood's growth is governed and checked, not allowed to become impulsive and unruly. Fire on the other hand controls metal. One way might be like melting it in a furnace. But Fire also represents harmony.
Here we see Fire rushing ahead of Metal's advance to strike the Wood. Fire creates harmony with both the wood and the metal by showing it the principles of the dao. Those who were originally opposed as enemies, now hold jade bi discs marking their covenant and responsibility to a higher ideal. Here we see the Great Possession inherent when peace is arrived at between those who struggle against each other.

15 ䷎ Humility

Qian 謙 Unchanging


Wangzi Qiao has no imperfection,
casually arriving at the forefront with no suffering.
Running away squandering the loss of sandals and their proper ways of treading,
giving over we attend his request and watch his departure.

16 ䷏ Excitement

Yu 豫 Unchanging


The frozen is going to melt and disperse,
the call of wild geese goes yong yong;
an able bodied son and an eldest daughter,
have permission to come together as one.
Giving birth to and raising a wise and peerless person.

17 ䷐ Following the Way

Sui 隨 Unchanging


Birdsong from east to west,
Echoing their flock in accompaniment;
Unable to act on their own,
Turning around at uninhabited wilderness and calling out when alone.

18 ䷑ Blight

Gu 蠱 Unchanging


Bream born in the Huai river,
one gradually becoming hundreds;
Densely spreading throughout the realm descended of heaven,
there are no hardships or malevolence.

Bream are bottom feeders and like Carp will stir up the silts. Hexagram 18's blight begins at the bottom. The Yilin for line 1 shows the corruption that passes to one's offspring via inheritance from the bottom up. Here, with line 1 in a still state, it cannot bring corruption and the bottom feeders thrive. Without the ability of corruption to enter and then spread, its challenges are prevented.

19 ䷒ Overseeing

Lin 臨 Unchanging


Above the weak water,
there is the Queen Mother of the West;
living without knowing old age,
united with heaven in reciprocal support.
In general undertakings are either painstaking or negligent -
the place to gain advantage is where there is rapport and suitability.

The Queen Mother of the West is associated with immortality. This shows how inherently, such a thing depends on mutual support with the forces of nature. When one is able to position oneself such that what they emit, is mutually returned, there is the potential for overseeing something that lasts long in and of itself. This is great efficacy. Here the second yang line achieves a central position and is able to oversee its within the stillness of this centrality. Where sincerity is, the way is open. Heaven and Earth naturally correspond in their stillness and emptiness.

20 ䷓ Careful Contemplation

Guan 觀 Unchanging


Beneath Mount Li,
the home of Yu Shun,
personally tilling the field and effecting filial devotion,
a reputation heard the four seas over.
Serving at the request of Yao,
continuing to succeed the seat of the Son of Heaven.

Contemplation inherent needs no pondering. One resides in simplicity. What is simple is powerful. Here one retains the central yang-ness of line 5. Even though yin has risen into the fourth position and created limitations for the yang, by remaining content within this limitation, it retains its centrality and develops itself in contemplation and humility. This development matures into wisdom.

21 ䷔ Biting Through

Shi Ke 噬嗑 Unchanging


Qilin and phoenix, favorable governing and omens of virtuosity.
Yin and yang brought into harmony and merged together, attuned,
the kingdom without natural disaster or foul play.

When action does not arise before clarity, there is potential for like vibrations to merge harmoniously.

22 ䷕ Refinement

Bi 賁 Unchanging


The government not violent and oppressive,
A pair of Phoenix coming to roost;
The four seasons compliant with the nodes of the year,
People safe in their homes.

When the light remains contained within, what adornment is needed? This is grace inherent.

23 ䷖ Stripping Away

Bo 剝 Unchanging


Moving ahead runs against the ultimate prohibitions,
opposing orders given by superiors.
Seized, detained and bound up,
arrested and made to conform by the official.
The person living in seclusion has occasion to celebrate.

One's last vestige of strength should not be squandered - here, attempting to do so discovers it is blocked in any case. Best be still. The hermit has become still and unchanging. In stillness what is nearly past its limit, cannot be stripped away. Rather than bitterly struggling against old age it gathers and consolidates what remains in stillness, and will have occasion to welcome the return.

24 ䷗ Returning

Fu 復 Unchanging


A dense regiment of soldiers attack Shang Zhouwang
[the last king of the Shang Dynasty],
[Led by Jiang Ziya and] conquering at the Battle of Muye.
Dawn of the beginning of the cycle with JiaZi's Wood and Water,
the realm descended of heaven very pleased.

The Return is a beginning. A beginning is as weak or as great as the commitment made to it. Stillness gathers greatness. Great returns come after long periods of gathering in stillness.

25 ䷘ Falselessness

Wu Wang 無妄 Unchanging


Xia Dynasty's Tai and Youli, the places where King Tang of the Shang and King Wen of Zhou were imprisoned.
Gou You hears court cases and applies reason,
The people of Qi are pleased and delighted.
Gazing westward over the esteemed country,
Returning home in the east without calamity.

26 ䷙ Profound Cultivation

Da Xu 大畜 Unchanging


The Korean expanse,
Ji's authority sustains and protects this place.
A suitable person and a suitable family,
The legacy staying with the descendants,
Seeking to be of service is greatly well-suited.

An example of a project of great domestication at work. That continued on according to the principles of its cultural shaping for a long long time.

27 ䷚ Nourishment

Yi 頤 Unchanging


Homes well supplied and people filled up,
together rising to sing the Songs of Praise.
Taking on foreigners from the four directions as honored guests,
weapons of war wrapped up and stored away.

28 ䷛ Great Excess

Da Guo 大過 Unchanging


Authoritative texts and legal documents,
Kept safe in a library on shelves with fragrant herbs.
Even encountering chaotic breakdowns,
Alone without befalling disaster.

The forces of weathering and erosion are still. What is great fears no strains or pressures because it is well secured from their influences.

29 ䷜ Suspension in Abyss

Kan 坎 Unchanging


Held to a yellow bird's leg,
Returning home to call for Ji Yu.
Attending to my Sui Yang (opens in a new tab),
Enabling punishment in battle.
Rendering good fortune accompanying action,
Having the mandate to hold for a long time.

This story revolves around the siege of Sui Yang, where Sui Yang was not helped directly, but the situation used to weaken the attacking armies while they wore themselves out with the siege. The action here that lead to Sui Yang's ability to hold without falling seems to relate to a message sent related to Ji Yu, that allowed the timely weakening of the forces that were attacking. (It is uncertain who Ji Yu was, perhaps someone close to Empress Dou.)
Here we can see the yang lines 2 and 5 as representing SuiYang and Emperor Jing, working together to withstand the dangers represented by the non-central yin lines that abound on all sides by holding fast until their rebellion has exhausted itself by their failed efforts.

30 ䷝ Coherence

Li 離 Unchanging


Mounting the six dragons at the right time,
Carrying out the highest good making use of the eastern direction,
Penetrating through destiny proclaiming an imperial edict,
There is nowhere it does not reach.

31 ䷞ Affecting

Xian 咸 Unchanging


The bird is situated alone,
returned to her original nest,
feathers thin and wan,
heart as if cold ashes.

Without the activation of yin and yang, how could affection be courted? Magnetism requires attraction and desire. The yin beneath the mountain creates no desire for the young man to venture into courtship with the young woman. Who in turn has not her heart beating rapidly due to need for navigating male attentions. A heart that is still like cold ashes is not a negative thing when it comes to internal alchemy. Charcoal is the fuel source gained when the fire was not permitted to burn to completion. Instead it becomes stable, fire returning back to wood.

32 ䷟ Constancy

Heng 恆 Unchanging


The Yellow Emperor (opens in a new tab)'s reason for being,
Fu Xi (opens in a new tab)'s veneration,
Army swords cannot reach,
The Advantageous Culmination that positions itself in stopping.

The Yellow Emperor brought medicine and the means for longevity to people. Fu Xi taught people how to cook and order themselves, and thus create balanced lives that followed the measures of heaven and earth. Yellow represents the color of the center. Gold is incorruptible. 居 is a place to situate, like a seat, where one is centered, like dwelling in a home. 止 is stopping, as in coming to a rest and ending affairs that take one away. As in finding peace.
Here the wind beneath is still and the thunder above is quiet. Thus there is innate constancy. When one roots and dwells in stillness and peace as one's constancy, not engaging in affairs, what army swords would find the way?

33 ䷠ Drawing Away From

Dun 遯 Unchanging


Three strategic passes and five sacred mountains,
Yang Cheng and Tai Shi,
Spiritual light is used for protection,
Just that without weapons and armor.

This is a reference to a saying about the natural protections of the nine-fold land of ancient China. 四嶽三塗, Four Mountains and Three Strategic Passes. Then they are listed beginning with Yang Cheng and Tai Shi and continuing on with the others, then describing the strategic passes. Only here, the Yilin references the 5 sacred daoist mountains, and turns the meaning into natural spiritual protection.
Like with 44, the yin beneath is closed and cannot encroach upon the still yang above. So it has nothing to withdraw from in order to protect itself. Its own natural spiritual brightness protects it. Without desires or temptations to ward off. Hexagram 33 relates to the creative passions we delve into with joy and delight, at the expense of our life force. This is the Leo Zodiac principle, wherein Leo is learning how to contain its inner power and great strength without the powerful release that comes in engaging with the yin in line two. So here with the unchanging hexagram those passions do not manifest, and restraint occurs naturally. Thus there is the power of the spiritual immunity that comes when yang is still and gathered in its greatness with stability.

34 ䷡ Great Strength

Da Zhuang 大壯 Unchanging


The left has biting bears,
The right has gnawing tigers,
Ahead are iron pikes,
Behind blocked by unyielding crossbows,
Impossible for one to push against.

Here the fourth line has pushed forward into the position of thunder and full of strength and vigor wishes to break free of the balances and rush forward with all the strength of the rising sun. But it finds itself stopped, as yang is no longer changing. The space above is empty, posing no obstacle, and yet its own yang force is stopped and unable to take advantage of the position's proclivity to move ahead. Like being stuck at a traffic light. Best to remain content in being stopped.

35 ䷢ Pushing Forward

Jin 晉 Unchanging


Melting down weapon tips and casting plowshares,
retiring oxen and releasing horses,
dismissing armored soldiers,
husband and wife reciprocally protect each other.

Pressing into Advancing is a type of Rising Up that carries its ego forward via promotions and performing for audiences. Here its upward pressure is stabilized and its Fire is brought back down to earth where it can let go of any agendas and be mutually at peace with the world. Imagine a world where everyone stopped drinking coffee.

36 ䷣ Subduing Light

Ming Yi 明夷 Unchanging


The heir of another mountain,
Offering fine jade to encourage enemies,
Coming to attack our settlement wall,
Injuring our flesh,
The state concerned by the agitation.

37 ䷤ Family

Jia Ren 家人 Unchanging


The heavenly mandate of destiny and the red raven,
Assisting the sovereign and following a course for a set time.
Pressing strongly forward to strike punatively does not follow the dao,
Punishing one's arrogant sovereign,
Positioned to refrain from what they were doing, what troubles could there be?

38 ䷥ Dissimilarities

Kui 睽 Unchanging


Granaries plenteous from immeasurable stacks of grain in the fields,
millet of varieties for wine and food was sown,
and this year's harvest produced extra.

When we stop focusing on what it is that creates separation between us, then everything and everyone around us becomes our bounty.

39 ䷦ Struggle

Jian 蹇 Unchanging


In sameness boarding a carriage together,
mid-way parting and separating.
Losing my first husband,
single, both unattached and set in reserve.

When Struggle finds stillness, what point in further struggling? The operation within struggle is a slow merging of lines that are already mostly in their balanced positions. Without any active change, this slow merging does not happen, so the various layers remain separate. Parting ways and going it alone. Like water flowing over a cliff, the one separates from the other.

40 ䷧ Solution

Jie 解 Unchanging


The yoked carriage advancing to go on a tour,
Birds fight in front of the carriage,
And then mutually locked in death's grip.
Warfare and mauraders come at dawn,
Turning the carriage around and quickly going back,
Enables the possibility of no concerns.

With the still state of affairs, the open road for liberation becomes blocked. Something is in the way. Best to turn back.

41 ䷨ Restraining

Sun 損 Unchanging


The road has many thorny hedge oranges,
steps stabbing one's feet.
Unfavorable for a solitary stranger,
on account of the heart-mind taking on poison.

Decreasing what is below to increase what is above, can find success via the motto 'less is more,' but when this outlook becomes stifled as in an inherent state of decrease, the heart turns into its own enemy. When what is above only takes from the little that those below have, increasingly bitter do those below become. With ever decreasing means to do anything about it, those below turn against themselves.

42 ䷩ Enabling

Yi 益 Unchanging


King Wen had four breasts,
Benevolently compassionate genuine and generous,
Rearing ten sons,
Without having their destiny cut short by mortal frailty.

Increasing what is below via nurturing from above, in an inherent state becomes a recipe for ever lasting greatness. As the hexagrams are built from what is above to what is below, taking from above to nurture what is below will ever give back as it rises up again.

43 ䷪ Cleansing From

Guai 夬 Unchanging


Esteemed sage-king Yao together with Yu the great,
Master Red Pine, Wang Zi Qiao, and Peng Zu.
Westward crossing to Xi Wangmu, the Queen Mother of the West,
The way measures evenly worn and well tended,
One is incapable of difficulty.

With that which needs to be parted from inactive, nothing bars the way for following the course of the Sages who walked the way before.

44 ䷫ Meeting With

Gou 姤 Unchanging


The Yellow River God widely proclaims,
The ford cannot be crossed.
Going to, then coming back, so consequently,
With this one is without great misfortune.

Here there is no meeting. The 5 yangs are undisturbed in their inactive slumber as the inactive yin can make no meeting. The ford is not fit to be crossed, not able to be crossed. One goes and then turns around and avoids misfortune in trying to cross what is now too much to cross. Even though there is no meeting possible here and one is turned around, better to be turned around than to push through what is not passable.

45 ䷬ Assembling

Cui 萃 Unchanging


Tightly bound favor accorded by heaven receiving blessing,
possessing that which acquires virtue.
Not beneficial to go out of the wall,
exhausted person obstructed by thorns.

The Assembly is present with the gathering of the yang lines. To not be present in the assembly is inauspicious, as one is without the support of the assembly. At times we find ourselves on one side or the other, based on what gathers us or causes our turning away.

46 ䷭ Rising Upward

Sheng 升 Unchanging


Yu the Great bore a hole in the Dragon Gate,
Giving advantageous passage to the water source.
Eastwardly flowing into the deep blue sea,
The people acquiring stability and security.

Yu is attributed with solving the problem of the river floods that plagued ancient China.
Here the rising up refers to the swelling of the river, which in stillness finds stability. Leading to the people becoming able to depend upon its character in all seasons and therefore they become stable secure. The crops and homes safe from flood waters. Able make reasonable plans for traveling across great rivers.

47 ䷮ In Difficulty

Kun 困 Unchanging


A bed of many piercing needles,
unable to sleep.
Acting then having regret,
words and deeds accompanying wrongdoing.

Constraint inherent finds itself struggling to get out of the trappings of its constrained difficulties. Whatever comes in sinks one deeper. Its lies and deeds catch up to it and its word loses value. It needs to find a way to change itself and move its heart's purpose forward again.

48 ䷯ The Well

Jing 井 Unchanging


Stumbling and becoming impaired not yet getting up,
Suffering a setback in regard to future prospects,
Not possible for the deer to have offspring.

This is like a source of vital nourishment without a pumping mechanism. The vitality may still be present, but it is in some way not being employed. Or not able to be employed.

49 ䷰ Reformation

Ge 革 Unchanging


Riding a horse using long thighs,
Appropriate for accomplishing kindness in currying favor.
Unwavering love blessed in conforming to one's mate.
Acquiring enduring indivisibility to the 5th degree.

Here the first line is the image of the thighs lengthened in almost a squat, but not low enough for the hamstrings to meet the heels. Here the chang, "thighs" is likely referencing changgui, or the so called "long kneeling" that is like this. The second line's shi could be translated as marketplace or down or meeting, but is likely to be part of shihui, which means currying favor. The Yilin always uses only 4 characters per line, and often in order to conform to this structure strictly, will imply things that would be commonly understood. Horse riders would understand here that riding a horse like this would be kind to it (as opposed to digging heels into its flanks), and it helps to showcase the meaning of the hexagram.
Fire helps to transform the contents of a cooking pot. Too much and it boils over in rebelion. Too little and nothing changes. Just the right amount, and inherently the heat and the liquid are able to merge and unify, the transformation becoming just what it needs to metamorphose into something new and shed the outer layer of what it was before.

50 ䷱ The Cauldron

Ding 鼎 Unchanging


Accumulating virtuous power's furthest reaches,
The sovereign governs with dignity and gentleness,
Yi Yin and Lu Shang as trusted aids,
The country is wealthy and the people cared for.

Quiet are the elements that create instability, thus the Cauldron's contents and helpers all are in accord to produce great medicine for the peoples.

51 ䷲ Shock

Zhen 震 Unchanging


Withered bottle gourd does not decay,
Using it advantageously as a boat to cross a great river.
Going far beyond the Yellow River to the ocean,
Without possessing concern for sinking and drowning.

Thunder's yang wood represents a type of buoyancy, like how when a ball full of air is pressed into the water it bounces back up vigorously. Or how a sound, like thunder, can be heard even through thick walls. Or how a rumor spreads far and wide. Such is the pressure of its momentum - inherently it cannot stop itself from being so.

Despite having an innate buyancy, this answer may indicate simply that we are touching upon something that floats. We may be onto something, but only partially so. We can expect it to float, be we may not know how it will float or where it is floating to. This is a similar answer to 17 line 1. We have the energy provided by thunderous buyancy, but it has not yet discerned how to follow the needs of lake above.

52 ䷳ Stillness

Gen 艮 Unchanging


The sovereign unattached and living alone,
Insubstantial and pliable with no external supports,
This designation is called: obstructing suffering.

In stillness inherent, destiny is reforged within the pressure of suffering through stillness. What is blocked becomes empty and clear, what is insufficient becomes consolidated and great. When navigating the barrier of stillness, desire to move is the suffering. When the vitality is complete, there is no more desire.

53 ䷴ Sequential Progression

Jian 漸 Unchanging


Taking leave of and departing,
The eldest son goes off with the army.
Harvesting unripe shoots of grain approaches banditry,
A widow(ed) elder living alone,
In no case effecting the seeding of new melons.

Gradual Progress is an open of slow and steady progress, wherein there may be stages of working through delays or staving off distractions, yet line 2 and 5 may eventually join and consummate their union with a pregnancy. However, with all of the lines passive, there is no movement of forward advance, and thus there is no hope for new the seeding of new life - only the temptation to feed upon the life that is barely under way.

54 ䷵ A Younger Sister Marrying

Gui Mei 歸妹 Unchanging


Impregnable and icy in yellow skirt,
A bird mourning the loss of a loved one with heavy heart.
Not perceiving the white rice,
Only seeing lamb's-quarters and wormwood.
Decreed fortune frightened by a bird of prey,
Contriving my heart's grieving.

Again with a image of movement, in its unchanging state we have no movement. Instead we have separation of that which was brought together. Our maiden is closed and in mourning, unable to see the white rice. Only able to look at the wormwood and its association with the land of the dead. Yellow is the color of centrality, and a skirt covers the lower part - in a submissive position and central role, yet now hardened and closed off; icy and impregnable. Unable to attend to that which one had become wed.

55 ䷶ Overabundance

Feng 豐 Unchanging


Child of a traveling merchant,
the framework to go through great obstacles.
Granted with a cudgel for carrying out bargaining,
not concerned about great danger.
Obtaining the edge of advantage ten fold.

The fullness here concerns Lightning and Thunder, the fullness of climactic affairs. Here we are shown one whom is raised to navigate such climax filled environments, able to reign amidst the bustle, fend of would be thieves and swindlers alike without concerns. Despite the good omens here, one better comprehend the type of strength that is required to navigate environments that are so full successfully. 'Tis not for the feint of heart. Ten fold success here exists in out-playing one's competitors. Even though as an unchanging hexagram there is something inherently expected about one's success, do not slack in the undertaking!

56 ䷷ Traveling

Lu 旅 Unchanging


Nets and traps stretched taught on all sides,
Birds without a place to land or fly.
On a punitive expedition but hard pressed to the extreme point,
Hunger reaching its end with no food.

Traveling can be fraught with challenges. One needs to adapt to where one is. Ever a guest at each change. This unchanging dynamic suggests finding no room to maneuver without pitfalls. There is a lack of a way forward. Moreover, there is no place to roost.

57 ䷸ Yielding

Xun 巽 Unchanging


Pines and cypress in the temperate mountains,
Permanently thriving without shedding leaves.
A married couple using a screen,
Attaining their happiness.

Finding means to transform what originally involved ebbs and flows into conditions allowing for permanence, privacy, and the stability sought to find anchoring amidst their honoring and complying with the winds of change.

58 ䷹ Feeling

Dui 兌 Unchanging


Coming back are the horses, the troops returned home,
Finding comfort and rest following exhausting toils.
The ruler of the men praises and commends and there is delight,
Entering households to see wives.

This hexagram involves the dynamics of instant gratification vs delayed gratification. Often, both involve the efforting involved in furthering our goals. While inherently, all that needs doing is to stop, and come back, so as to be present and receive.

59 ䷺ Dispersion

Huan 渙 Unchanging


Looking off at the prospect of good fortune but not getting there,
writings not yet reaching their purpose.
The King's son chasing down rabbits,
the dog lame and unable to get them.

Dispersal requires the ability to advance the workings of yin and yang's opening and closing. Without this movement, its efforts become ineffective at capitalizing on change.

60 ䷻ Regulation

Jie 節 Unchanging


The ocean is the ruler of water,
its keenness of perception both peerless and enlightened.
Hundreds of river currents return home to its virtue,
with no harboring of rebelliousness,
constantly sufficient, supremely complete.

There is no choice but for the river to flow into the ocean. No room for holding back the inevitable course.

61 ䷼ Inner Captivation

Zhong Fu 中孚 Unchanging


Xi! Xi! Come out! Come out!,
Heavenly fire heading below.
Burning their home's inner chamber,
Natural disaster catching up to the wife of the sovereign.


This verse refers to lady Gong Ji who perished in a fire for having the faith to dutifully wait for accompaniment, as commented on in the Zuo Zhuan (opens in a new tab). Here as introduced and translated by Durrant, Li, and Shaberg, Zuo Tradition Zuo Zhuan:

Gong Ji, whose attitude toward ritual prescriptions could not be more different from that of her mother, Mu Jiang, dies in a fire in Song because she refused to leave the palace unaccompanied. Whereas Gongyang, Guliang, Lienü zhuan, and Huainanzi all praise her exemplary modesty and decorum, Zuozhuan implies criticism of such rigid adherence to ritual propriety.

30.7(3)Someone cried at the Song Ancestral Temple, making the sounds “Xi-xi! Out! Out!” Birds sang at the altar of earth at Bo, as if saying, “Xi-xi!” On the jiawu day, the fifth day of the fifth month, there was a catastrophic fire in Song. Gong Ji died because she had been waiting for her chaperone. The noble man said of Gong Jic that she acted like a young girl, not like a married woman. A young girl should wait for others, but a married woman should attend to her duties judiciously.

Inner faith inherent, is blind faith. Faith that is unassailable and forged in steel. Nothing will sway its belief, even should it be faced with its own blindness head on. Here Gong Ji was bound to her belief in her role and dared not take it upon herself to change. Sometimes a conviction is so set in place that we won't budge, even when pressed to our limits.

62 ䷽ Minor Exceeding

Xiao Guo 小過 Unchanging


Even though originally jumpy and unsettled,
afterward turning around without harm,
accepting their occasion to celebrate.

When the elements of agitation settle, what need for anxiety or excessive emotion?

63 ䷾ Having Just Crossed Over

Ji Ji 既濟 Unchanging


The dark hare points within,
According sufficiency and completion with reciprocal dependency.
Carefully examining and investigating,
Misleading emotions are naturally faced head on.
All who proclaim death by injustice,
On account of speaking it is that harm is brought to the bodily vessel.

The dark hare is the mysterious rabbit in the moon (opens in a new tab). Dark here is 玄 Xuan, mysterious subtlety that is black but also associated with subtle heavenly light. Like light that is clear and has no emanation. Emptiness. 指掌 Zhi Zhang is the pointing at the palm to indicate something that is simple. Self-evident. In this context, what is simple is the mysterious subtlety within.
When Yang-ness and Yin-ness are merged in their proper balance, with water under fire, reciprocal transformation occurs within. What opens simultaneously closes. What closes simultaneously opens. Inexhaustible and eternal. In stillness, this is brought to completion. Examining the emotions before they arise, they are given answer to within. It is their outward projection that creates new cycles of cause and effect. This leads away from completion and one again becomes trapped in the struggle to reach sufficiency. Therefore realizing sufficiency's sufficiency constantly is enduring sufficiency. When something is complete, allow it to remain complete. Those who know don't speak; those who speak don't know.

64 ䷿ Not Yet Crossed Over

Wei Ji 未濟 Unchanging


Wholeheartedly slow and not yet pursuing,
Weak alcohol and dry rations of salted meat.
Calculating the way to make spiritual progress,
Seeking out a place to look over things from,
Rejecting the gain of big troubles.

Here rather than getting caught up in the affairs of the unsettled, one rises above their toils and prepares for the journey that leads true.