The Yi Jing | I Ching

Here the hexagram and line statements of the Zhou Yi are translated.

Additionally the commentary of the 象傳 Xiang Zhuan (The Commentary on the Symbols / Images / Sembled Forms of Change, of the "Ten Wings (opens in a new tab)") is included.

3 ䷂ Difficulty Beginning

ZhunDifficulty Beginning

Beginning Development Gathering Maturity, Advantageous Culmination Aligning Toward Completion, Do not apply having a place to go, Advantageous Culmination establishing the goal.

  • 象傳: 雲,雷,屯;君子以經綸。
    Cloudy, Thunderous: Difficulty Beginning. The noble person uses guiding principles to bind things together.
屯: Zhun has the meaning of difficulty and struggle. It also represents the character for a sprout 屮 pushing up through the surface of something. Thus, "Difficulty Beginning." A line is advised to not apply having a place to go in this setting of change, as the going is not appropriate yet. Instead the opportunity is made to establish a goal and purpose to begin. Establishing a beginning in the beginning is more appropriate than trying to quickly manifest something in the beginning.

經: Jing, the Warp threads. Like those in a loom that are placed vertically to hold place for the weaving. These are the guiding principles, much like that which descends of heavenly light. These provide the means to be Zheng 正 - proper, correct, upright - in the following of the standards and guidelines. This is also the Jing of classical texts that in turn provide guiding principles. Like the Yi Jing 易經.

綸: Lun, like Wei, the Weft threads, these are the interweavings that network and pull together the pattern of something, like in organizing policies for affairs or the words of a leader that draw people together. Lun here is likened to silk threads, so this is refined weaving. The Lun reveal what we make of our proper following of principles. Even though we are not making major moves yet, in the beginning we establish our intent and set our goals so that they may be acted upon as the time becomes appropriate. This is how in the beginning the heart's purpose binds together.
Beginning Line

Beginning Nine: The flagstone of the guidepost: Advantageous Culmination in positioning to Align Toward Completion. Advantageous Culmination in establishing the enterprise.

  • 象傳: 雖磐桓,志行正也。以貴下賤,大得民也。
    Even though there is a flagstone of the guidepost, this has to do with the heart's will to advance properly. Applying noble expense in a low and humble position, has to do with the great gaining support from the common people.
The Thunder of Beginning Yang creates a strong beginning, but it is not time to press the advance. If it does it is prone to take Second Yin rather than travel to Fourth Yin. So it needs to recognize what is appropriate for the time and establish true goals. Then it will find that Fourth Yin seeks it out self-so, even as it establishes its enterprise.

Establishing the Enterprise here 建侯 relates to setting up or establishing a target to aim for. However it also means being invested with the office of nobility and thus gaining a fiefdom. Establishing an Enterprise carries both nuances. Given the context of the hexagram, Beginning Yang here is advised to show restraint, and this restraint may be employed from this low position by establishing something meaningful that can be developed. It simply needs to await the proper timings. Then it will find natural resonance with the upper trigram, even as it is able to carefully invigorate from the bottom up, winning over those below.
Second Line

Six Second: Like difficulty beginning then changing direction, like riding a horse and managing order over. It is not like taking a wife for marriage by force, the woman Aligning Toward Completion in not procreating, ten harvests before procreating.

  • 象傳: 六二之難,乘剛也。十年乃字,反常也。
    Six Second's difficulty, on account of riding unyielding strength. Ten harvests before procreating, on account of constant resistance and opposition.
Six Second is a yin line in a central position, placed correctly. However it rides strongly upon the goals of Beginning Yang. It ideally suits resonance with Fifth Yang, yet risks entanglement with Beginning Yang if Beginning Yang does not exercise restraint. Thus it may be able to change directions and hold out for potential in reaching Fifth Yang, but only if it holds back from entanglement with Beginning Yang.
Third Line

Six Third: Approaching the deer without unease, carefully pondering involvement with the center of this grove, a noble person wonders if it would be better to stay in the guest house, going toward [Fifth Yang] is lacking grace.

  • 象傳: 即鹿无虞,以縱禽也。君子舍之,往吝窮也。
    Approaching the deer without unease, on account of means for freedom from beasts. A noble person staying in the guest house this, on account of concluding that going toward [Fifth Yang] is disgraceful.
The deer 鹿 is a symbol of authority. Chasing the deer refers to pursuing the throne. The grove 林 or forest, represents the gathering, band, or group that the deer makes home within. The deer in the forest, is the leader of the village, the king of the country, the authority of a given terrain.

Third Yin is at the top of the lower trigram and has met with the grove of the upper trigram. It finds itself without a resonant yang to match with at the top, and is instead drawn to the leader at the grove's center, Fifth Yang. But is advised to remain as a guest. Even though it finds welcome freedom from the wilds here in the upper trigram's cloister, it is also able to recognize that it is inappropriate for it to seek closeness with Fifth Yang.
Fourth Line

Six Fourth: Like riding a horse and managing order over, soliciting marriage, going toward [Beginning Yang] auspicious, not having dis-Advantageous Culmination.

  • 象傳: 求而往,明也。
    Soliciting and then going toward, on account of having clarity of perception.
Fourth Yin seeking resonance with Beginning Yang. It has the clarity to see the resonance and first solicits, then goes toward.
Fifth Line

Nine Fifth: Difficulty extending its fecundity, minor Aligning Toward Completion auspicious, major Aligning Toward Completion inauspicious.

  • 象傳: 屯其膏,施未光也。
    Difficulty extending its fecundity, on account of extending without illuminating.
Fifth and Second are both magnetized, and yet Second Yin rides the hardness of Beginning Yang and Fifth Yang is not positioned to extend itself in contest with Beginning Yang, being cloistered within the water trigram as it is. As over time Second Yin is able to move beyond Beginning Yang, and as illumination for Fifth Yang becomes more clear, consummation between them becomes possible.
Top Line

Top Six: Like riding a horse and managing order over, then weeping a river of bloody tears.

  • 象傳: 泣血漣如,何可長也。
    Then weeping a river of bloody tears, on account of how it allowed things to develop.
Top Yin has reached the limit of riding upon the goals set by Beginning Yang without finding their consummation. Without a resonant partnership to make at this point, it suffers in regret. Thus the importance of not overstepping the appropriateness of the situation by remaining patient in the beginning, before things have had time to establish their connections.

4 ䷃ Incubation of Innocence

MengIncubation of Innocence

Incubation of Innocence: Gathering Maturity. It is not that we summon incubation of immature innocence, incubation of immature innocence summons us. The initial divination informs, over and over again inundates and shows disrespect, inundating and disrespecting the standard misinforms. Advantageous Culmination Aligning Toward Completion.

  • 象傳: 山下出泉,蒙;君子以果行育德。
    At the foot of a mountain emerges a spring, Incubation of Innocence; A noble person uses this to bring something to fruition, acting to nurture virtuous power.
Beginning Line

Beginning Six: The incubation of innocence that is the teaching children the fundamentals, Advantageous Culmination in application of their formal discipline, making use of persuasions that bind and constrain, to go away is disgraceful.

  • 象傳: 用刑人,以正法也。
    Advantageous Culmination in application of their formal discipline, on account of using upright standards and models.
Second Line

Nine Second: Containing incubation of innocence auspicious; the wife storing up within auspicious; offspring bring about family relations.

  • 象傳: 子克家,剛柔接也。
    Offspring bring about family relations, on account of the hard and the soft connecting.
Third Line

Six Third: Do not put into practice following after, capturing, or yearning for young women; Recognize and percieve the enduring strength of manhood, not possessing personally, without a place for Advantageous Culmination.

  • 象傳: 勿用取女,行不順也。
    Do not use following after, capturing, or yearning for young women, on account of acting without accommodating their way.
This is another commentary on Sixth Yang, which is told: Encountering Incubation of Innocence, Dis-Advantageous Culmination in carrying out pillaging, Advantageous Culmination guarding from pillaging.

Here Sixth Yang encounters the yin that is placed within the chamber of incubation, the lower trigram. As such Third Yin represents a girl, a young woman, someone not out in the world seeking attention. What is there to advise her of?

Instead we are advising Sixth Yang once again, to not take such women, for they are young and not seeking attentions. The common translation says not to take women who pine after strong men - and certainly, such relations are inappropriate. But the responsibility is given here for the man to understand his proper role in being strong and enduring and lasting like metal, and to not attempt to possess or seek after women whom he glimpses in their youthful immature stages of development.
Fourth Line

Six Fourth: Afflicted incubation of innocence, Shame.

  • 象傳: 困蒙之吝,獨遠實也。
    The shame of afflicted incubation of innocence, on account of being alone and without companions, separated from prosperity.
Fifth Line

Six Fifth: Incubation of immature innocence, good fortune.

  • 象傳: 童蒙之吉,順以巽也。
    The good fortune of incubation of immature innocence, on account of accommodating the way for using the yielding and gentle.
Top Line

Top Nine: Encountering Incubation of Innocence, Dis-Advantageous Culmination in carrying out pillaging, Advantageous Culmination guarding from pillaging.

  • 象傳: 用禦寇,上下順也。
    Advantageous Culmination putting to use guarding from pillaging, on account of accommodating the course of it from top to bottom.

6 ䷅ Contention


Contention: There is captivation; blocking. Alertness in the center auspicious. bringing it through to conclusion inauspicious. Advantageous Culmination perceiving the great person, dis-Advantageous Culmination fording a large river.

  • 象傳: 天與水違行,訟;君子以作事謀始。
    Heaven and water moving counter to each other, Contention; A noble person uses this to commence engagement with initial planning and considering.
Beginning Line

Initial Six: Discontinuing from engagement, a little having of talk, in the end auspicious.

  • 象傳: 不永所事,訟不可長也。雖有小言,其辯明也。
    Discontinuing from engagement, on account of contention not being permitted to grow. Although there is a little talk, it is on account of its explaining clearly.
Second Line

Nine Second: Incapable of contention, returning home and then eluding, its town has three hundred doorways, not having affliction.

  • 象傳: 不克訟,歸而逋也。自下訟上,患至掇也。
    Incapable of contention, on account of returning home and then eluding, the self below, contention above, on account of troubles coming to the point of collection.
Third Line

Six Third: Sustaining on established merit, Aligning Toward Completion exerting effort with raised alertness alertness, In the end good fortune, In some cases giving allegiance to serve the King, accomplishing nothing.

  • 象傳: 食舊德,從上吉也。
    Sustaining on established merit, because serving what is above is auspicious.
Fourth Line

Nine Fourth: Incapable of contention, Going back to take up the mandate changing, securing Aligning Toward Completion auspicious.

  • 象傳: 復即命,渝安;不失也。
    Going back to take up the mandate, changing and securing Aligning Toward Completion; On account of not giving up.
Fifth Line

Nine Fifth: Contention Beginning Development auspicious.

  • 象傳: 訟吉,以中正也。
    Contention Beginning Development auspicious, On account of central correctness.
Top Line

Top Nine: In some cases presenting them a money belt, by the end of the day three times stripped away.

  • 象傳: 以訟受服,亦不足敬也。
    Taking up contention confers responsibility for, in cases like this implying it is not worth bringing awareness to.

9 ䷈ Simple Cultivation

小畜Xiao XuSimple Cultivation

Simple Cultivation: Gathering Maturity. Dense clouds but no rain, coming from our western countryside.

  • 象傳: 風行天上,小畜;君子以懿文德。
    Wind moving over heaven, Basic Cultivation; A noble person uses this to perfect refinement of virtuosity.
Xiao 小 is small, lesser, basic, elementary, simplistic. Xu 畜 is domestication, cultivation, gathering of power. Here we have the basic and elementary domestic cultivation of power. One yin uses its position to cultivate the yang around it.
Beginning Line

Beginning Nine: Returning to one's way, how could this have disaster, blame and regret? Auspicious.

  • 象傳: 復自道,其義吉也。
    Returning to one's way, on account of their undertaking of responsibility auspiciously.
Second Line

Nine Second: Pulled and guided to return, Auspicious.

  • 象傳: 牽復在中,亦不自失也。
    Pulled and guided to return to centrality, particularly in regards to not allowing oneself to forfeit it.
Third Line

Nine Third: The chassis of the carriage expressing power at the wheel-spokes, husband and wife with opposing views.

  • 象傳: 夫妻反目,不能正室也。
    Husband and wife with opposing views, on account of lacking capability to conform to upright standards in their living quarters.
Fourth Line

Six Fourth: Having captivation, storing its blood and guarding against bringing it forth, not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 有孚惕出,上合志也。
    Having captivation and guarding against bringing forth, on account of aligning the heart's purpose above itself.
Six Fourth is the only yin in the hexagram. It keeps its inner thoughts held deep within so that it can align and accommodate the thread of cultivation. This allows guidance and the shaping of the cultivation.
Fifth Line

Nine Fifth: Having captivation via connections, wealthy by means of its neighbor.

  • 象傳: 有孚攣如,不獨富也。
    Having captivation via connections, on account of not being alone in wealth.
Top Line

Top Nine: It has rained and it has stopped, giving precedence to setting down and displaying its virtue power, a married woman Aligning Toward Completion exerting effort with raised altertness. The moon is almost full, a noble person pressing strongly forward inauspicious.

  • 象傳: 既雨既處,德積載也。君子征凶,有所疑也。
    It has rained and it has stopped, on account of the virtue power having been gathered and then set down and displayed. A noble person pressing strongly forward inauspicious, on account of having reason for doubt.

10 ䷉ Treading Upon

LuTreading Upon

Treading upon the tiger's tail, not getting bit, Gathering Maturity.

  • 象傳: 上天下澤,履;君子以辨上下,安民志。
    Above heaven below marsh, treading upon; A noble person uses this to distinguish above and below, pacifying the people's heart intent.
Beginning Line

Beginning Nine: Innocent treading upon, going along without disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 素履之往,獨行愿也。
    Innocent treading upon's going along, implies walking alone attentively.
Second Line

Nine Second: Treading upon the way smoothly and evenly, a secluded and concentrated person Aligning Toward Completion auspicious.

  • 象傳: 幽人吉,中不自亂也。
    A secluded and concentrated person Aligning Toward Completion auspicious, because within not having confusing troubles of the self.
Third Line

Six Third: Squinting so as to see, limping so as to step, treading upon a tiger's tail, being bit, inauspicious. Martial efforts from great nobility.

  • 象傳: 眇能視;不足以有明也。跛能履;不足以與行也,咥人之凶;位不當也。武人為于大君;志剛也。
    Squinting so as to see; due to not having enough to see with clearly. Limping so as to step; due to not having enough to provide for walking, the inauspiciousness of getting bit, on account of the position being unsuitable. Martial effort from great nobility, because the heart's purpose is firm and unyielding.
Fourth Line

Nine Fourth: Treading upon on the tiger's tail, informing on and bringing a claim against, in the end auspicious.

  • 象傳: 愬愬終吉,志行也。
    Informing on and bringing a claim against, In the end auspicious, on account of the heart's purpose acting.
Fifth Line

Nine Fifth: Resolute treading upon, Aligning Toward Completion exerting effort with raised alertness.

  • 象傳: 夬履厲,位正當也。
    Resolute treading upon Aligning Toward Completion exerting effort with raised alertness, on account of being in the right time and place.
Top Line

Top Nine: Evaluating the treading upon and acting, examining the omens, Their circling back around to Beginning Development is auspicious.

  • 象傳: 吉在上,大有慶也。
    Beginning Development auspiciously positioned at the top, implying there is great synchronicity.

11 ䷊ Tranquility


Tranquility: small goings, great comings, auspicious Gathering Maturity.

  • 象傳: 天地交泰,后以財成天地之道,輔相天地之宜,以左右民。
    Heaven and earth joining together as Sublime Peaceful Magesty, A ruler uses their material wealth to complete the way of heaven and earth, aides and ministers the keeping in line with heaven and earth, by means of being at the left and right of the ruler ready to aid and assist the inhabitants of the country.
The lines all have resonant partners, the yang, with the yin above, and yet there are grades to their operations. With just a little going, one's returning back becomes profound - so long as this going and coming revolves around the center. There is a stirring within that is not yet awakened, not yet clearly revealed. Like the almost uncertain light of dawn. The dream not quite forgotten. The sublime content of deep sleep's satisfied not quite arousing - what prevails over it all is the calm, the peace, the quiet, that holds a potent everything. And within that mystery manifestation bubbles into being. Thus the going and the coming center themselves around tranquility.
Beginning Line

Beginning Nine: Uprooting thatching grass more comes, because of their dense clumping, pressing strongly forward auspicious.

  • 象傳: 拔茅征吉,志在外也。
    Uprooting thatching grass and pressing strongly forward auspicious, because the heart's purpose is out there.
First Yang is only at the beginning, and yet senses what is coming. This is like waking up when it is still dark, yet feeling the dawning of the day and being ready to set forth toward where one is drawn.
Second Line

Nine Second: Wrapping around that which is untended to with tolerance, making use of fording a river, not far from casting off, the partnership [of the three Yang lines] is undone, obtaining a position above in the central action.

  • 象傳: 包荒,得尚于中行,以光大也。
    Wrapping around that which is untended to with tolerance, obtaining a position above in the central action, on account of shining magnificently.
In both 11 and 12 the allure of the central yin draws upon the central yang. There it risks getting pulled into the mess of myriad things and entangling with them. Here it finds itself being drawn along with the dream, and its crossing over manifests in a state of completion.
Third Line

Nine Third: Without evenness no grades, without going to no returning back, difficulty Aligning Toward Completion without disaster, blame and regret. Do not worry about its captivation, in taking in and receiving there is good fortune.

  • 象傳: 无往不復,天地際也。
    Without going no returning back, because heaven and earth are joined together.
Above is all yin, the way is open. And yet the way forward is measured by what? When at the edge of balance, crossing over it reveals the nature of imbalance. The captivation is ever not what it seems, and this makes arriving at completion difficult. And yet in venturing forth, is revealed the way back.

In this way Third Yang and Fourth Yin exchange harmonious relations as they revolve around the intersection connecting heaven and earth.
Fourth Line

Six Fourth: Freely fluttering light and effortlessly, not full of wealth, leaning on its neighbors, not turning prohibitions into captivation.

  • 象傳: 翩翩不富,皆失實也。不戒以孚,中心願也。
    Freely fluttering light and effortlessly, not full of wealth, because in all cases forfeiting possessions and the filling up that leads to substantiality. Not turning prohibitions into captivation, due to centering in the heart-mind's heart-source.
Yuan 願 is the heart-mind under a source, beginning, or terrace, and has the meaning of devotion. Pairing it with xin 心 heart-mind, it is like the heart's devotion, cherished dream. With 中 it is the heart centering in this heart-source. Is this not the tranquility that manifests at the center of heaven and earth? Depending on its yang neighbors below, having nothing, yet ever fulfilled. Ensuring that it remains unburdened, it remains light and graceful. Empty, it is ever filled.

Dreams and cherished aspirations may be found within the depths of the heart's beginnings. But following them often leads to filling up and accumulating. One easily becomes captivated by dreams. The heart's true devotion belongs to its source. Realizing sufficiency's sufficiency constantly is enduring sufficiency.
Fifth Line

Six Fifth: Di Yi marrying off his younger sister, using blessings for Beginning Development auspicious.

  • 象傳: 以祉吉,中以行愿也。
    Using blessings for Beginning Development auspicious, on account of the center making use of action.
Fifth Yang reaching out for Second Yin, both using the centrality of their positions to manifest a well positioned consummation between yin and yang.

Di Yi was the last king of the Shang Dynasty. Rather than hostility, it was commonplace to create bonds of marriage amongst the nobility so as to develop tolerance in the ruling class. He saw that Ji Chang, the Duke of the West was growing in power. So he married his younger sister to Ji Chang.

Just as in Hexagram 54, Fifth Yin reaches down to receive Second Yang. They are from different walks of life and must learn tolerance, and yet the relationship is mutually beneficial and serves as a comeuppance for Second Yang. Chang's growth continued. He became known as King Wen and his children began the Zhou Dynasty.
Top Line

Top Six: The settlement wall returning back to the moat, do not use the army. The settlement itself proclaims the mandate, Aligning Toward Completion shameful.

  • 象傳: 城復于隍,其命亂也。
    The settlement wall returns back to the moat, because its mandate pushes against the current.
Once tranquility has reached its culmination, there is no need for walls. Let it be at peace. Let the walls down, let the army go, and let peace reign, like the awakening from a dream. The dream may be forgotten, but the peace remains. The walls were built for a reason. The army was trained for a reason. After a period of peace, those reasons have faded, even as they themselves let go and return to being natural.

As with dreams, sometimes there is desire. A want for the dream to continue longer. A refusal to let it end. A denial of acceptance. And so come the seeds of compulsion that begin the journey of hexagram 12's first three lines. To really return to the dream, be empty, and allow the tranquility to return of itself, without any lingering desires.

Can we accept our peace?

12 ䷋ Stoppage


The stoppage and obstructions of negligent people, dis-Advantageous Culmination for noble people's Aligning Toward Completion, much going away, little coming to.

  • 象傳: 天地不交,否;君子以儉德辟難,不可榮以祿。
    Heaven and Earth not connecting in reciprocal exchange, Stoppage. A noble person employs frugal efficacy to break through difficulty, not feasible for unfurling into good fortune.
Beginning Line

Beginning Six: Pulling up thatching grass and the roots come too, by means of its clustering together, Aligning Toward Completion auspicious Gathering Maturity.

  • 象傳: 拔茅吉,志在君也。
    Uprooting thatching grass Aligning Toward Completion auspicious, Because the heart's purpose is set on nobility.
Second Line

Six Second: Accommodating carrying along. Lesser people are fortunate, great people stop, Gathering Maturity.

  • 象傳: 大人否,不亂群也。
    Great people stop, Gathering Maturity, On account of not getting mixed up with the crowd.
Third Line

Six Third: Accommodating shameful indulgence.

  • 象傳: 包羞,位不當也。
    Accommodating shameful indulgence, on account of being positioned inappropriately.
Fourth Line

Nine Fourth: Having a mandate, without disaster, blame and regret, good fortune leaving the farmland.

  • 象傳: 有命无咎,志行也。
    Having a mandate, without disaster, blame and regret, on account of the heart's purpose taking action.
Fifth Line

Nine Fifth: Ceasing the stoppage, great people auspicious. They undo their undoings, depending on wrapping themselves in hearth and home.

  • 象傳: 大人之吉,位正當也。
    The auspiciousness of great people, on account of positioning themselves upright and appropriately.
Top Line

Top Nine: Overturning stoppage, before stopped, after relieved.

  • 象傳: 否終則傾,何可長也。
    Stoppage reaches the end and follows the standard of overturning, because how could it last?

14 ䷍ Great Possession

大有Da YouGreat Possession

Great Possession: Beginning Development Gathering Maturity.

  • 象傳: 火在天上,大有;君子以遏惡揚善,順天休命。
    Fire placed above heaven, Great Possession; A noble person uses this to hold back evil and lift up good, complying with the heaven blessed mandate of destiny.
Beginning Line

Beginning Nine: Let there be no coming into contact with harm, and it has no disaster, blame and regret, there is difficulty conforming without disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 大有初九,无交害也。
    The Great Possession of beginning nine, has to do with not coming into contact with harm.
Second Line

Nine Second: A great vehicle to use for riding in, having a place to go, not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 大車以載,積中不敗也。
    A great vehicle to use for riding in, on account of gathering centrality it is not defeated.
Third Line

Nine Third: The fair application of Gathering Maturity by the Son of Heaven, no small people are capable of this.

  • 象傳: 公用于天子,小人害也。
    The fair application of Gathering Maturity by the Son of Heaven, because small people damage it.
Fourth Line

Nine Fourth: Canceling its impact, not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 匪其彭,无咎;明辨晰也。
    Cancelling its impact, not having disaster, blame and regret; has to do with differentiating light clearly.
Fifth Line

Six Fifth: Their captivation connects with compliance, overawed compliance; auspicious.

  • 象傳: 厥孚交如,信以發志也。威如之吉,易而无備也。
    Their captivation connects with compliance, on account of having faith to boldly express their heart's purpose. The auspiciousness of overawed compliance, on account of having change and then being unprepared.
Top Line

Top Nine: The Heavenly Self divinely protects this, auspicious without dis-Advantageous Culmination.

  • 象傳: 大有上吉,自天佑也。
    Great Possession at the top auspicious, because the Heavenly Self aids and keeps safe.

15 ䷎ Humility


Humility: Gathering Maturity, The noble person has opportunity to see things through to the end.

  • 象傳: 地中有山,謙;君子以裒多益寡,稱物平施。
    Within the earth is a mountain, humble; a noble person employs reducing the abundant and augmenting the deficient, practicing weighing, esteeming, and raising up things with equality.
Beginning Line

Beginning Six: A humble and unpretentious noble person, takes up crossing the great river, auspicious.

  • 象傳: 謙謙君子,卑以自牧也。
    A humble and unpretentious noble person, on account of the lowly taking up self-regulation.
Second Line

Six Second: Giving voice humbly, Aligning Toward Completion auspicious.

  • 象傳: 鳴謙吉,中心得也。
    Giving voice humbly Aligning Toward Completion auspicious, on account of having control within the heart-mind.
Third Line

Six Third: Laboring humbly, A noble person has opportunity to see things through to the end, auspicious.

  • 象傳: 勞謙君子,萬民服也。
    A noble person laboring humbly, On account of accepting responsibility for the myriad people.
Fourth Line

Nine Fourth: Without dis-Advantageous Culmination, signaling humbly.

  • 象傳: 无不,撝謙;不違則也。
    Without dis-Advantageous Culmination, signaling humbly, On account of not turning away from what is expected.
Fifth Line

Six Fifth: Not wealthy, using its neighbors, Advantageous Culmination making use of appropriating the boastful, without dis-Advantageous Culmination.

  • 象傳: 用侵伐,征不服也。
    Advantageous Culmination making use of appropriating the boastful, on account of not taking on personal responsibility for pressing strongly forward.
Top Line

Top Six: Giving voice humbly, Advantageous Culmination employing action as a teacher, pressing strongly forward through the capital city.

  • 象傳: 鳴謙,志未得也。可用行師,征邑國也。
    Giving voice humbly, on account of the heart's purpose not being satisfied. Permissible to employ action as a teacher, on account of pressing strongly forward through the capital city.

16 ䷏ Excitement


Excitement: Advantageous Culmination establishing a goal, engaging one's troops.

  • 象傳: 雷出地奮,豫。先王以作樂崇德,殷薦之上帝,以配祖考。
    Thunder emerging from the earth roused with excitation, excitement. Former sovereigns used excited merriment to add to and amplify virtuous power, and just when abundant surrendering it to the pinnacle of heaven, by means of coordinating and equally matching with one's ancient lineage.
Excitement here is Thunder above Earth. The Yang of Thunder is like the string on a musical instrument. It vibrates, and sound issues forth, travelling through the space and fading. The earth below is like the resonance chamber in the instrument that helps the sound to become fuller. Similar to a concert hall - which also has room for an audience, which the vibration gathers them around for.

Shang Di means the highest deity, and is associated with the pole star, the still point of our planet. Reaching with our cultivation, our virtuous power, all the way back to this still point of our energetic inheritance, we connect with the pinnacle of heaven.
Beginning Line

Beginning Six: Giving voice to excitement, inauspicious.

  • 象傳: 初六鳴豫,志窮凶也。
    Beginning Six giving voice to excitement, because the heart's purpose pushes to the limit inauspiciously.
Calling out in excitement as soon as we feel excited, is to lose composure and lack centrality. First Yin immediately feels the tingling of excitement in relation to its resonance with Fourth Yang and wants to echo it back. Like a child watching cartoons and making exclamations!
Second Line

Six Second: In between rocks, not to the end of the day, Aligning Toward Completion auspicious.

  • 象傳: 不終日,吉;以中正也。
    Not to the end of the day, Aligning Toward Completion auspicious; because it uses centrality correctly.
Second Yin is between two lines who have lost their composure due to the revalry and excitement, thus these are the rocks it is between, but it won't be between them all day long. Even its resonant partner in Fifth Yin is struggling because of the excitement. And yet these two lines, despite not being drawn by a yin and yang magnetism to each other, still retain their centrality. One becomes like a resonance chamber, and the other that which directs and shapes the sound. Together they make up the concert hall, or the instrument itself - both designed to create vibration and carry it with a clear and full tone to our ears. Second Yin aligns with its role by maintaining balance and openness as the excitement radiates through it. Never rushing, never delayed, always present in the middle.
Third Line

Six Third: Wide eyed excitement, regrettable. Procrastinating has regret.

  • 象傳: 盱豫有悔,位不當也。
    Wide eyed excitement has regret, because the position is inappropriate.
Like First Yin, Third Yin finds itself just beneath Fourth Yang, which is making use of excitement. Heart rapidly beating, it is like someone in a fan club, a groupie that follows the band around and becomes distracted from finding its own place to be centered.
Fourth Line

Nine Fourth: Making use of excitement, great possession is acquired. Do not have doubts. Banding together as a group why not use a pin to hold it together?

  • 象傳: 由豫,大有得;志大行也。
    Making use of excitement, great possession is acquired; because the heart's purpose is greatly engaging.
The string of the musical instrument. Plucking it, sound issues forth. Fourth Yang is the source of the sound, the source of the vibration spreading out. And vibration is simply waves of excitement. Fourth Yang uses this sound, this excitement, to draw others around it. To tell a story, to regale with music, to perform and inspire its audience's hearts. It is a Yang line in a yin, soft, position, so it overflows its position somewhat, and yet because the other lines around it are all yin, and it is placed where the two tigrams connect, it is able to captivate their hearts with excited merriment and bind them together for a time.
Fifth Line

Six Fifth: Aligning Toward Completion about a source of dis-ease, persevering not dying.

  • 象傳: 六五疾,乘剛也。恆不死,中未亡也。
    Six Fifth Aligning Toward Completion about a source of dis-ease, because it rides upon rigid firmness [Fourth Yang]. Persevering not dying, because it maintains centrality and has not run away.
Fifth Yin is the ruler of the hexagram, but here it rides upon Fourth Yang, which has taken the stage with its excitement. This is a bit of a source of dis-ease for Fifth Yin, as it doesn't have the strength to contend with Fourth Yang, and yet it retains the position of ruler all the same. So it is required to follow closely the excitement of Fourth Yang, such that it is able to conduct it, lead it, guide it, with subtlety. The conductor of an orchestra does not produce any sound of their own, and yet they retain the position of ruler, and all follow their lead. Because they are the one who is positioned to keep everything right.

The leader of a youth group around a fire circle asks questions and people go around answering. The leader wants the youth to be in the spotlight creating the excitement, while they themselves are just a facillitator. So while they may interject here and there, it is done submissively, with subtley, to guide the excitement back on track. To always be aware of how it could go off track, and being there to prevent it. Thus persevering without dying. Such a position is not fully in control, but is placed such that it may guide from above. Moderation, mediation, and facillitation of all kinds functions like this.
Top Line

Top Six: Faded excitement, completely fulfilled and shifting, not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 冥豫在上,何可長也。
    Faded excitement existing at the top, because how could it last?
As the sound waves reach their limits, they fade. So too, excitement fades. And as it fades, we relax and let it be done, shift gears. Allowing ourselves to be altered by what we have felt. Once excited, now able to listen with a slower heart beat and hear what has changed.

17 ䷐ Following the Way

SuiFollowing the Way

Following the way: Beginning Development Gathering Maturity Advantageous Culmination Aligning Toward Completion, not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 澤中有雷,隨;君子以嚮晦入宴息。
    Within Marsh there is Thunder, Following the way; a noble person uses the coming of darkness to participate in resting and releasing.
Darkness here is also a word that means the last day of the lunar cycle, when it gives no light. Release here is also a word for exhale. Both of these principles involve the ending of something, when it is fully empty. In following the way, when it is dark, we empty ourselves out and rest. By emptying out completely, nothing is left, everything is followed.

Most of us don't empty out, but carry minds that constantly think and hearts that are full cups, sometimes even overflowing. It becomes easy for us to miss all that there is to follow, where do we even begin? By acknowledging things and letting them go. It simply takes time. A good time is when the day is ending and when it becomes dark. Rather than filling up with more, we can choose to follow what we are already full of, and release.
Beginning Line

Beginning Nine: Governing with change, Aligning Toward Completion auspicious. Going out of the gate and engaging with something to work on and accomplish.

  • 象傳: 官有渝,從正吉也。出門交有功,不失也。
    Governing with change, because attending to things correctly is auspicious. Going out of the gate and engaging with something to work on and accomplish, due to not forfeiting it.
As thunder strikes we get the urge to move forward with its initial vibrations and call to become active. However Lake is above, and it has no resonant partner to connect with in the fourth line, and feels blocked from going forward, until it alters and changes itself and the way it is handling things.

First Yang is the little boy that Second and Third Yin are navigating connection with. It represents the impulse to move forward for the sake of moving forward and being active. And it is still learning how to adapt to what Lake really needs. What is important is that it go out of the gate and begin its journey in following. It doesn't yet know what changes it will need to adapt to, but simply by going out of the gate it commits itself to showin g up.

With hexagram 54, Lake is under Thunder, where on the inside the desires of lake work to connect with the impulsive whims of Thunder. There, the navigation comes from the desires trying to keep up with the whims. The Po, lower soul, trying to keep up with the Hun, ethereal soul. With hexagram 17, the impulses are forced to connect with the desires, and in this way Thunder finds the way to accommodate their real needs. Rather than desires creating more emotions to process, now we are devoting energy to follow and process those emotions. Rather than letting them build up while we chase after other pursuits, here we check in with them and resolve them. This is the Hun catering to the needs of the Po, such that they adhere to each other and become one.

First Yang may not know how to do this, so it goes out of the gate and starts being open to listening to what is there to follow. What is important is that it not have its own agenda, but that it is willing to release this and adapt to the changes and alterations that are called for.
Second Line

Six Second: Connecting to the little boy, forfeiting the grown man.

  • 象傳: 係小子,弗兼與也。
    Connecting to the little boy, because it does not impartially associate with it.
Second Yin is above First Yang, and its naturally resonant partner is Fifth Yang. First Yang is the little boy, Fifth Yang is the grown man. First Yang is bringing the energy, but doesn't know what needs to be done. If we connect with the little boy, we forfeit the centrality of our connection, and lean toward going along with the whims of First Yang, which is still learning how to adapt itself to this situation - is still immature and not clear on what needs to be done.

Fifth Yang on the other hand is placed in the center of the Lake trigram, and is fully aware of what it is carrying that it needs help working with. By choosing to connect with Fifth Yang, Second Yin maintains centrality and forms a connection to the work that needs to happen, and even allows the energy from First Yang to become channelled into it.

Meanwhile, the Yi describes the tendency for Second Yin to connect with First Yang instead of Fifth Yang. Why? Because Fourth Yang is in the way. Once Fourth Yang has Third Yin's support, and has opened up the work to be done, Second Yin and Fifth Yang can begin to callibrate their centers to each other and bring the work into its depths.
Third Line

Six Third: Connecting to the grown man, forfeiting the little boy. Following the way where there is asking for and then receiving. Advantageous Culmination dwelling in Aligning Toward Completion.

  • 象傳: 系丈夫,志舍下也。
    Connecting to the grown man, because the heart's purpose is to part with what is beneath it.
Third Yin has no magnetic partner in line six, but does have a Yang line above it, and one below it with First Yang. Here the choice becomes easier for it to connect with Fourth Yang, which is above it in the upper trigram and has more maturity and is more worthy of support. While First Yang is bringing its drive to do something without knowing what, Fourth Yang is part of the what that needs to be figured out. It has maturity and poise, but no resonant partners. So when Third Yin choses to support it, it finds itself able to start the operation of the work. Again here, by choosing to connect with what is grown and mature in the upper trigram, rather than what is immature below in the lower trigram, the energy from below is conveyed to and fed into what is above it, following it with its support.
Fourth Line

Nine Fourth: Following the way with perfect aim, Aligning Toward Completion inauspicious. Having captivation in dao, using light, what disaster, blame and regret?

  • 象傳: 隨有獲,其義凶也。有孚在道,明功也。
    Following the way with perfect aim, because its righteousness is inauspicious. Having captivation in dao, because of its light work (ming gong).
Fourth Yang has no resonant partner, and yet is able to receive support from Third Yin beneath it. The support it receives helps it to address what to follow. Attempting to Align Toward Completion is inauspicious, because the support it receives may not be a blank check, but rather only be supportive in following this or that at any given moment. Thus it tracks what is important to follow by being captivated by the dao, the way that is unfolding to lead somewhere. Where may as yet be unknown, but in following true to its call, one's aim is just what it needs to be, without it needing to consider a moral code or to do list.

As Fourth Yin begins to fill into its role, and Third Yin becomes wrapped up in support with it, the following between the lower and upper trigrams starts to come online. As this continues, this enables a deeper following to occur between the central lines Second Yin and Fifth Yang.

Sometimes we just want to feel heard and listened to before we are ready to open up to deeper work. How can we even know what might support us if we don't reach out to connect and follow along with how that support is landing for us? In Contact Improv, two people make a single contact point, then each listens to how it wants to move. Both people move, but what is guiding their movement is that which is between them, and staying centered here. Thus they follow the way that unfolds before them.
Fifth Line

Nine Fifth: Captivation arriving at praiseworthy esteem, auspicious.

  • 象傳: 孚于嘉,吉;位正中也。
    Captivation arriving at praiseworthy esteem, auspicious; due to positioning correctly in the center.
Fifth Yang is positioned in the middle of the upper trigram of Lake, and thus it is acutely aware of the relationship between it and Sixth Yin above it. Because Sixth Yin is like a doorway through which it receives from. Lake involves feeling what is being received and transorming it. Or enjoying it. However, in always being aware of the relationship between it and the line above, it can easily become like a cup that without room to recieve any more, that then overflows and knows excess.

But there is potential to connect with support from below. Rather than receiving more to process, now it has an offer of support from Second Yin. Especially once Third Yin and Fourth Yang begin following each other. Then Fifth Yang can realize that there is support that it can work with on processing the feelings it is carrying. This is like checking in with one's conscience and taking the time to feel into how one is doing, what one needs, getting on the same page with one's inner self. And this is how Fifth Yang is able to guard itself against excess. It alots time to connect with what is within rather than continuing to receive from without.
Top Line

Top Six: Apprehend connection to this, then follow the way to brace it. The sovereign practicing Gathering Maturity [for a feast] in the Western Mountains.

  • 象傳: 拘系之,上窮也。
    Apprehending connection to this, due to the top being the limit.
The top line of Lake seeks to fill itself up. It wants others to follow itself, and struggles to receive support from below. Thus it attempts to grasp at connection. In daoism, There is the concept of the self, and the other. Our Hun, ethereal soul, is related to our Xing, being-ness. And is associated with the East, and with the Thunder trigram. Our Po, corporeal soul, is related to our Ming destiny, that which fills our being-ness. And is associated with the West, and with the Lake trigram. The issue is often that as we go along enjoying life, we fill up with experiences that need to be processed, so that all that our being-ness is carrying can come to its natural resolution, and the two parts of ourselves can return to being one again.

When the impulses of the upper soul lead the way, the lower soul receives all of this stuff to process, and often times quite enjoys all of this feeling. But with Following the Way, the upper soul follows the lower soul to help it process what needs to be processed, so that it can empty out and the two can merge as one. Otherwise our being-ness becomes heavy and when we die these two parts of our souls separate, until conditions allow them to become reunited by cause and effect to undertake another attempt at the spiritual curriculum that is still being navigated by this soul.

Here with Sixth Yin, we have the part of Lake that wants to always be drawing in new feelings and engaging with desire. But ultimately what is needed is to not take more in, but to stop, and be content in being empty. At the limit of Following the Way, we end up with the excess that could not be followed. So we first apprehend that we are connecting with this. And then we follow the way of it such that we can brace against its excess, while gathering together what is already excessive, such that we can make use of it before it is wasted.

This is like cooking a big meal with all the food that would otherwise spoil. One may not have been able to follow it adequately, and so some form of excess was left over. It isn't ideal, but we can still follow a way that is useful for it that avoids waste and limits its excess.

18 ䷑ Blight


Blight: Beginning Development Gathering Maturity, Advantageous Culmination fording a great river. Before Jia three days, after Jia three days.

  • 象傳: 山下有風,蠱;君子以振民育德。
    Beneath the mountain there is wind, blight; A noble person uses this to aid people in developing virtue power.
The days of the 10 day cycle of yin, yang, and the five phases

-Metal +Water -Water +Wood -Wood +Fire -Fire
Xin Ren Gui [Jia] Yi Bing Ding

Before Jia three days, and metal becomes water. After Jia three days, and wood becomes fire. In one case accepting and dissolving into return - the inheritance of blight. In the next, awakening into life and creating - the handling of the blight. Fire ever creates and transforms - the results of which consolidate into metal and as metal turns into water, become the seeds and blueprints of the cyles that next emerge, until cleansed and transcended.
Beginning Line

Beginning Six: Handling the father's blight, with children, it passes on without disaster, blame and regret, exerting effort with raised alertness all the way to the end auspicious.

  • 象傳: 幹父之蠱,意承考也。
    Handling the father's blight, because the heart's purpose is set on undertaking what the father passed on.
And thus we inherit from the cycles before us. Fourth Yin becomes the lessons to resolve of First Yang, before First Yang even gains a foothold.
Second Line

Nine Second: Handling the mother's blight, must not Align Toward Completion.

  • 象傳: 幹母之蠱,得中道也。
    Handling the mother's blight, on account of obtaining the middle of the way.
Here Yang is in the center of the lower/inner trigram, and despite being in a position better suited to yin flexibility, its firmness is able to put into pracitce self restraint by borrowing of its central position, and thus avoid projection onto the sensitivities of Fifth Yin. It must not Align Toward Completion, because this risks calling out the dependency on virtuous reputation or other sensitivities. Restraining itself and harmonizing without a goal is all that is necessary in such situations.
Third Line

Nine Third: Handling the father's blight, a little occasion for misfortune, without great disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 幹父之蠱,終无咎也。
    Handling the father's blight, because getting all the way to the end is without disaster, blame and regret.
An older son, seeing truth and getting through it. Connecting with Sixth Yang and moving on, perhaps after speaking one's mind.
Fourth Line

Six Fourth: Endowing the father's blight, going toward [First Yang] is seen as lacking grace.

  • 象傳: 裕父之蠱,往未得也。
    Endowing the father's blight, because going toward is still not possible.
Thus the father's blight stills itself and allows those who come behind to take on their work.
Fifth Line

Six Fifth: Handling the father's blight, making use of reputation.

  • 象傳: 干父之蠱;承以德也。
    Handling the father's blight; undertaking use of virtue power.
Fifth Yin maintains its central position by making us of the good name thus established. As such it is ever sensitive to that which the reputation conceals, and thus adheres to the virtue it has.
Top Line

Top Nine: Not concerned with or undertaking the affairs of kings and rulers, high and lofty affairs are its concern.

  • 象傳: 不事王侯,志可則也。
    Not concerned with or undertaking the affairs of kings and rulers, because the heart's purpose bears the standard.
Bearing the standard of heaven, Top Yang transcends the issues of dealing with blights from below. Instead it moves on, graduating from old baggage and greeting the moment unto itself, so it may work directly with carrying out the standard of the present.

19 ䷒ Overseeing


Overseeing: Beginning Development, Gathering Maturity, Advantageous Culmination, Aligning Toward Completion. Getting as far as the eighth month and there is inauspiciousness.

  • 象傳: 澤上有地,臨;君子以教思无窮,容保民无疆。
    Marsh going up to hold the earth, Overseeing; A noble person uses this to teach inexhaustible consideration.
Overseeing involves application of energy. By the 8th month the energy has declined such that overseeing affairs at this time is inauspicious and related to the death of the year. Traditionally autum is the time of reping the harvest and storing it away for the winter, and also for paying respects to the dead. Overseeing during this time is not about furthering what could be, but more about contemplation in regards to where things stand.
Beginning Line

Beginning Nine: All encompassing overseeing, Aligning Toward Completion auspicious.

  • 象傳: 咸臨吉,志行正也。
    All encompassing overseeing, Aligning Toward Completion auspicious, on account of the heart's purpose acting according to proper standards.
Second Line

Nine Second: All encompassing overseeing, auspicious without dis-Advantageous Culmination.

  • 象傳: 咸臨,吉无不;未順命也。
    All encompassing overseeing, auspicious without dis-Advantageous Culmination; on account of not yet amenable to assigning mandates.
Third Line

Six Third: Overseeing with pleasure, without a place for Advantageous Culmination. Soon after troubled by this, not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 甘臨,位不當也。既憂之,咎不長也。
    Overseeing with pleasure, on account of being positioned inappropriately. Soon after troubled by this, is the reason for blame not growing.
Fourth Line

Six Fourth: Accomplishing overseeing, not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 至臨无咎,位當也。
    Accomplishing overseeing, not having disaster, blame and regret, on account of being positioned appropriately.
Fifth Line

Six Fifth: Mastering overseeing, This is suitable for a great lord, auspicious.

  • 象傳: 大君之宜,行中之謂也。
    This is suitable for a great lord, because this speaks to acting with centrality.
Top Line

Top Six: Sincere overseeing, auspicious without disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 敦臨之吉,志在內也。
    Sincere overseeing's auspiciousness, on account of the heart's purpose residing internally.

20 ䷓ Careful Contemplation

GuanCareful Contemplation

Careful Contemplation: Making an offering to the spirits but not making a sacrifice, there is captivation of a considerable likeness.

  • 象傳: 風行地上,觀;先王以省方,觀民設教。
    Wind acting upon the earth below, Careful Contemplation; Former sovereigns used this to scrutinize the proper measure of things in the four directions, carefully contemplating humankind and establishing teachings.
Beginning Line

Beginning Six: A boy carefully contemplating, the young person without disaster, blame and regret, a noble person lacking grace.

  • 象傳: 初六童觀,小人道也。
    Beginning Six a boy carefully contemplating, because this is a small person's way.
In the beginning of contemplation, we may risk jumping to conclusions, like a little boy. Because we have not yet taken the time to consider things carefully. For a young person this is how we learn, and the adults around us to not greatly blame us for our mistakes. But as we grow old enough to know better, we become held to greater expectations.
Second Line

Six Second: Looking out of a small opening to catch a glimpse and carefully contemplating, Advantageous Culmination for a woman Aligning Toward Completion.

  • 象傳: 窺觀女,亦可醜也。
    Looking out of a small opening to catch a glimpse and carefully contemplating a woman Aligning Toward Completion, because for her it is permissible to push past the edges of graceful patience.
Second Yin has a central position, and using this is able to sneak a peak of the contemplation that happens above it with Fifth Yang. It is not quite the right place or time, and yet the position enables this connection. So it is possible to make the connection if one has sufficient humility and innocence to accommodate the vast difference in maturity between those above and below.

Here we see the young maiden overhear the adults plans for her arranged marriage, as she listens through a crack in the door. Or here we have the Monkey King sneaking to have a private audience with the Daoist Master in the middle of the night, thinking he was being sent a hidden message. Or here we have the youth who stumbles in the wrong place at the wrong time, but this ends up attracting the attention of a teacher who is able to recognize a special potential.

Such synchronistic alignments are not certain, and thus we first only catch glimpses. And yet at times there is room for more than glimpses, but mentorship.
Third Line

Six Third: Carefully contemplating our existence, advancing and retreating.

  • 象傳: 觀我生,進退;未失道也。
    Carefully contemplating our existence, advancing and retreating; because of not yet losing the way that leads somewhere.
Third Yin finally reaches the place where it is able to commune with the trigram above it, outside of its inner dynamic. As a yin line in a yang position it easily resists jumping to conclusions, and yet still has a need to figure out its way forward. So it advances and retreats, running over and over in its mind the plans for moving forward without making a mistake.
Fourth Line

Six Fourth: Carefully considering the territory's glow, Advantageous Culmination making use of being the guest of a sovereign.

  • 象傳: 觀國之光,尚賓也。
    Carefully considering the territory's glow, because it places special importance on being an honored guest and respecting its host.
Fourth Yin is within the upper trigram and serves as a guest to the ruler above it. As a yin line without a resonant yang in the first line, it magnetizes toward Fifth Yang above it, and supports it from below. In such a role, it takes on the cares that Fifth Yang itself attends to, and carefully contemplates about the territory being governed. In this way it can offer supportive advice to the ruler and earn its position as a guest and advisor.
Fifth Line

Nine Fifth: Carefully contemplating our existence, a noble person does not have disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 觀我生,觀民也。
    Carefully contemplating our existence, because it carefully contemplates humankind.
Fifth Yang rules over the whole hexagram, and carefully contemplates its realm and the realm's existence, so that it can better support those whom depend upon its governance. Being in a position of rulership over others, it is important that one carefully contemplate its duty, so as to avoid disaster, blame and regret.
Top Line

Top Nine: Carefully contemplating its existence, a noble person does not have disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 觀其生,志未平也。
    Carefully contemplating its existence, because the heart's purpose is not yet equanimous.
At the limit, the top, of careful contemplation, one turns inward to contemplate one's own existence, coming to terms with one's own heart purpose. At the pinnacle of careful contemplation one contemplates one's own existence, and comes to avoid disaster, blame and regret by working with the heart's equanimity.

21 ䷔ Biting Through

噬嗑Shi KeBiting Through

Biting Through: Gathering Maturity. Advantageous Culmination making use of confinement.

  • 象傳: 雷電噬嗑;先王以明罰敕法。
    Thunder and lightning biting through; Former sovereigns counseled for rectification on upholding the standard of the law by bringing illumination with minor legal punishments.
Thunder is beneath Fire, action coming before clarity. When we act before we are clear about something, we make a gamble. And often suffer from a loss, because there are many situations where things are only beneficial under certain circumstances.

The first line comes with a new active ambition, and it may have no chance of succeeding and just need to be stopped, but never the less it itself wants to go forward. Second Yin is in awe of its push forward and shallowly supports its cause without itself really knowing much about it. Then Third Yin follows along but bites more deeply and tastes the poison. Now we are touching upon the upper trigram, where the clarity to cut through to the heart of things like a detective has arrived. Fourth Yang does this cutting through, and makes an effort to get somewhere with it, working hard and accomplishing something, even though what it is working with is aged meat. Fifth Yin is the only line to bite into meat that is readily nourishing and sustaining, and is able to discover even greater clarity due to its central position and being the middle, clear line, of fire. And when we come to Sixth Yang there is no more work on finding clarity, but the consequences of one's actions are met with.
Beginning Line

Beginning Nine: Shoes held down by wooden stocks to halt the movement of the feet, the foundation, not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 屨校滅趾,不行也。
    Shoes held down by wooden stocks to halt the movement of the feet, the foundation, because it [their movement] is not permitted.
When they are stopped like this, we prevent the disaster, blame and regret. If we are to let them go continue going forward impulsively, without thinking, what could go wrong?
Second Line

Six Second: Biting shallowly, only for outward show, closing the nose to the smell, not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 噬膚滅鼻,乘剛也。
    Biting shallowly, only for outward show, closing the nose to the smell, because it rides upon firmness [First Yang].
Second Yin has centrality, but is not drawn up to Fifth Yin, but finds it easy to ride upon the hardness of First Yang. It just wants to keep its position and be supported, so it goes along with the whims of First Yang even though it doesn't bite deeply, and is more just along for the ride. But because it is just in an enabling role, and because it doesn't bite deeply, it can manage to avoid the poison and the misfortune for the most part. But it is still in a position that depends upon those who are not sure what they are doing.
Third Line

Six Third: Biting aged meat, discovering poison; a little shame, not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 遇毒,位不當也。
    Discovering poison, because the position is unsuitable.
Here Third Yin is at the top of the active dynamic of thunder, where the efforts below are petering out and yet still before we have clarity from above. So Third Yin bites into some poison and discovers with shock that not everything is what it seemed to be. But fortunately Third Yin wasn't the mastermind of the plot, and hopefully things are still able to be addressed. So there is some shame and disappointment, but not great disaster needs to be navigated.
Fourth Line

Nine Fourth: Biting for Qian in dried meat and bone, obtaining an enduring vow, Advantageous Culmination in arduous Aligning Toward Completion, auspicious.

  • 象傳: 吉,未光也。
    Advantageous Culmination in arduous Aligning Toward Completion auspicious, because it is still not glowing brightly.
Fifth Line

Six Fifth: Biting for Qian in meat, obtaining gold, Aligning Toward Completion exerting effort with raised alertness, not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 厲无咎,得當也。
    Aligning Toward Completion exerting effort with raised alertness not having disaster, blame and regret, because it obtains suitability.
Top Line

Top Six: Carrying a cangue on the shoulders to stop ears from hearing, inauspicious.

  • 象傳: 何校滅耳,聰不明也。
    Carrying a cangue on the shoulders to stop ears from hearing, because their perception failed to comprehend.
Here the limit of biting through is reached, and and example is given of those who do not successfully comprehend. Instead of finding minor punishments to keep them in place while they take some time to learn, now they experience the misfortune of their failure.

This line also represents transcendence. Sometimes we bite through a situation so well that we graduate from its curriculum entirely and leave it all behind. The issue here is that nothing is truly ever left behind. What is it we are not listening to, not hearing clearly? Even the gods end up destined to return, eventually. Until all transcends the cycling but repeats.

22 ䷕ Refinement


賁:。小有攸往。 Refinement: Gathering Maturity. Small Advantageous Culmination having a place to go.

  • 象傳: 山下有火,賁;君子以明庶政,无敢折獄。
    Under the mountain there is fire, Refinement; A noble person uses light, clear perception, and bright illumination, for all kinds of governing, without daring to adjudicate sentences.
What is called 'white' in the lines describes the quality of light being refined.
Beginning Line

Beginning Nine: Refining its foundation, Giving up the carriage and then walking.

  • 象傳: 舍車而徒,義弗乘也。
    Giving up the carriage and then walking, on account of not correctly profiting from its bearing.
Second Line

Six Second: Refining its wants and needs.

  • 象傳: 賁其須,與上興也。
    Refining its wants and needs, on account of the arising of involvement above.
Third Line

Nine Third: Refining as if imbued in water, Lasting Aligning Toward Completion auspicious.

  • 象傳: 永之吉,終莫之陵也。
    Auspiciousness of lasting Aligning Toward Completion, because all the way to the end in no instance does it transgress.
Fourth Line

Six Fourth: Refinement as if like purifying whiteness repeatedly like this, White horses soar like this, It is not plundering marital relations.

  • 象傳: 六四,當位疑也。匪寇婚媾,終无尤也。
    Six Fourth, has to do with undertaking responsibility for the position without clarity. It is not plundering marital relations, implying getting all the way to the end without error.
Fifth Line

Six Fifth: Refining on a hill garden, bringing silk together finely finely, testing its patience, all the way to the end auspicious.

  • 象傳: 六五之吉,有喜也。
    Six Fifth's Auspiciousness, On account of having reason for joy.
Top Line

Top Nine: White refinement, not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 白賁无咎,上得志也。
    White Refinement not having disaster, blame and regret, on account of ascending to satisfy the heart's purpose.

23 ䷖ Stripping Away

BoStripping Away

Stripping Away: Dis-Advantageous Culmination having a place to go toward.

  • 象傳: 山附地上,剝;上以厚下,安宅。
    A mountain depending on being above the earth, Stripping Away; The top accords its genuine substance toward those below, securing its residence.
Here there is a stripping, peeling, or wasting away of Yang. Yang represents life force, yin represents that which opens to receive and contain it such that together life may unfold. Here, as in old age, the life force finds itself limited to the ending of things. As such the quality of its position relates to how well its influence was cultivated such that it is able to reach through toward receiving help from the yin lines below. What is unable to be reached, perhaps will waste away in neglect. What is able to be reached, perhaps may be there to support one's needs. For the Sixth Yang, it needs to preserve its resources, so there is little in the way of making amends at this point. It either receives the help it needs, or it makes do without.
Beginning Line

Beginning Six: A wasting away of the platform through the legs, rejecting Aligning Toward Completion inauspiciously.

  • 象傳: 剝床以足,以滅下也。
    A wasting away of the platform through the legs, due to a deficiency in what is at the bottom.
The 'platform' here may be thought of as a platform for a matress that raises one off the ground so as to rest in a comfortable position. A bed. And also, as a daias. A raised platform from which someone sits and receives guests in front of. With Yang residing only at the very top, in a retiring position, the state of their platform indicates the state of their reach. Here with First Yang, the legs of the platform are decaying. They are the base, and the base is the most difficult part to reach down to from the top.
Second Line

Six Second: A wasting away of the platform through the joints, rejecting Aligning Toward Completion inauspiciously.

  • 象傳: 剝床以辨,未有與也。
    A wasting away of the platform through the joints, because it is still not connecting through.
And with Second Yin the places where parts join to hold the platform together are wearing away. By extension these are the functionaries of the household, those responsible for all of its moving parts. With Hexagram 8's Accord, Second Yin and Fifth Yang hold things together closely. When Yang retires to the Sixth position, Second Yin can not so easily work together with it - something more is needed for things to connect through, by way of Fifth Yin.
Third Line

Six Third: Stripping it away, not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 剝之无咎,失上下也。
    Stripping it away not having disaster, blame and regret, because it loses sight of caring for what comes from the top to the bottom.
Third Yin, bring the top of the lower trigram, has a direct relationship with Sixth Yang. Thus its effect on Sixth Yang is more direct. Because the relationship is direct, Third Yin has the opportunity to separate from the yins around it and no longer actively strip away, but instead open to the top and form a mutually beneficial relationship. They are family, and so even if it does strip away from the top selfishly, it does not have disaster, blame and regret. But if it is able to discover mutuality with line 5 it can reconnect with a source of nourishment it may have been neglecting.
Fourth Line

Six Fourth: A wasting away of the platform through to the skin, inauspicious.

  • 象傳: 剝床以膚,切近災也。
    A wasting away of the platform through to the skin, due to coming into direct contact and chafing.
Sixth Yang has no direct relation with First, Second, or Fourth Yin. Thus they represent how a wasting away occurs within them due to this neglect of upkeep. Line four is the first where the wasting away reaches the upper trigram. The mattress of the platform, where one's skin touches. Here the limitations of wasting away become more evident and cannot be easily denied or brushed under the rug. For it becomes more clear that the decline is real and that changes are necessary.
Fifth Line

Six Fifth: A string of fish, using palace maids to dote on and show favor, without dis-Advantageous Culmination.

  • 象傳: 以宮人寵,終无尤也。
    Using palace maids to dote on and show favor, so all the way to the end it is without fault.
Fifth Yin touches Sixth Yang directly. It cares to help support it from below, and is able to gather the other yins (like a string of things all together) into this supportive effort for Sixth Yang, while remaining in its central position.
Top Line

Top Nine: Large accomplishments are no longer undertaken, a noble person obtains a carriage, a small person wastes away in a hovel.

  • 象傳: 君子得輿,民所載也。小人剝廬,終不可用也。
    A noble person obtains a carriage, because common folk are there to load the carriage. A small person wastes away in a hovel, because in coming to the end of life one must not use it up.
And so at the top, Sixth Yang depends upon those below as its eneries navigate their retirement. Here, retiring is a preservation of what is left in stillness, awaiting the return of yang with hexagram 24. But this is more of a spiritual path. There is little energy for large changes to the situation at this point. If one has cultivated a supportive network of friends and family, there is likely to be help available when it is needed. If one has not found a way to cultivate such a support system, one has limited support. With or without support, as yang reaches its limit and wanes, it is then born anew come the return.

24 ䷗ Returning


Returning: Gathering Maturity. Going out then coming in without cause for trouble, gathering together to come back does not have disaster, blame and regret. Turning around and returning back, Seven days of coming back and returning, Advantageous Culmination having a place to go.

  • 象傳: 雷在地中,復;先王以至日閉關,商旅不行,后不省方。
    Thunder residing within the earth, Returning; Kings of old made use of the winter solstice by sealing off the country, travelers and merchants not moving, the sovereign not examining in all directions.
Beginning Line

Beginning Nine: Not separated from returning, Without respect blame, Beginning Development auspicious.

  • 象傳: 不遠之復,以修身也。
    Not separated from its returning, on account of making use of personal refinement.
Second Line

Six Second: Desisting and returning, auspicious.

  • 象傳: 休復之吉,以下仁也。
    Auspiciousness of desisting and returning, has to do with the means to lower kindness.
Third Line

Six Third: Continuously returning, exerting effort with raised alertness does not have disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 頻復之厲,義无咎也。
    Continuously returning's exerting effort with raised alertness, because it is upright it does not have disaster, blame and regret.
Fourth Line

Six Fourth: finding the center of balance in action, independently returning.

  • 象傳: 中行獨復,以從道也。
    Finding the center of balance in action, independently returning, on account of complying with its way.
Fifth Line

Six Fifth: Sincerely returning, without regret.

  • 象傳: 敦復无悔,中以自考也。
    Sincerely returning without regret, on account of finding the center of balance by means of self-examination.
Top Line

Top Six: Losing the way of returning, inauspicious, having calamity and blame. Making use of engaging authority, at the end having utter defeat, by means of its territory ruler, inauspicious; Even in ten years, Unable to press strongly forward.

  • 象傳: 迷復之凶,反君道也。
    The inauspiciousness of losing the way of returning, on account of overturning the noble way.

25 ䷘ Without Falseness

无妄Wu WangWithout Falseness

Without Falseness: Beginning Development Gathering Maturity, Advantageous Culmination Aligning Toward Completion. One does not conform to standards by having deviations, dis-Advantageous Culmination having a place to go.

  • 象傳: 天下雷行,物與无妄;先王以茂對時,育萬物。
    Heaven sending down and thunder acting, phenomena synchronizes without falseness. Kings of old used this to fully stand up to the moment, nourishing and nurturing countless phenomena.
Heaven acts like a battery sending down charge to thunder. Thunder uses this to send current throughout. Synchronistic flow is established and mysterious alignment unfolds. The charge of the current removes falseness similar to how electrolysis removes tarnishing.
Beginning Line

Beginning Nine: Without Falseness, going toward auspicious.

  • 象傳: 无妄之往,得志也。
    The going toward of Without Falseness, on account of this acquiring the heart's purpose.
First Yang issues its energy like the establishing of an electrical current through a circuit. This is on account of its relationship with Fourth Yang above. Continuously connecting with heaven above, continuously maintaining the flow of energy within the circuit.
Second Line

Six Second: Harvesting without having tilled, seeding without having prepared the soil, following the principle of Advantageous Culmination having a place to go.

  • 象傳: 不耕獲,未富也。
    Harvesting without having tilled, on account of being without amassing of abundance.
Here synchronicity manifests. Second Yin is in a central position that is empowered by yang below, receives from Third Yin above, in alignment with Fifth Yang above. Being an the right place at the right time, one may both harvest without toiling and seed without preparing. This is possible due to accommodating the flow of change. Maintaining synchronicity with Fifth Yang, Second Yin ends up at the meeting place of the merging. What was prepared is ready, both for harvesting and planting, and one just fills the void. Giving and receiving are one. This is similar to the mechanism of a zipper, or a current.
Third Line

Six Third: Without Falseness's disaster, sometimes when tying up an ox, a person wandering by takes it, and the town people having a disaster on their hands.

  • 象傳: 行人得牛,邑人災也。
    A passerby taking an ox, has to do with the town people's disaster.
Third Yin finds itself coming into contact with the upper trigram. It feels the draw of Sixth Yang and feels protected in a moment of leisure. It is yin, however this Third position works best with firmness and holding together strongly. Thus it is like someone tying up the town's ox in a place that is usually considered safe, however a wanderer happens by and takes it. The town needs their ox, thus a disaster.
This is a position that has come to rise up to connect with the upper trigram, so therefore it is at ease at first, feeling that it need not walk with raised caution. Someone leaves their car running with their keys in the ignition at a gas station, trusting that no one will steal it. There is a chance that under the right conditions it will be taken. But also, this is how plants and trees spread their seed far and wide. By making an attractive offering of surplus that is free for the taking. The ease with which something may be gently allowed into the course of being sent off into the current to find its place of usefulness. This is why it is a disaster of the town people. It is in their nature to create abundance, and when that abundance is loosely held and claimed, nature makes it available to the whole. This is why the sage stops when enough is enough, yet is still able to always have enough.
Fourth Line

Nine Fourth: Permissible to Align Toward Completion, not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 可无咎,固有之也。
    Permissible to Align Toward Completion not having disaster, blame and regret, on account of securely possessing it.
Fourth Yang is a strong yang line in a position of softness and flexibility. Here it is able to use its firmness to securely lock into the position and provide an anchor point for the changes above and below. It ordinarily might have blame for using strength in a position of softness. Here however it provides the anchor for the energy above to descend in a current to First Yang below.
Fifth Line

Nine Fifth: Without Falseness's dis-ease, do not use medicine and remedies to get better.

  • 象傳: 无妄之藥,不可試也。
    Without Falseness's medicine, on account of not allowing it to be taken.
Fifth Yang is well matched to its position and has no falseness. It has centrality, is strong in a firm position, and has resonance with Second Yin below. Its function is one of purification and alignment of the current of the way. What appears as a falseness on the surface is able to be channeled such that it becomes neutralized, even as the charged utilized in this process fuels the reaction happening in the lower trigram. Fifth Yang provides the electrical current, Second Yin is where the electrolysis happens.
Top Line

Top Nine: Without Falseness, action has deviance, there is no place for Advantageous Culmination.

  • 象傳: 无妄之行,窮之災也。
    Without Falseness's action, because depleting resources to their exhaustion has disaster.
Here at the limit of the operation, the state of being Without Falseness is what it is. If it acts, it creates falseness. Best for it to remain as it is without acting or moving. Then it remains as it is, and others judge it as they see it, but it takes no action to stir things up. Perhaps there is a rumor, and at the stage of Fifth Yang the rumor would find its own correction via the principle of synchronistic transformation. At the limit at the top however we have the surface level tarnishing, and what appears false on the edges of something. People will see what they want from the outside in and there is no need to attempt to act to change their minds about it. At this stage there is no longer the energy for such things. So people are left to see what they want to see, and will not discover what is beneath the surface unless they chose to.

26 ䷙ Profound Cultivation

大畜Da XuProfound Cultivation

Profound Cultivation: Advantageous Culmination Aligning Toward Completion, not eating at home auspicious, Advantageous Culmination fording a great river.

  • 象傳: 天在山中,大畜;君子以多識前言往行,以畜其德。
    Heaven residing within a mountain, Profound Cultivation; A noble person uses this to accrue insight, familiarity, and experience before talking about going to do something, by means of cultivating their virtue power.
Beginning Line

Beginning Nine: There is exerting effort with raised alertness alertness Advantageous Culmination stopping this.

  • 象傳: 有厲已,不犯災也。
    There is exerting effort with raised alertness alertness Advantageous Culmination stopping this, on account of not infringing on disaster.
First Yang wishes to engage with Third Yin, but First Yang is young still and Third Yin can easily contain it. Best for First Yang to stop struggling and allow its power to be contained so that it may develop beyond the beginning.
Second Line

Nine Second: The carriage chassis expressing strength through the part that holds the carriage to the axle.

  • 象傳: 輿說輹,中无尤也。
    The carriage chassis expressing strength through the part that holds the carriage to the axle, because it is centered without blame.
Here in the center position in the lower trigram, is the center of gravity that holds it all together. The part of the carriage that holds the carriage to the axle needs to be strong so that it can hold everything together at the core. When moving, the strength to hold things together increases. Under great pressure it needs to remain stable and still. This concentration at the lower core can also transmit power, as in an automobile transmission, or as in generating heat within the abdomen with the breath. It can create fusion. It can turn to light.

But at the core it is fixed in place and cannot move to connect with Fifth Yang. Even though it resonates well with Fifth Yang, Fifth Yang only provides a container for its developing of stillness and not a way to channel it out. Second Yang may not be disconnected, but still resides at the core where things are under the most pressure. Where there is this much handling of strength and power involved, the system can also become overloaded and break down, if it is inadequate to the task.

Or as the pressure increases, it may attempt to leak out its power in whatever way possible, even as it remains unable to get anywhere, because it has not yet learned how to restrain the power such that it may be channeled under proper control. At times in such positions we may feel nothing is possible and there is no escape from it. Like having a carriage mount or engine that are not able to carry the intense load that is asked of them. However, if we rise to the task we may find that something extraordinary is possible here. When the pressure is properly contained, it combusts and transforms to light energy. Thus the heart of profound cultivation.
Third Line

Nine Third: A finely bred horse chasing after something, Advantageous Culmination with challenging Aligning Toward Completion. Saying 'protect the carriage cabin', Advantageous Culmination having a place to go toward.

  • 象傳: 有攸往,上合志也。
    Advantageous Culmination having a place to go toward, on account of the heart's intent to unite with what is above it.
Here what is being cultivated reaches its height and connects with that which contains it. It is able to connect with Sixth Yang above and both are aligned in desiring to push up above and beyond. However it needs to be careful to guard its integrity as releasing too much pressure too quickly is not beneficial, as this does not protect the carriage's cabin. A car cannot drive too fast or it flips. The driver must be mindful of the challenge to dispense power in a measured way, so that they stay in control.
Fourth Line

Nine Fourth: A young ox's wooden crosspiece that keeps its horns from doing damage, Beginning Development auspicious.

  • 象傳: 六四吉,有喜也。
    Six Fourth Beginning Development auspicious, on account of having consummation.
What could be dangerous is contained. Here the pressure presses up. First Yang seeks to connect with it. And Fourth Yin answers in response by safely keeping that pressure contained. Like a sheath for a knife. Or bumpers, air bags, tires, bushings, or safety-belts in cars, or shoes for feet. Ideal for keeping things safe from accidents. Given this inherent safety, it is auspicious for nuruturing such developing of power. It can be cultivated safely.
Fifth Line

Six Fifth: A gelded pig's tusks, auspicious.

  • 象傳: 六五之吉,有慶也。
    Six Fifth's auspiciousness, on account of having the favor of heaven.
Gelded, so without testosterone. Tusks, but without volatility that would cause them to become dangerous. Here having extra buffering space to contain the pressure of heaven is what creates profound cultivation. Like the space that insulates and seals. Two chambers create an airlock. Thus tusks, pressure, but safely contained not just by environment but by nature. Like roads with lines and signs that provide not just physical protection but a buffer that goes beyond this. Or like having a suspension, or seals to keep the wind noise and all vibrations out.
Top Line

Top Six: Carrying Heaven's thoroughfare, Gathering Maturity.

  • 象傳: 何天之衢,道大行也。
    Carrying heaven's thoroughfare, because this is the way of profound action.
At the limit, Sixth Yang carries the integrity of the junction with heaven. The heaven within, channeled by Third Yang, and the heaven beyond. This is what connects them all. The How of its doing, that enables its carrying of, is by means of being a juncture of passage ways that connect and network, transmitting throughout.

27 ䷚ Nourishment


Nourishment: Aligning Toward Completion auspicious. Contemplating nourishment, the hungry mouth seeks to fill itself to repletion.

  • 象傳: 山下有雷,頤;君子以慎言語,節飲食。
    Below the mountain there is thunder, nourishment; A noble person uses this to be mindful of the reality of speech in a conversation, limiting and moderating what is drunk (imbibed for swallowing) and eaten (received for consumption).
Yi 頤 is like the upper and lower jaw chewing to provide nourishment. Here the light from above nourishes that which receives it below, layer by layer manifesting itself in different capacities. The whole of it forming the roles of various ecosystems in their cycling of life.

Shen 慎 is a combination of the radical for heart-mind , and the character zhen 真 that means truth, reality, what is real, what is genuine. Thus, the attentiveness, mindfulness, caution and prudence of its definition are in relationship to taking care to be mindful about what is true and real.

While we nourish ourselves with food, we also nourish ourselves with thoughts. Thus the moderation of eating and drinking also applies to moderating what we take into our minds for consumption as well.

The fair and equitable distribution of resources applies to all manner of class disparities. The lines reveal where potential for blocking the nourishment of the whole from the top down have created obstructions that do not serve the pattern of the guiding principles.
Beginning Line

Beginning Nine: Setting aside your spiritual tortoise, watching me and chewing up nourishment, inauspicious.

  • 象傳: 觀我朵頤,亦不足貴也。
    Watching me and chewing up nourishment, because in this case it is not valuable enough.
First Yang is placed beneath, at the beginning. Here it correlates with Fourth Yin and sees all of the yin above it and wants to explore and learn about this yin. But because it is just beginning itself, it is not prepared to share and give in return. Thus it sets in reserve its spiritual tortoise and does not offer itself as a source of nourishment. Instead, it watches the nourishment occurring above it and desires this for itself.

This is like people being distracted by that which is beautiful all around them that has been nourished by the energies of heaven and earth. In Journey to the West, Sun Wu Kong is said to beam light out as he consumes fruit, and this light is said to be a distraction to the denizens of heaven. The stories of the garden of eden are similar.

It is not that we sin by eating, it is more that the upholding of the spiritual tortoise, representing our spiritual immortal self that sustains itself on light, depends upon a delicate balance to maintain coherence with its mandala. Allowing distraction by fruits and over eating, even though this is natural, is also a setting aside of and turning away from the balance needed to cohere to the light. In this sense First Yang too is able to reach all the way up to line six to connect with true nourishment from above. Nourishment that is more valuable because it is pure spiritual light.
Second Line

Six Second: Top down nourishment, dusting off the guiding principles, from the farmland nourishment, pressing strongly forward inauspicious.

  • 象傳: 六二征凶,行失類也。
    Six Second pressing strongly forward inauspicious, because its acting fails to match the needs of the group.
    Here the light from above shines down upon the earth and things grow. Guiding principles are necessary for sustainable cultivation of farmlands. With too much ambition comes a forfeiting of the measure by which nature is healthy and a source of nourishment. Being patient and following guiding principles is humble and slow. It does not attempt to grasp all of the light for itself, but understands that it just can be patient and open to receive, and day by day it will grow.

    This means not clearcutting thousands of acres to plant one crop. The answer to this type of imbalance will manifest itself. Patiently accepting what is given, one receives and follows the guidelines as they become clear, like the branches and leaves of plants turning slowly to fill in the places where light shines. Thus one harmonizes with all around itself, and as all follow these guiding principles together, ecosystems are born.

    Thus the principle of Top Down nourishment is one wherein there is receiving from above, that manifests so as to nourish what is below. While it is inappropriate for Second Yin to cross over, Sixth Yang is already doing the crossing over. Second Yin just needs to patiently away what is able to filter through from the lines above on its way from Top to Bottom. Trying to rush the process by eliminating the participants above is to invite disaster. Patiently working with what comes through to the bottom adapts to the needs of the group. This is how roots grow strong - strong wood grows slowly over a long time.
Third Line

Six Third: Clearing a way for nourishment, Aligning Toward Completion inauspicious, for ten years do not make use of it, without a place for Advantageous Culmination.

  • 象傳: 十年勿用,道大悖也。
    For ten years do not make use of it, because it opposes the way of greatness.
Third Yin is in a yang position and thus not ideally positioned to relate with its resonant partner Sixth Yang in a correct manner. In its softness here it easily caves to desire and takes the nourishing power radiating out from Sixth Yang all for itself, even though this heavenly nourishment is intended for all.

This is like someone who is in charge of money taking some of it for themselves. Or like being the child to someone wealthy and desiring that wealth for one's own comfort. Even though as it came from many, so too should it re-cycle back to many.

Were this line to learn to behave in an upright manner, and be fine with sharing the nourishment from above with all around it, it would find that it is still able to receive plenty of nourishment for itself. There is simply no proper place for its choosing to take for itself. From that which belongs to all.

This is also like a loom and its upright warp threads gathering dust, then having the dust shaken from them so they can be worked with to hold a true pattern. The warp threads are metaphor for heavenly guides. Dusting them off is like clearing them of anything that might adhere to them and block the way through from top to bottom. Thus in lines 2 and 5 we see the role of keeping the guidelines themselves clear, while line 3 itself is responsible for keeping the flow of nourishment itself clear and unobstructed. Only in Fourth Yin is there the allowance for using the nourishment to manifest something. Because what materializes of this is in itself designed as nourishment for what is below. Because Fourth Yin has materialized something, Third Yin is even more challenged to not obstruct the flow of nourishment.

This is why the path of nourishment needs to be kept clear, and we do not make use of this yin's opening proclivity, because it would not keep this path clear.

In this can be seen humanity taking from nature and storing it up without allowing it to pass through and nurture nature from top to bottom. There is much we do to 'get in the way' of this natural process, as what we store up for ourselves is much more than is necessary, and much potential nourishment for the planet becomes wasted rather than being naturally distributed.

The number ten is the number of completion. Thus we are advised to allow what is channeled through here to come through without obstructing it until it has reached completion. Then we can have some of the excess. This is like allowing the seeds and of fruits and plants to accomplish their nourishment of the earth below and only take from them so long as their role is able to function fully. The role of the harvester should not get in the way of the functional nourishment of the land. If the land is obstructed from its nourishment, it becomes stripped of resources.
Fourth Line

Six Fourth: Top down nourishment, auspicious, a tiger staring piercingly and severely, its desire to chase after and pursue, not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 顛頤之吉,上施光也。
    Top down nourishment's auspiciousness, on account of the top extending light.
Fourth Yin would naturally resonate and be drawn to receive from First Yang, however First Yang is not positioned to give of itself. Thus Fourth Yin receives from Top Yang and of this nourishment shares with First Yang below. Like the fruits of trees working with the birds and animals to share their nourishment but also spread their seeds.

Here is seen the proper route of nourishment, from above to below, without hoarding for selfish reasons. Wang Bi names this the most important line in the Yi. The focused will and desire of the tiger is the work of drawing energy through to create that which can pass through toward the resonance below. First Yang needs to learn to receive nourishment from the source, however Fourth Yang enables it to grow to the point of working toward that goal. The codependency that emerges manifests as another layer of Second Yin's Top Down ecosystem.

Top Down 顛 has the meaning of the summit, or apex, or peak of something. But also of something toppling, head over heels. Hence this representation: Top Down. Bearing not the meaning of a toppling and collapse, but a descending flow. This descending flow could be seen as backwards from the natural flow of a hexagram from bottom to top. Such demonstrates the phenomena wherein the seed of one is contained within the other. Every expansion is also a contraction. Every contraction is also an expansion. Such is the interplay of matter and light.
Fifth Line

Six Fifth: Dusting off the guiding principles, residing in Aligning Toward Completion, must not ford a great river.

  • 象傳: 居之吉,順以從上也。
    Residing in Aligning Toward Completion's auspiciousness, on account of using compliance as basis for following the top.
The warp threads, which represent guiding principles, run vertically, up and down. Fifth Yin is in the ruling position, and yet being yin is not a source of yang life force. Here it receives Sixth Yang's light and channels it through itself to that which is below. It is like the sky being free of clouds, or like an administrator funneling their budget efficiently back to provide for the needs of the people. By means of the guiding principles that extend from above to below in establishment of a standard. Standards that are fixed in place may resist change, and yet the standards that manifest via the path the light follows inherently adapt to the ever unfolding way.
Top Line

Top Nine: Nourishment derives from this, exerting effort with raised alertness auspicious, Advantageous Culmination fording a great river.

  • 象傳: 由頤厲吉,大有慶也。
    Nourishment's source exerting effort with raised alertness, on account of great possession of heavenly favor.
Transcending the self, the higher self shines through. Ever empty so that it can continue shining through, it channels the light. Like a star and its fusion.

28 ䷛ Great Exceeding

大過Da GuoGreat Exceeding

Great Exceeding: The ridgepole bends, Advantageous Culmination having someplace to go, Gathering Maturity.

  • 象傳: 澤滅木,大過;君子以獨立不懼,遯世无悶。
    Marsh flooding wood, Great Exceeding; A noble person uses this to establish independence fearlessly, Retreating and for a generation without worries.
Beginning Line

Beginning Six: A mat made of white thatching grass, not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 藉用白茅,柔在下也。
    A mat made of white thatching grass, has to do with softness placed at the bottom.
Second Line

Nine Second: A withered poplar creating shoots, An older man acquires a younger woman to take as his wife, without dis-Advantageous Culmination.

  • 象傳: 老夫女妻,過以相與也。
    An older man acquires a younger woman to take as a wife, has to do with exceeding on account of according with one another.
Third Line

Nine Third: The ridgepole bends, Inauspicious.

  • 象傳: 棟橈之凶,不可以有輔也。
    Inauspiciousness of the ridgepole bending, on account of inability to have support.
Fourth Line

Nine Fourth: The ridgepole arching prominently, Auspicious; Having something for another is shameful.

  • 象傳: 棟隆之吉,不橈乎下也。
    Auspiciousness of the ridgepole arching prominently, on account of not bending so it falls.
Fifth Line

Nine Fifth: A withered poplar creating flowers, An older woman acquires a younger husband, no blame, no praise.

  • 象傳: 枯楊生華,何可久也。老婦士夫,亦可醜也。
    A withered poplar creating flowers, because how could it possibly persist? An older woman and a younger husband, implying in this case allowing the scandalous.
Top Line

Top Six: Excessively fording and the head goes under the water, inauspicious, not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 過涉之凶,不可咎也。
    Excessively fording's inauspiciousness, is such that it must not be blamed.
Sometimes we forge forward in an extreme way, not realizing that the next step we take has had all substance drop away from it. And so we step into mud and sink deeply down and the water goes over our heads. There is disaster, and yet not blame, because we are suffering from an accident. If we almost fall off a cliff it is not time for blame but for help. At the limit of the dynamics of great excessiveness, we learn to leave excesses behind, for there is always that moment when the ground drops out from under us. We just don't know where it will be. Sometimes it is best to simply stop pushing our luck, then we don't need to worry about falling prey to extremes.

29 ䷜ Suspension in Abyss

KanSuspension in Abyss

Suspension in Abyss: Repeated suspension in abyss, there is captivation, bracing the heart-mind's Gathering Maturity, conduct has precedence.

  • 象傳: 水洊至,習坎;君子以常德行,習教事。
    Water again and again to the furthest degree, repeated suspension in abyss; a noble person makes use of constant virtuous conduct, and puts into practice the occasion for teaching and instructing.
Kan 坎 represents a consolidating and gathering into. When ☰ loses its middle line to the gravity of ☷'s middle line, ☲ has a parting from and ☵ has a falling in to. This shows what Kan has gathered into itself. The deepness of deep places comes of what creates their gravity. Gravity, creating rising and falling, thus danger. Poignancy is within its center. Poignancy meaning yang within. Yang within on account of it falling into what was originally yin.

Thus, suspended in abyss. Yin above, and yin below, the yang within has become suspended within the central space it has fallen into. There is risk in straying below or above, in straying off the middle path into the danger to either side. In suspension, we bide our time and stay centered. Like every molecule of matter, until it re-coheres with the light that is its counterpart, and fire and water transcend their separation and dissolve their need to be in a suspended state and return to heaven and earth. In the mean time, all matter remains suspended within the space-time continuum that it exists within. Stars and planets spinning and dancing in accordance with the celestial mechanism until all returns.
Beginning Line

Beginning Six: Repeated suspension in abyss, opening into the pit of the abyss, inauspicious.

  • 象傳: 習坎入坎,失道凶也。
    Repeated suspension in abyss opening into [the pit of the] abyss, because losing the way is inauspicious.
First Yin enters the scene and has little to engage with. The position is better for the yang energy that wants to rise up, but yin is insuitable for this at the beginning, and it has nothing to connect with above it in line 4. It can connect with Second Yang above it and thus try to avoid losing its way. Second Yang is trying to maintain its own center, and so tries to avoid sinking into the dark with First Yin. The relationship between them forms the bottom part of the lower trigram's suspension, and relates in principle to the operation of a black hole.
Second Line

Nine Second: Suspension with a strategic pass, small aspirations are possible.

  • 象傳: 求小得,未出中也。
    Small aspirations are possible, on account of not yet going out from the middle.
Second Yang is a yang line in a position ideally balanced for yin, and yet because it is in the middle of the lower trigram, it has centrality to work with. It can feel that both above and below it there is danger of going astray. It might like to find a yin partner to work with in the fifth position, but even though Fifth Yang is yang, Second Yang finds that it can relate with Fifth Yang, that they are similar, and that this provides something of a strategic pass between mountain valleys.

Repeated Suspension in Abyss is like the human suspended between heaven and earth on our planet. And in turn, the planet suspended within the solar system, following the gravity of the sun, even as the sun follows the gravity of the galactic center and so on. Thus all is embodied by these layers of suspension within the abyss of space time. And yet all remains connected to all else by way of these threads, these strategic passes.

Biding our time, staying centered, and avoiding falling off track. Even when the abyss we are suspended within feels like it offers little way out, if we stay within the lines of what is proper, we can keep ourselves afloat and held together.
Third Line

Six Third: The arrival of suspension in abyss upon suspension in abyss, both a strategic pass and a hard pillow, giving entrance to suspension in a cave, do not make use of this.

  • 象傳: 來之坎坎,終无功也。
    The arrival of suspension in abyss upon suspension in abyss, because in the end it is without accomplishment.
Third Yin is a soft line in a position balanced for yang firmness. The third line is the top of the lower trigram and greets the upper trigram. Thus, it is present where one abyss meets the other abyss. As a yang line it could provide some firmness for something to develop between the two hexagrams. But as a yin line it wavers and struggles to take initiative. Below it is a yang line, which it can rest upon as its hard pillow. Above it a strategic pass toward Fifth Yang, but drawing Fifth Yang into the lower abyss is like us upon the earth descending down into a cave to go, where? So it finds itself discontent, inadequate, and uncomfortable in its position both in regards to what is above and below.
Fourth Line

Six Fourth: A goblet for wine and various types of vessels for grain, the making use of vessels that contain, giving entrance to taking in and receiving a binding and containing pact through their window, through to the end not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 樽酒簋貳,剛柔際也。
    A goblet for wine and various types of vessels for grain, on account of the firm and the yielding converging.
Fourth Yin is below Fifth Yang, and is a yin line in a position ideally suited for yin softness and flexibility. It has not draw to a partner in First Yin or Second Yang, but finds itself able to support Fifth Yang from below. Because it is able to be soft and flexible, it is able to offer Fifth Yang some accommodation, able to help become a vessel for Fifth Yang to overflow into, so that it is not overwhelmed. As such it is able to help Fifth Yang buffer itself from the trials of living suspended within the abyss.

We know this dynamic well, as it is what allows us to store goods within containers, to preserve food, to survive within the homes that buffer us from trials of the seasons.

Within our abyss, when something becomes too much, we put it into stasis. In Chinese medicine it is believed we also do this in our bodies, with whatever it is we are carrying and have not yet processed. Like how we might within a home, we have things contained within our living space, but we also store things in closets and basements.

It might be said here that as our storage capacity becomes overwhelmed, it overflows into the abyss represented by the lower trigram. Fourth Yin is well suited to support with its capacity here, but such capacity has its limits. Fourth Yin needs to recognize what its capacity is for providing support so that it can avoid over giving and not taking on too much from the other in its supporting role.
Fifth Line

Nine Fifth: Suspended in an abyss not full to excessive overflowing, only just leveling off, not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 坎不盈,中未大也。
    Suspended in an abyss not full to excessive overflowing, because in the middle it is still not great.
Supported by the capacity of Fourth Yin below, Fifth Yang is able to keep its head above water and manage its balance in the center of the middle trigram. It is ideally positioned as a yang line in a position ideally suited for yang firmness, and even though it has no where to go, it finds support around it. Beneath it Second Yang is a distant relation, but there is kinship between them, and Fourth Yin supports it from below by helping to buffer and contain. This is like how the bilge in a ship is able to contain water that gets into the the ship, so that it stays below decks. But its capacity is not endless, and bilge pumps are still needed to keep it from becoming over full.

Thus Fifth Yang has the support it needs to manage its affairs in a balanced capacity, and yet still needs to take an active role in ensuring that it remains centered within all of its responsibilities, not putting things off that should not be put off, and so on. In this it is responsible for managing its affairs within its home, like doing regular cleaning of the home, so that this yin space that carries its yang is able to continue to perform without overflowing excessively.
br /> And too, it has the capacity to connect with the lower trigram via the strategic pass made possible by Third Yin, accessing its "basement", represented by the lower trigram. And it can either put more things into the basement, or draw them out to process them if it has the need. So too, does the universe suspend itself, according to this model.
Top Line

Top Six: Binding together using cord and rope, setting up in regards to a collection of red dates, for three years not managing it, inauspicious.

  • 象傳: 上六失道,凶三歲也。
    Top six forfeiting the way, because of an inauspicious three years.
Sixth Yin is a yin line in a position ideally balanced for yin, because yin tends to submit when it it time for things to end and move on. This is not always the case however, and yin also likes to sink downward.

Here Sixth Yin has the clarity to see what is happening in the abyss below it, and with that clarity might come judgement and an attempt to tie some things up below it. For despite having clarity, it lacks the insight that comes of fire and how fire binds everything together in oneness. Whatever it attempts to bind together now will be difficult to accomplish. It is like the atmosphere above the earth. It sees and witnesses much, and yet has little ability to control. And even so, represents a portal from which what is above may connect with what is below. And in doing so, it needs to abide in acceptance, rather than judgment.

Sometimes we think we have things that we can accomplish a certain way, but there is just no getting it done. We just spin our wheels, and find ourselves blocked. At times like these, it can be wise to withdraw from attempting to accomplish something specific, but rather to simply abide in presence and connection, without a particular goal to accomplish. Thus, time passes and conditions change. This is not the same as giving up on something. Rather, it is above arriving at the end and awaiting the timing to begin again, as with hexagram 3. To not abide in the appropriate timing is to forfeit the way, the dao 道. Sometimes the timing is not right for 3 years. And so we listen for the proper timing to arrive again.

30 ䷝ Coherence

Li 離 captures a two paradoxical meanings. That of separation in distinction from and that of attachment in coherence with. When ☰ loses its middle line to the gravity of ☷'s middle line, ☲ has a separation from and ☵ has a falling into. This shows what Li is separated from in its middle. And its attachment in coherence comes of the emptiness within that receives. Fire's light is on account of its brightness having clarity. Clarity meaning yin within. Yin within on account of being separated from what originally was yang.

Distinct from having separated even as coherent due to remaining inherently connected to what is now gone: Coherence: Advantageous Culmination Aligning Toward Completion, Developing Maturation. Domestic cultivation of female ox, auspicious.

  • 象傳: 明兩作離,大人以繼明照于四方。
    Bright clarity, paired, making Coherence, Great people use this to amplify bright clarity to illuminate all four directions.
Beginning Line

Beginning Nine: The steps are criss-crossed and disordered, however, respecting this does not have disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 履錯之敬,以辟咎也。
    The steps are criss-crossed and disordered's respecting this, on account of using it to break away from disaster, blame and regret.
Second Line

Six Second: Yellow Coherence, Beginning Development auspicious.

  • 象傳: 黃離吉,得中道也。
    Yellow Coherence Beginning Development auspicious, due to obtaining the middle of the way.
Third Line

Nine Third: The declining hours of the day's Coherence, not beating the drum (opens in a new tab) but then singing, The standard of great longevity's exclaiming its distinction, inauspicious.

  • 象傳: 日昃之離,何可久也。
    The declining hours of the day's Coherence, because how could it endure?
Fourth Line

Nine Fourth: It arrives like suddenly bursting forth, then burns, then dies, then is lost.

  • 象傳: 突如其來如,无所容也。
    It arrives like suddenly bursting forth, let there be no place for accommodating this.
Fifth Line

Six Fifth: Like bringing forth gushing tears, then intimate companions exclaiming what's wrong, auspicious.

  • 象傳: 六五之吉,離王公也。
    Six Fifth's auspiciousness, due to Coherence with kings and high dignitaries.
Top Line

Top Nine: A king makes use of coming forth and pressing strongly forward [be it in a punitive declaration, a military advance, imposing a fine, going on a long expedition, etc], having commendable adjudicating and subduing of its core, captivating those not of its disgracefulness, not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 王用出征,以正邦也。
    A king makes use of coming forth and pressing strongly forward, has to do with taking up governing of the state.

31 ䷞ Affecting


Affecting, Gathering Maturity, Advantageous Culmination Aligning Toward Completion, Reaching to the feminine auspicious.

  • 象傳: 山上有澤,咸,君子以虛受人。
    Mountain Rising to hold the Marsh, Affecting, The noble person uses emptiness to receive others.
Affecting, is the art of affection. Influence that deepens its affection when it is given time to steep and settle in. Below is eager to move ahead, but learns to stop. Above is uncertain about below and gradually settles itself onto what is below. Between them, each mutually following the other in a building of trust. The more this influence permeates through with mutuality, the more the one and the other are able to shore up comfortably with each other. The mountain is empty and stable and thus is able to follow provide the needs of lake to have a cozy and secure roost where it can settle into the deeper reaches of itself.

The trigram Mountain is considered to represent the youngest son of a family, while the trigram of Lake is considered to be the youngest daughter of a family. Thus when they come together like this there is a representation of youthful affection. Where in the young man poises himself beneath the young woman as a safe and stable presence and together they make note of each other. Responding to each others subtle communication as to whether it is appropriate to draw closer or not, there is a slow dance where feelings develop and are tested, to see if it is something that can be trusted mutually by both, something that can be made to glow brightly. Or not.
Beginning Line

Beginning Six: Affecting one's big toe.

  • 象傳: 咸其拇,志在外也
    Affecting one's big toe, has to do with the heart's purpose going ahead.
The influence begins its affection in the big toe, which wants to move forward right away. But unless the foot and leg also move, its movement doe not do very much. This is taking note of an attractive influence at the beginning of things.
Second Line

Six Second: Affecting one's calf, inauspicious, centrality auspicious.

  • 象傳: 雖凶居吉,順不害也。
    Even though inauspicious, placed auspiciously, on account of accommodating no harm.
The affection grows into the calves, which hold the blood of the heart, and may create their own movement. But moving at this time is premature. The feelings that have developed may or may not be mutually received by Fifth Yang, and so it is best to remain humble and patient and wait until Fifth Yang has made their intention clear. Remaining open to possibility, while also having feelings, not moving, but present and aware. Unattached, as change unfolds, feelings have the freedom to shift in adherence to reality.

Feelings are not always easy to navigate, and they go through many changes. Here in the lower position, things are still developing and it is unclear what those feelings are to become. So best to remain able to adapt by not attaching to anything in particular about those feelings. Until the time comes when the other connects with us in the way that we were waiting for.

Even though the lower trigram is represented by the young man, and the upper trigram by the young woman, we have both of them within us when it comes to affection and the influence of the heart. We all need to navigate both how to be patient with our feelings on the inside, and how to feel out where it is safe for our feelings to land on the outside. The dance is one of mutuality, and is understood best by experience.
Third Line

Nine Third: Affecting one's thigh, attached to its pursuing, going along with this is impatient and lacking grace.

  • 象傳: 咸其股,亦不處也。志在隨人,所執下也。
    Affecting one's thigh, because it too does not stop. The heart's purpose is set to pursue after others, on account of holding with those below.
Third Yang is stirred by the feelings of the lines beneath it and wants to go forward, but is also confronted by the potent feelings of the lines above it, intuitively understanding that they are not to be rushed, although they easily could be. Third Yang's role, as the thigh, is to move in conjunction with the body parts above and below it. So as to provide the stability that both need in order to function fluidly. As such it consoles the lines below it and helps to provide a stable foundation, which in turn gives something for the upper lines to settle onto and build trust with.

Third Yang is not yet emerging from the lower trigram, and provides a humble and stable presence that is not seeking anything or doing anything that would cause the upper lines to become distracted or overwhelmed. This is important for it to avoid, given the eagerness of the lines below, and its own awareness of the potency of the lines above. So everything hinges upon its ability to remain composed and able to adapt to the fuild changes that unfold emotionally between the lines around it, keeping everything safe no matter what unfolds.
Fourth Line

Nine Fourth: Aligning Toward Completion Auspicious, Misfortune vanishes, Indecisively circling round and round going away and coming to, like this thinking about banding together in partnership.

  • 象傳: 吉悔亡,未感害也。憧憧往來,未光大也。
    Aligning Toward Completion auspicious and misfortune vanishing, on account of not yet affecting the heart harmfully. Indecisively circling round and round going away and coming to, on account of not yet glowing brightly in the darkness.
Fourth Yang is at the base of the lake trigram, where the deeper feelings look for their meanings. It might sense a connection from First Yin, and feels the connection with Third Yang, and is testing the waters to feel out this connection. It needs to understand that its role is not to circle around for ever playing games, teasing, flirting, or not fully committing. But is to determine if this is right or not. So that something can connect and become able to glow bright.
Fifth Line

Nine Fifth: Affecting the sides of one's back, without misfortune.

  • 象傳: 咸其脢,志末也。
    Affecting the sides of one's back, because the heart is holding with what is secondary.
Fifth Yang is the center of the upper trigram, and resonates with Second Yin in the center of the lower trigram. However, Six Yin is right above it, and in the Lake trigram the middle line receives from the top line. This is like the mind becoming distracted by social media, random thoughts, or simply the feelings that keep it from sensing deeper, sensing the root of things, and not being distracted. Not being distracted by side paths, it can empty itself and be prepared to listen to the connection that wants to happen with Second Yin. Second Yin needed to wait patiently for it to turn its attention to it, but once it does, the feelings they have, and the emptiness they are giving space for, enable their affection to come together with mutuality.
Top Line

Top Six: Affection in its cheeks supporting the tongue.

  • 象傳: 咸其輔頰舌,滕口說也。
    Affection in its cheeks supporting the tongue, on account of gushing in the mouth to express.
Sixth Yin is the mouth receiving the joy of lake. It easily becomes distracted by all of the affection and can't help itself from talking about its feelings, as it finds it difficult to slow down and give them space to settle more deeply within.

32 ䷟ Constancy


Constancy: Gathering Maturity, not having disaster, blame and regret, Advantageous Culmination Aligning Toward Completion, Advantageous Culmination having a place to go toward.

  • 象傳: 雷風,恆;君子以立不易方。
    Thunder and wind, constancy; A noble person uses this to take a firm stand unchangeable in any direction.
Beginning Line

Beginning Six: Dredging out constancy, Aligning Toward Completion inauspicious, without a place for Advantageous Culmination.

  • 象傳: 浚恆之凶,始求深也。
    Dredging out constancy's inauspiciousness, due to in the beginning searching for depth.
Second Line

Nine Second: Remorse vanishes.

  • 象傳: 九二悔亡,能久中也。
    Nine second remorse vanishing, because it is able to endure in the center.
Third Line

Nine Third: Not preserving one's virtue power, sometimes acknowledging this with modesty, Aligning Toward Completion is impatient.

  • 象傳: 不恆其德,无所容也。
    Not constant with one's virtue power, due to not having a place to accommodate this.
Fourth Line

Nine Fourth: The field is without beasts to hunt.

  • 象傳: 久非其位,安得禽也。
    Due to the enduring absence of one having a position, where could one secure beasts to hunt?
Fifth Line

Six Fifth: Constancy in its virtuous power, Aligning Toward Completion, for a married woman auspicious, for a noble man inauspicious.

  • 象傳: 婦人吉,從一而終也。夫子制義,從婦凶也。
    A married woman Aligning Toward Completion auspicious, on account of being faithful to her spouse to the end. A noble man acts according to a proper design, so following the wife is inauspicious.
When we wed ourselves to dao, following the dao results in tailoring properly without needing to make cuts. In modern times both husband and wife work according to the goals of properly tailoring in the world. Thus their challenge is to follow each other with mutual support of each other's goals, ever tracking when to lead and when to follow and support. Would that they each root in dao.
Top Line

Top Six: Shocked constancy, inauspicious.

  • 象傳: 振恆在上,大无功也。
    Due to shocked constancy existing at the top, it is greatly without accomplishment.

33 ䷠ Drawing Away From

DunDrawing Away From

Drawing Away From: Gathering Maturity, small Advantageous Culmination Aligning Toward Completion.

  • 象傳: 天下有山,遯;君子以遠小人,不惡而嚴。
    Below heaven there is a mountain, drawing away from; A noble person uses this to create distance from small people, not feeling revulsion for but being careful of so as to remain dignified.
Beginning Line

Beginning Six: Drawing away from the tail and rear end of it, exerting effort with raised alertness, do not make use of having a place to go toward.

  • 象傳: 遯尾之厲,不往何災也。
    Drawing away from the tail and rear end of it's exerting effort with raised alertness, because in not going toward it what catastrophe can there be?
When something is drawing away from us, don't chase after its tail end. Then what catastrophe could there be?
Second Line

Six Second: Adhering and holding tightly in control of this and making use of a yellow ox's hide, in no instance of this dominating or surpassing its persuasion.

  • 象傳: 執用黃牛,固志也。
    Adhering and holding tightly in control and making use of a yellow ox's hide, because this fortifies the heart's resolve.
Making use of a yellow ox's hide is to wrap something securely up so that it is contained. Yellow means that it is contained with centrality. With 33, Second Yin has risen from the bottom to find a central position below the group of yangs above it. It must be secure in its purpose, so that the potency of its persuasion does not unravel the power in an uncontrolled way, even as the lines above it must draw away from it. Third Yang is right next to it, so its drawing away is urgent. Fourth Yang is more in relation to First Yin, and is doing its best to draw away without creation any disharmony or tension. Fifth Yang is connected to Second Yin centraly, and here we see the balance between these two potent forces that is able to create praiseworthy balancing between them. However, if Second Yin does not control its passions by wrapping them in a yellow ox's hides, its persuasions make it very difficult for the main two lines it is in contact with to keep their composure and regulate their central purpose. And Sixth Yang has an easier time as it is not in contact with any of the yin lines. However it reads the room and knows it is time to go, so it draws away quietly without dis-Advantageous Culmination.
Third Line

Nine Third: Bound to drawing away from, there is urgent and anxious exerting of effort with raised alertness, domestic cultivation of receptive subjects auspicious.

  • 象傳: 係遯之厲,有疾憊也。畜臣妾吉,不可大事也。
    Bound to drawing away from's exerting of effort with raised alertness, because there is an underlying issue creating anxiety and urgency that one is weary of and exhausted from. Domestic cultivation of receptive subjects auspicious, because this is allowable in a major undertaking.
Third Nine is right next to the potentcy of Second Yin. It can feel what might come, and so it urgently packs its bags, gathers its friends, and goes away. This can manifest easily with feelings. We can feel them about to unfurl and draw our energy into a demanding encounter. We know when this is good for us and when it is better just to go take a walk and call a friend.
Fourth Line

Nine Fourth: Amicable drawing away from, for a noble person auspicious, for a small person obstruction.

  • 象傳: 君子好遯,小人否也。
    A noble person amicably drawing away from, because as a small person there is obstruction.
First Yin and Fourth Yang learn to part ways in harmony, to avoid the consequences of not. If First Yin chases after and forces Fourth Yang to escalate its no, they risk becoming entangled in negativity. Which is the catastrophe for First Yin and the small person's obstruction for Fourth Yang.

Women instinctually sense this. Is that not why they try to be amicable in their drawing away from unwanted attentions?
Fifth Line

Nine Fifth: Praiseworthy drawing away from, Aligning Toward Completion auspicious.

  • 象傳: 嘉遯吉,以正志也。
    Praiseworthy drawing away from and Aligning Toward Completion auspicious, because it uses the proper regulation of the heart's purpose.
Fifth Yang's drawing away from is praiseworthy if it can maintain its centrality and not feed into the alure of the creative potential invited by Second Yin below. If they are able to engage with each other in a measured way, for a deliberate purpose, those creative energies can manifest in a profound and passionate merging. But all the while Fifth Yang must maintain its composure and remain in its center, lest it lose itself to creative passion and leak away its reserves of energy without composure. Thus its drawing away from is called praisworthy. It really ought to carefully discern what types of invitations from Second Yin are appropriate to engage with, otherwise remain politely withdrawn and centered. Abstaining from what is unnecessary.
Top Line

Top Nine: Comfortable and easy drawing away from, without dis-Advantageous Culmination.

  • 象傳: 肥遯,无不;无所疑也。
    Comfortable and easy drawing away from, without dis-Advantageous Culmination; because it is without a place for doubts.
Sixth Yang come to the end of drawing away from, and easily slips away without having any doubts about its direction.

34 ䷡ Great Strength

大壯Da ZhuangGreat Strength

Great Strength: Advantageous Culmination Aligning Toward Completion.

  • 象傳: 雷在天上,大壯;君子以非禮勿履。
    Thunder placed on top of heaven, Great Strength; A noble person uses absence of appropriateness so as to not step upon.
Beginning Line

Beginning Nine: Strength in the feet, pressing strongly forward inauspicious, there is captivation.

  • 象傳: 壯于趾,其孚窮也。
    Strength in the feet, because its captivation is exhaustible.
Second Line

Nine Second: Aligning Toward Completion auspicious.

  • 象傳: 九二吉,以中也。
    Nine Second Aligning Toward Completion auspicious, On account of using centrality.
Third Line

Nine Third: Small people make use of strength, a noble person makes use of a weaving and netting, Aligning Toward Completion exerting effort with raised alertness. A ram collides with a hedge, entangling its horns.

  • 象傳: 小人用壯,君子罔也。
    Small people making use of strength, has to do with a noble person making use of weaving and netting.
Fourth Line

Nine Fourth: Aligning Toward Completion auspicious regret vanishes, The hedge breaks open dis-entangling, Strength comes from the great carriage chassis' axle mounts.

  • 象傳: 藩決不羸,尚往也。
    The hedge breaks open disentangling, on account of putting going ahead.
Fifth Line

Six Fifth: Losing the ram vis-a-vis change, without regret.

  • 象傳: 喪羊于易,位不當也。
    Losing the ram vis-a-vis change, implying the position is unsuitable.
Top Line

Top Six: Ram collides with a hedge, it cannot go back, it cannot go forward, without place for Advantageous Culmination, with difficult work comes good fortune.

  • 象傳: 不能退,不能遂,不祥也。艱則吉,咎不長也。
    It cannot go back, it cannot go forward, implying an unfavorable omen. With difficult work comes good fortune, having to do with the disaster, blame and regret not worsening.

35 ䷢ Pushing Forward

JinPushing Forward

Pushing Forward: The Prince of Kang (opens in a new tab) makes use of being awarded a horse to breed many more, three receptions in a single day.

  • 象傳: 明出地上,晉;君子以自昭明德。
    Light emerging from within the earth, Pushing Forward; A noble person uses the virtuous light of self-illumination.
Of King Wen of Zhou's 10 sons (opens in a new tab), together taking up rulership of the new Zhou dynasty after defeating the Shang rule, one was Feng, Prince of Kang. Brother Wu (opens in a new tab) took over from their father and completed the conquest. Following Wu's death, Brother Dan (opens in a new tab) took over as regent (calling the heir of Brother Wu too young to rule) and three of his brothers contested this, resulting in a civil war (opens in a new tab). Following this war Brother Dan awarded the Prince of Kang the old Shang capital territory. But King Dan (The "Duke of Zhou") wasn't sure his younger brother was ready to rule such a fiefdom, so famously created three admonitions to help him rule without fault. The hexagram statement invokes the Prince of Kang on account of his rapid advancing given the opportunities presented by the rebellion. And can be seen to draw attention to the three admonitions he received.
Beginning Line

Beginning Six: Like pushing forward, then getting pushed backward, Aligning Toward Completion auspicious. Ensnaring captivation, enrichment without disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 晉如,摧如;獨行正也。裕无咎;未受命也。
    Like pushing forward, then getting pushed backward; on account of acting according to standards on one's own. Enrichment without disaster, blame and regret; on account of not yet receiving a mandate.
Line 1 pushes forward to connect with the brightness of line 4 above it, following what is proper and acting on its own. Its advance has no initial position, however it is able to attain captivation that enriches itself. This is the art of networking. It is also the means to begin one's advance. Alone, making the first step. When one part moves, all parts move.
Second Line

Six Second: Like pushing forward, then sadness, Aligning Toward Completion auspicious. Here accepting position as a go-between favorable, with regard to one's queen mother.

  • 象傳: 受玆介福,以中正也。
    Here accepting position as a go-between beneficial, on account of using centering and rectification.
The queen mother is represented by yin line 5. Two yin lines do not have magnetism to each other, thus initially there is the loss of means for advancing. Accepting position as a go-between here, enables line 2 to connect with line 5 beneficially. They make use of their central and correct positions. The Prince of Kang's Queen Mother Tai Si (opens in a new tab) had roots in the old aristocracy and this go-between enabled him to gain their trust when he was granted the Shang capital fiefdom.
Third Line

Six Third: The masses trust, losing remorse.

  • 象傳: 眾允之,志上行也。
    The masses trust this, on account of the heart's purpose moving up.
The yin lines in the lower trigram are submissive to the fire above and are drawn to it. Line 4 is at their top, so all below support its rise to connect with the fire above. It upholds the status quo of the populous and carries their wishes to the leadership above, like a delegate or representative.
Fourth Line

Nine Fourth: Like the Pushing Forward of a large rodent, Aligning Toward Completion exerting effort with raised alertness.

  • 象傳: 碩鼠厲,位不當也。
    A large rodent Aligning Toward Completion exerting effort with raised alertness, on account of the position being unsuitable.
Nine Fourth is a strong line positioned with flexibility. It has ambitions but they are inappropriate for its situation. So it needs to act like a rodent, sneaking around while constantly keeping its awareness alert and remaining cautious.
Fifth Line

Six Fifth: Losing remorse, Do not worry over the loss of ability, going to is auspicious, without dis-Advantageous Culmination.

  • 象傳: 失得勿恤,往有慶也。
    Do not worry over the loss of ability, on account of going to having favor.
Here a yin line is in a position of rulership, and finds itself lacking the strength to influence the potent 4th and 6th yang lines. However it is able to connect harmoniously with line 2 as a go-between, once it realizes that this is possible and beneficial.
Top Line

Top Nine: Pushing Forward its horns, Upholding making use of attacking the capital, exerting effort with raised alertness auspicious not having disaster, blame and regret, Aligning Toward Completion disgraceful.

  • 象傳: 維用伐邑,道未光也。
    Upholding making use of attacking the capital, implying this course is without illumination or glory.
At the limit of pushing forward, line 6 represents the culmination of this sort of advance. It can go no further, and so it turns back and utilizes its justice to carefully enact correction within the state. Line 3 can bring to it the voice of the people, and it can decide upon what is right or wrong. And it needs to be very careful about doing this, for it is in a position where it can usurp the power of line 5 below it as a regeant or judge based on its own desire for power. Thus it needs to be used for careful corrections, otherwise it may have reason to know disaster, blame, and regret. It can be used to serve out the justice for those below, but for itself it ought not to try to continue on its pursuit of advancing, for the limit has been reached. Aligning Toward Completion at this stage is only going to get it in trouble with its own ego. It needs to let what is done be done and be of service to the people. Thus it is a course that is rightfully without illumination or glory, but serves a function.

36 ䷣ Subduing of Light

明夷Ming YiSubduing of Light

Subduing of Light: Advantageous Culmination with difficult Aligning Toward Completion.

  • 象傳: 明入地中,明夷;君子以蒞眾,用晦而明。
    Light entering into Earth, Subduing of Light; A noble person uses this to merge with the multitude, having used up the darkness to the last lunar night, then light.
Beginning Line

Beginning Nine: Light Injured while flying, Drooping one's wings. A noble person decides to move, three days without acceptance, having a place to go, those with influence have occasion for gossip.

  • 象傳: 君子于行,義不食也。
    A noble person decides to move, on account of not accepting social responsibilities.
Second Line

Six Second: Subduing of Light, Subduing arriving at the left thigh, availing oneself to rescue by a strong horse, auspicious.

  • 象傳: 六二之吉,順以則也。
    Six Second's auspiciousness, has to do with compliance by means of conformity.
Third Line

Nine Third: The Subduing of Light arriving on the southern hunt, Attaining its great apex, it must not rush Aligning Toward Completion.

  • 象傳: 南狩之志,乃大得也。
    The heart's purpose on the southern hunt, has to do with there acquiring great control.
Fourth Line

Six Fourth: Infiltrating at the left side of the belly, acquiring the Subdued Light's heart-mind, emerging from the main hall gate.

  • 象傳: 入于左腹,獲心意也。
    Infiltrating at the left side of the belly, has to do with acquiring the regard of the heart-mind.
Fifth Line

Six Fifth: JiZi (opens in a new tab)'s Subdued Light, Advantageous Culmination Aligning Toward Completion.

  • 象傳: 箕子之貞,明不可息也。
    JiZi's Aligning Toward Completion, because the light must not give up.
Top Line

Top Six: No light the last lunar night, First climbing to heaven, after entering into the earth.

  • 象傳: 初登于天,照四國也。後入于地,失則也。
    First, climbing to heaven, on account of radiating light in four territories. After, entering into the earth, on account of forfeiting the standard.

37 ䷤ Family

家人Jia RenFamily

Family: Advantageous Culmination in women Aligning Toward Completion.

  • 象傳: 風自火出,家人;君子以言有物,而行有恆。
    Wind issuing from fire, Family; A noble person uses this to talk about what is going on with things, and then act with constancy.
In the modern world both men and women exercise their masculinity and femininity. This setting of change shows when it is appropriate to center oneself submissively and with moderation, and when it is approrpiate to exercise discipline, all in the name of holding the family together. The Family dynamic is likened to Wind that emerges from Fire - thus it is quickly moving and engaged, and this makes it important to be quick to make corrections. This is how one catches problems before they grow, before the need to be authoritarian and domineering arises.
Beginning Line

Beginning Nine: The gate at home is shut, remorse disappears.

  • 象傳: 閑有家,志未變也。
    The gate at home is shut, on account of the heart's will not adapting to changes.
When the gate to the home is shut, the heart is no longer accounting for the outside world. Thus remorse disappears and one can settle in peace.
Second Line

Six Second: Not having a place to progress to, residing at the center maintaining and nurturing, Aligning Toward Completion auspicious.

  • 象傳: 六二之吉,順以巽也。
    Six Second's auspiciousness, is on account of accommodating and complying with by means of gentle adaptability.
When centered on the inside of the container, it is ideal for accommodating the needs the container has for maintaining itself.
Third Line

Nine Third: Strictness and scolding in the family, regret, exerting effort with raised alertness auspicious; a married woman exclaiming and laughing, ultimately shameful.

  • 象傳: 家人嗃嗃,未失也;婦子嘻嘻,失家節也。
    Strictness and scolding in the family, on account of still not giving up on; A married woman exclaiming and laughing, on account of giving up on moderation.
When positioned where things easily flare up, it is beneficial to exercise discipline and enable learning of lessons. Thus the fire does not lead to becoming overly emotional and the home environment can remain without extremes. Otherwise, this is the moment when emotions flare and grow into forces that go out of control. This maintaining of a moderate and functional household environment is what is 'not being given up on'.
Fourth Line

Six Fourth: The household is blessed, Great fortune.

  • 象傳: 富家大吉,順在位也。
    The household is blessed great fortune, on account of accommodation to the position that is held.
Fifth Line

Nine Fifth: Kingship depends upon having a household, do not heartache, going toward is auspicious.

  • 象傳: 王假有家,交相愛也。
    Kingship depends upon having a household, has to do with exchange of mutual partiality.
Top Line

Top Nine: Having captivation as if authoritarian, concluding things auspicious.

  • 象傳: 威如之吉,反身之謂也。
    The auspiciousness of being authoritarian like, on account of countering personally by speaking to.

38 ䷥ Dissimilarities


Dissimilarities: Minor undertakings auspicious.

  • 象傳: 上火下澤,睽;君子以同而異。
    Above fire below marsh, dissimilar; a noble person used this to join together with and then differentiate.
That which is dissimilar and different from us is not well understood. We may make judgements initially, only to be surprised when we find unexpected bonds that are able to be made. Thus a noble person connects first, and then is able to discover what to differentiate. This way premature judgments avoid getting in the way.
Beginning Line

Beginning Nine: Misfortune goes away, failing to keep the horse do not run after it, it returns on its own; receiving bad people without finding fault or blaming.

  • 象傳: 見惡人,以辟咎也。
    Receiving bad people, because it has the means to clear away the faults it finds.
Perhaps something changes that was unplanned for - do not worry much over it, perhaps something is at work in this. Similarlly, in encountering events and people's, one is able to see beyond any negativity within them. With this as its foundation, it creates the means of connecting with Fourth Yang.
Second Line

Nine second: Happening upon the master in an alley, not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 遇主于巷,未失道也。
    Happening upon the master in an alley, because one is not yet forfeiting the way.
If we are open to exploring possibility, the unusual twists and turns may lead us face to face with someone who can help us. Here the master of the hexagram, Fifth Yin, connects through to Second Yang in unusual circumstances, finding it in the right place and the right time by staying true to following their way.
Third Line

Six Third: Seeing the base of the carriage wearing away and dragging behind, its ox holding back, its person heaven is about to punish, without beginning yet coming to an end.

  • 象傳: 見輿曳,位不當也。无初有終,遇剛也。
    Seeing the base of the carriage wearing away and dragging behind, because the position is inappropriate. Without beginning yet coming to an end, due to happening upon rigid inflexibility.
Desiring to go on a journey, Third Yin is unprepared to take up the needs required to make such a journey. As a yin line in a position suited to firmness, it has the intention but lacks the means, especially with the firmness of Second Yang beneath it and Fourth Yang above it hindering the way forward to Sixth Yang. Thus it's actions, however substantial, struggle to move forward, and may even be stopped, and yet it still has a place to go toward.
Fourth Line

Nine Fourth: Dissimilar and alone, unaffiliated, happening upon Beginning Development with a man [First Yang], encountering captivation, exerting effort with raised alertness to not have disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 交孚无咎,志行也。
    Encountering captivation and not having disaster, blame and regret, due to conducting the heart's purpose.
Fourth Yang easily discovers that there is someone worthy of connecting with in First Yang.
Fifth Line

Six Fifth: Remorse disappears, its ancestors champ on the skin, how could going toward [Second Yang] have disaster, blame and regret?

  • 象傳: 厥宗噬膚,往有慶也。
    Its ancestors champ on the skin, because going toward has the favor of heaven.
Sixth Yin gets a bit of a tingling to connect with Second Yang, because there is a central bond that can be formed in this. Both sides intially feel uncertain, but are able to connect through such that synchronistic linking together can unfold.
Top Line

上九:睽孤,見豕負塗,載鬼一車,先張之弧,後說之弧,匪寇婚媾,往遇雨則吉 。
Top Nine: Dissimilar and alone, unaffiliated, Seeing a pig and accepting there will be mud, a full carriage carrying ghosts, initially drawing the bow, afterward slackening the bow, not thieving wedding and conciliating, wending forward and happening upon rain; conforming to the proper standard of things is auspicious.

  • 象傳: 遇雨之吉,群疑亡也。
    Being caught in the rain's auspiciousness, because of the herd's hesitancy to run.
Third yin is attempting an impossible journey, and as such is expected to have mud, and to be carrying ghosts along with it. Sixth Yang intitially is guarded against it, but slackens its bow and comes to greet and bond as appropriate. Here getting caught in the rain could be the trial Third Yin is trying to work through, which is what enables Sixth Yang the time to encounter it and intervene.

39 ䷦ Struggle


Struggle: Advantageous Culmination to the SouthWest, dis-Advantageous Culmination to the NorthEast; Advantageous Culmination perceiving the great person, Aligning Toward Completion auspicious.

  • 象傳: 山上有水,蹇;君子以反身修德。
    Above mountain there is water, struggle; a noble person uses this to turn themselves around, look within themselves, and practice cultivation of virtuous power.
Jian is the sense of struggling as though up a rugged road, wherein the more one tries to press forward the harder it is to go, as though one can only limp along, lame. Thus, we are advised to be present and receive what comes, summon what can come.

Wang and Lai are a going toward and a coming toward. If we are standing in a river, the current goes past us and we can go along with it, go toward what it leads toward. Or, we can turn upstream and face what comes toward us, present and receptive to what comes of the future.

Jian's Struggle is due to it being a mountain beneath water. Mountain (Gen) and Earth (Kun) are the trigrams positioned in the NorthEast and SouthWest. Water wants to sink down. When water sinks down onto Earth, as in Hexagram 8, there is a gathering together, like a river flowing upon the valleys and deep places of the earth. When water sinks down onto a mountain, it is received by its hard and firm upper layer, earth that is hardened to separate above and below. So there is struggle for them to gather together harmoneously. Indeed if they try to go toward each other, there is struggle, as through a flash flood in the mountains, so they are advised to not go toward, but to await what comes.

First Yin is the only line not in the position ideally balanced for its charge of yin or yang. All of the other lines are ideally balanced for their charges. Thus, each line finds it more appropriate to abide in place, listening for and awaiting with receptivity the natural merging together that can happen even at this stage. Even First Yin is able to submit humbly to the process.

Kun / the SW represents receptivity, and the emptiness that is rewarded by the return of energy. The culmination of yin, that leads to the arising of yang, the true person who lives in the southwest and does not die. This is perceiving the great person.

Sixth Yin here is able to put this into practice, and as yin culminates and yang is born at the bottom, the hexagram becomes complete, as is hexagram 63, fully crossed over.
Beginning Line

Beginning Six: Going toward is a struggle, abiding in receptivity has praise.

  • 象傳: 往蹇來譽,宜待也。
    Going toward is a struggle abiding in receptivity has praise, because this is properly suited for attending to and preparing for.
Without a resonant partner above it, other than perhaps Fifth Yang, whom it would be a struggle to get to, First Yin is without a place to go. It alone is not in a position well suited to it, and yet because it is yin in the beginning position, it does not overstep any bounds either, but is content to stay present, prepare, and await.
Second Line

Six Second: The King's aid has struggle after struggle, neglecting their own self for its [Fifth Yang's] sake.

  • 象傳: 王臣蹇蹇,終无尤也。
    The King's aid has struggle after struggle, [neglecting their own self for its purpose], because all the way to the conclusion it is without fault or regret.
Second Yin desires to support Fifth Yang, and yet there is a lack of support beneath it from First Yang for it to easily reach through to Fifth Yang, the King, and when it does, it can't only offer a weak support. All the same it is without fault or reason for regret.
Third Line

Nine Third: Going toward is a struggle abiding in receptivity reverses it.

  • 象傳: 往蹇來反,內喜之也。
    Going toward is a struggle abiding in receptivity reverses it, because of the felicitous rapport inside of this.
Third Nine has resonance with Sixth Yin, and yet each are already in positions they are suited toward, and also there is the obstacle of water between them. Going toward Sixth Yin would be a struggle, but in staying present to receive what comes, it discovers a way to relate with Fourth Yin in harmony rather than struggle. When the two rub against each other, rain is released. When the two stay present within their own positions, they merge like a cloud settled upon the mountain top. And thus discover their felicitous rapport.
Fourth Line

Six Fourth: Going toward is a struggle abiding in receptivity merges with.

  • 象傳: 往蹇來連,當位實也。
    Going toward is a struggle abiding in receptivity merges with, on account of being equally matched [with Third Yang] in solid positions.
There isn't a good way to go forward for Fourth Yin, as the mountain below it is an obstacle. Even though Third Yang is the only line it would really magnetize toward. And yet all the same, by remaining present within its own position, it merges with Third Yin anyway, like a cloud swallowing the mountain top rather than flooding it with rain. In this way they are equally matched, merged yet without creating struggle for one another.
Fifth Line

Nine Fifth: Great struggle in banding together with those it awaits the arrival of.

  • 象傳: 大蹇朋來,以中節也。
    Great struggle banding together with those it awaits the arrival of, because it uses the moderation of centrality.
Nine Fifth would join together with Second Yin, who struggles greatly to reach it. There is an arrival, and yet Second Yin is insufficient to support Fifth Yang. Thus Fifth Yang tempers itself with measured moderation, following what is available to it and Second Yin within the centrality of their connection. This is its struggle.
Top Line

Top Six: Going toward is a struggle abiding in receptivity is majestic, auspicious; Advantageous Culmination perceiving the great person.

  • 象傳: 往蹇來碩,志在內也。利見大人,以從貴也。
    Going toward is a struggle receiving what comes is majestic, because the heart's purpose is placed internally. Advantageous Culmination perceiving the great person, on account of it using conforming to what is noble.
Sixth Yin might go toward Third Yang or Fifth Yang, and yet there is a struggle in this. So instead it stops and works to be present and receptive. This is the noble way of turning toward receptivity, the SW and Kun, and within the culmination of emptiness, discovering the arrival of the return of yang, and perceiving the true person.

None of the lines were out of their ideally crossed over positions except First Yin. Thus there was nowhere really necessary for any of the lines to go. When Sixth Yin abides in receptivity at the end, yang is born at the bottom, and the hexagram becomes complete.

40 ䷧ Unbinding


Unbinding: Advantageous Culmination SouthWest, without a place to go, its coming back auspicious. Having a place to go, earlier better.

  • 象傳: 雷雨作,解;君子以赦過宥罪。
    Thunder and rain (a thunderstorm) commence, Unbinding; A noble person uses this to set aside punishment for transgressions and forgive those with blame.
Jie's 解 Unbinding is the concept of untying a knot to release its binding. This extends to finding a solution to resolve a problem and liberate or free it from its earlier state. The act of unbinding what may be knotted up in some way involves softening, loosening, and sometimes shaking things up, like the thunder and rain of a thunderstorm. Release and solvency come of this.

The SouthWest is not a direction to move toward, but the direction of emptiness and Kun ☷. When solving a problem, at first one settles into it. The knot is explored and felt into - there is no place to go, so one continues coming back and opening things up. Then the solution presents itself and there is a place to go, so go without waiting. The knot is opened enough to permit unraveling, so we proceed to untie it.

In this can be seen the noble person's use of Kun ☷ to work with those who require punishment. Using openness and emptiness, they are softly brought back into the fold as they become ready for remediation. Too, in this is seen the principle behind humanity following earth, earth following heaven, and heaven following dao. Following earth first is what gives capacity for working between earth and heaven. So when in need of solving problems, first we listen for where the solution wants to present itself.
Beginning Line

Beginning Six: Not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 剛柔之際,義无咎也。
    Hard and soft's connection, due to its rightmindedness it does not have disaster, blame and regret.
First Yin is a yin line in a position balanced for firmness, which does not give it the energy to do much on its own. However, it is able to work with the yang firmness of Fourth Yang, and so just needs to wait for Fourth Yang's help. Because Second Yang is able to go to Fifth Yin, Fourth Yang and First Yin may also connect, and this relates to what is being solved in some sense. Because First Yin is able to see how it is able to acquire help, it does not have disaster, blame and regret. This is like getting a flat tire on the road and sending a message for help. Then one can just wait for the help to arrive.
Second Line

Nine Second: Catching three foxes in the fields, obtaining a yellow arrow, Aligning Toward Completion auspicious.

  • 象傳: 九二吉,得中道也。
    Nine Second Aligning Toward Completion auspicious, on account of obtaining the middle of the way.
Third Line

Six Third: Both carrying and carried by, attracting the arrival of takers, Aligning Toward Completion shameful.

  • 象傳: 負且乘,亦可醜也,自我致戎,又誰咎也。
    Both carrying and carried by, on account of in this case permitting shamefulness, self-fulfilling conflict, because then again who else is to blame.
Fourth Line

Nine Fourth: After solving the big toe, friends arrive then are captivated.

  • 象傳: 解而拇,未當位也。
  • After solving the big toe*, because it it still not appropriately positioned.
Fourth Yang is the vibration of thunder, and its upward vibration is determined by how it rebounds off of what is below. It is a yang line in a position suited for softness, and thus it is advised to look to what needs to be solved. In this way it discovers resonance with First Yin beneath it, and is able to help unbind First Yin from its initial predicament. After it has done this, First Yin is able to come up to it and the two can balance out each other's inappropraite positioning.
Fifth Line

Six Fifth: A noble person preserves by having solutions, auspicious; having captivation with regard to smaller people.

  • 象傳: 君子有解,小人退也。
    A noble person having solutions, because smaller people step back.
Top Line

Top Six: The Duke shoots a falcon from the top of the high wall, captures it, without dis-Advantageous Culmination.

  • 象傳: 公用射隼,以解悖也。
    The Duke shoots a falcon, this is means for solving opposition and resolving confusion.

41 ䷨ Restraining


Restraining: There is captivation, Beginning Development auspicious, not having disaster, blame and regret, possible to Align Toward Completion, Advantageous Culmination having a place to go. How this is practiced, two round food vessels make possible offerings.

  • 象傳: 山下有澤,損;君子以懲忿窒欲。
    At the foot of the mountain there is marsh, Restraining; A noble person uses this to hold anger in check and block desires.
Beginning Line

Beginning Nine: At Si Hour engaging in quickly going, not having disaster, blame and regret, consider restraining it.

  • 象傳: 巳事遄往,尚合志也。
    At Si Hour quickly going, on account of placing importance on joining together with the heart's purpose.
Second Line

Nine Second: Advantageous Culmination Aligning Toward Completion, Pressing strongly forward inauspicious, not restraining it, enabling it.

  • 象傳: 九二,中以為志也。
    Nine Second Advantageous Culmination Aligning Toward Completion, on account of using the basis of centrality to carry out the heart's purpose.
Third Line

Six Third: With three people walking, one person conforms to restraint; with one person walking, they conform to acquiring a companion.

  • 象傳: 一人行,三則疑也。
    With one person walking, because with three conforming to uncertainty.
Fourth Line

Six Fourth: Restraining its dis-ease, hurrying to send a message about the occasion for celebration, not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 損其疾,亦可喜也。
    Restraining its dis-ease, on account of there being a case for possible joy.
Fifth Line

Six Fifth: Sometimes enabling it, not ten pairs of tortoise shells can go against it, Beginning Development auspicious.

  • 象傳: 六五吉,自上佑也。
    Six Fifth Beginning Development auspicious, on account of support raising itself up.
Top Line

Top Nine: Not restraining it enabling it, not having disaster, blame and regret, Aligning Toward Completion auspicious, having a place to go, acquiring a subject without a household.

  • 象傳: 弗損益之,大得志也。
    Not restraining it enabling it, on account of greatly achieving the heart's purpose.

42 ䷩ Enabling


Enabling: Advantageous Culmination having a place to go, Advantageous Culmination fording a large river.

  • 象傳: 風雷,益;君子以見善則遷,有過則改。
    Wind and Thunder, Enabling; A noble person practices displaying goodness and following change for the better, having exceeded the standard, alternating.
Beginning Line

Beginning Nine: Advantageous Culmination effecting the carrying out of great commencement, Beginning Development auspicious, not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 元吉无咎,下不厚事也。
    Beginning Development auspicious not having disaster, blame and regret, because at the bottom not fully engaged.
Second Line

Six Second: In some cases enabling it, not ten pairs of turtle shells can go against it, completely Aligning Toward Completion auspicious, a king offers it to the gods, auspicious.

  • 象傳: 或益之,自外來也。
    In some cases enabling it, on account of it being foreign.
Third Line

Six Third: Enabling by means of unfortunate affairs, not having disaster, blame and regret. Having captivated the central movement, Proclaiming public use of the sundial.

  • 象傳: 益用凶事,固有之也。
    Enabling by means of unfortunate affairs, on account of firmly owning up to it.
Fourth Line

Six Fourth: Central movement, announcing public allegiance. Advantageous Culmination practicing service following along with change for the betterment of the state.

  • 象傳: 告公從,以益志也。
    Announcing public allegiance, has to do with taking up enabling of the heart's purpose.
Fifth Line

Nine Fifth: There is captivation of kind-heartedness, do not question Beginning Development auspicious. Having captivation of kindness it is I who am blessed.

  • 象傳: 有孚惠心,勿問之矣。惠我德,大得志也。
    There is captivation of kind-heartedness, do not question this now. Kindness blesses me, on account of greatly acquiring the heart's purpose.
Top Line

Top Nine: In no instance enabling it, In some cases confronting it, Taking a stand of the heart without constancy, inauspicious.

  • 象傳: 莫益之,偏辭也。或擊之,自外來也。
    In no instance enabling it, because of sideways explanations. In some cases confronting it, on account of it being foreign.

44 ䷫ Meeting With

GouMeeting With

Meeting with yin: women in their prime, do not use following after, capturing, or yearning for women.

  • 象傳: 天下有風,姤;后以施命誥四方。
    Under heaven there is wind, encountering; a ruler uses this to impose a decree instructing the four directions.
姤 Gou is a combination of the character for woman, and for empress. The meaning relates to encountering, meeting with something. And also to sexual copulation. An empress gives birth to children, who leave behind a line of descendants.

The dynamic involved with this hexagram is one where yin meets with yang, and given its position below is able to potently connect with the yang such that it becomes difficult for the yang to hold itself together.

So there is an element of meeting with a potent force. Something perhaps with an allure. We just got paid, and there is something we've been wanting to buy. We want to buy it, but should we? Right as we are just meeting with this type of energy and its allure, and we have not spent the yang energy at all yet. Each line shows the dynamic at play - where we can struggle holding things together. And the overall guidance is to hold the yang together and not to give way to the yin unnecessarily.

The hexagram statement says women are in their prime. Their strength, vital force, their potency. Perhaps we could say ovulation is a type of strength like this - one that becomes attractive to men. And so it says not to practice following after, capturing, or yearning for women, when they are like this. Because the allure of yin in its prime should not be allowed to overcome the greater importance of keeping the yang stable and composed. Yang is easily scattered in men, and thus it is important for them to practice containing it with integrity.

Such allure has a better chance of achieving lasting results when it is able to hold itself together with integrity rather than allowing its composure to come undone. That integrity can then continue to hold together and have the resources for something lasting.

This hexagram represents the nature of passive aggressive posturing. The yin line at the bottom has not established a position for itself yet. It is just beginning. As such, it can be passively tuned out for a time, perhaps in the hope that it is not something that will really truly find a way to establish itself, and will just go away. Each line shows a way of passively negotiating the allure of the yin line, until at the end, line 6 has no patience left and meets it with its horns.
Beginning Line

Beginning Six: Linking together with as an enduring sweetheart tree, Aligning Toward Completion auspicious, having a place to go, receiving is inauspicious, a weary pig is captured by its hoof tracks.

  • 象傳: 繫于金柅,柔道牽也。
    Linking together with as an enduring sweetheart tree, because of its soft, flexible way of linking together with.
First Yin is only beginning, but has many Yangs to choose to connect with. Fourth Yang would be its natural resonant partner, but there are two yangs between them. So it is easier for it to connect first with Second Yang.

It is looking for a home, so it is not interested in receiving others, but in going to them and being their guest. Due to its soft and flexible manner it is able to adhere to the Yangs it reaches and perhaps be received by them into their care.
Second Line

Nine Second: Accommodating with fish, not having disaster, blame and regret, dis-Advantageous Culmination treating them as a guest.

  • 象傳: 包有魚,義不及賓也。
    Accommodating with fish, because what is proper does not reach the guest.
Second Yang is the first to encounter First Yin. They are connected, and so Second Yang is able to accommodate them with a fish as a host to a guest. But a fish is not hard to come by, and is just an offering to keep the peace, and Second Yang should not be too friendly, or this guest might try to stay the night.

One ought to reflect on First Yin's eagerness to stay. And why it might be better for both if Second Yang is careful to not get too close.

A simple example of this might be found in the notion of not having sex with someone who is drunk. They might be eager and willing, but perhaps they would not feel the same way if they were sober. Such a moment navigated with care and caution could avoid a great deal of unravelling in the relationship, such that it has room for a better future.
Third Line

Nine Third: At the foundation this is without substance, further more it [Third Yang] marches second in line, exerting effort with raised alertness, not having great disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 其行次且,行未牽也。
    Further more it marches second in line, Because its marching has still not been linked together with.
Third Yang is still in the lower trigram, and is aware of the yin that has been encountered below, due to how the lines above and below it are reacting, and needs to exert effort with raised alertness in response. And in so doing it realizes that at the butt of this there is no flesh, at the foundation of this there is no substance. Third Yang itself is not near enough to even really have a chance with First Yin, so it can return back to its composure.
Fourth Line

Nine Fourth: Accommodating without fish, getting up for them inauspicious.

  • 象傳: 无魚之凶,遠民也。
    Without fish's [getting up for them] inauspicious, because it is distancing itself from common folk.
First Yin also is able to connect with Fourth Yang, even though there is distance between them. With this distance, Fourth Yang is able to recognize that First Yin is somewhat far beneath it, and so only accommodates it without fish. And is advised to not even get up for it - even less of a reception that risks treating First Yin as a potential guest.
Fifth Line

Nine Fifth: By means of willow baskets and gourds, holding back its distinguished insignia, possession falls to one from heaven.

  • 象傳: 九五含章,中正也。有隕自天,志不舍命也。
    Nine Fifth holding back its distinguished insignia, because it centers itself within upright conduct. Possession falls to one from heaven, because the heart's purpose is not giving up the mandate of destiny.
Fifth Yang is the original leader of the group of yangs. It doesn't declare itself by its distinguished title, but employs its integrity to keep the yangs gathered together, as one uses baskets and gourds. In maintaining its central space with its integrity, possession of the group returns to it self-so. And this is how it helps prevent the group from unravelling in the presence of an element of allure. At the heart of it, Fifth Yang needs to hold itself together and not give up. And thus everything is held together.
Top Line

Top Nine: Meeting with one's horns, low tolerance, not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 姤其角,上窮吝也。
    Meeting with one's horns, because at the top having come to the end of their low tolerance.
At the end of the hexagram dynamic there is little tolerance left, things are already beginning to change. Sixth Yang is done with being patient and is ready to move on and be done with the encounter.

The better the other yang lines do at holding things stable in a given situation, and the less potently influencing the yin is, the more tolerant Sixth Yang is apt to be. It simply has no interest in whatever is going on with First Yin and if the rest of the group is going to get all unwound because of First Yin, then Sixth Yang is simply out the back door.

45 ䷬ Assembling


Assembling: Gathering Maturity. Kingship depends upon having an ancestral temple, Advantageous Culmination perceiving the great person, Gathering Maturity, Advantageous Culmination Aligning Toward Completion. Making use of great sacrifice auspicious. Advantageous Culmination having a place to go.

  • 象傳: 澤上於地,萃;君子以除戎器,戒不虞。
    Marsh above in regards to earth, assembling; A noble person uses this to set aside weapons, taking precaution against the unexpected.
When water gathers over earth, the one follows the other and a current forms (Hexagram 8). When marsh and its moisture and dampness gathers over earth, an area of liquid gathers and a lake forms. Here what has gathered is an assembling into being something rather than something that flows along.

Making use of great sacrifice refers to how what is gathered is then spent so as to provide for and improve upon. This is the role of the virtue of Gathering Maturity - as it gathers, it matures. As it becomes mature, it begins to reach its moment of Advantageous Culmination. Assembling is the gathering into position so that it can accomplish something. Like investing energy into the ancestral temple, so that one may commune with the ancestors and immortals and divine the way that leads harmoneously forward for the kingdom and its people. Thus the energy of the summer sacrifice is made for the people.

Sacrificing animals can be easily seen today to represent crude wastefulness of life. Some believe that this phenomena, found in many ancient cultures, is an form of atonement with nature for allowing humanity to domestical wild animals. Thus what has been claimed from nature is sacrificed so that its energies may appease the spirits and atone for the imbalances created by the domestication of what had been natural.

In modern times, this type of sacrifice is like a company announcing a new product in a flashy ceremony. They invested a lot to gether something together, but then announcing it to the public is an extra effort. An expensive display is put on and this helps people to connect with the new product and hype it up. Or this is like a New Year's celebration. The parties are fancier and made more special, people stay out longer and party harder, investing their life force more into making the moment special. Or like a marriage celebration, where this and that investment is made to make the bonding a memorable moment for the people involved. What is invested is spent from some perspective, and yet from another carries on and on.
Beginning Line

Beginning Six: Having captivation but not come to the end of it, thus jumbled and blurred, then assembled, like marking a single hug as an indication of favor, do not heartache, going toward does not have disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 乃亂乃萃,其志亂也。
    Thus jumbled and blurred, then assembled, on account of their heart's purpose being jumbled and blurred.
First Yin is only at a beginning, and may catch a glimpse of its resonance with Fourth Yang. The captivation between them is possible, but has not built a foundation yet. It is only just beginning to assemble. Given that Fourth Yang is engaged in something more than itself, First Yin gathers to it without having a full sense of what it is about yet.
Second Line

Six Second: Drawing through auspicious, not having disaster, blame and regret, captivation and then Advantageous Culmination making use of the summer offering.

  • 象傳: 引吉无咎,中未變也。
    Drawing through auspicious not having disaster, blame and regret, on account of having centrality and being without alternation.
Second Yin is central and in resonance with Fifth Yang. Fifth Yang is accomplishing the Summer Offering in its assembly. Second Yin is able to draw itself through to connect with this manifestation so as to make use of it.
Third Line

Six Third: Like assembling, then sighing, without a place for Advantageous Culmination, going toward does not have disaster, blame and regret, a little shame and impatience.

  • 象傳: 往无咎,上巽也。
    Going toward not having disaster, blame and regret, on account of rising up with gentleness and obedience.
Third Yin is at the top of the inner trigram and would seek resonance with the Top line. But two Yin's don't attract, and Sixth Yin is already moving on. So Third Yin is without a place for Advantageous Culmination, and yet finds itself drawing close to its neighbor in Fourth Yang, and through its operation is exposed to Fifth Yang. Thus it can go toward them without blame, though perhaps has a little shame in feeling out of place.

This is like not expecting to see a show, but happening upon it anyway. It may not be to one's taste, but one accomodates and flows along with the timing.
Fourth Line

Nine Fourth: Highly auspicious, not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 大吉无咎,位不當也。
    Highly auspicious not having disaster, blame and regret, because its position is unsuitable for it.
Here Fourth Yang resides in a soft position with its yang firmness. The position is not straightforward for it, and yet it is positioned such that what is below is arriving upon its threshold and it serves the role of assembling what is being gathered. This is like people showing up outside a concert hall and being gathered into their seats within.

Thus Fourth Yang is able to work with what is starting to draw together and help to lead it toward Fifth Yang's central gathering, yet it remains without blame due to it not being the central focus. This is also like an opening act, or someone who is working the crowd as they introduce the main attraction. Line 4 is not what people have come for, but is able to auspiciously gather together for maximum effect.
Fifth Line

Nine Fifth: Assembling with position, not having disaster, blame and regret. It is not yet captivated, Beginning Development all the way to Aligning Toward Completion, misfortune disappears.

  • 象傳: 萃有位,志未光也。
    Assembling with position, because the goal is not yet illuminated.
Fifth Yang is the main attraction. The ingredients have been assembled, now it can cook. Once gathered into the theater, the performance unfolds from beginning to end, captivating its audience bit by bit and bringing things to a conclusion. Thus applying "Beginning Development" all the way through to "Aligning Toward Completion" in regards to what has been assembled. A good story teller first needs an audience. Once an audience has been assembled, then can commence beginning to draw them into captivation, developing the story so that they are invested, revealing a profound culmination, and wrapping things up with a satisfying ending.
Top Line

Top Six: Provided with discouragement and heartache, weeping and bawling, not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 齎咨涕洟,未安上也。
    Provided with discouragement and heartache, weeping and bawling, on account of not yet settling down so as to secure the top.
Once the show is over, we leave and settle ourselves into reflection. Desiring for more after the proper time for it has past is unfortunate. Alas, we may not always have the timing to accomplish the full potential within what we strive to assemble. Or we may not like the outcome of what we experienced in the assembly. As the experience fades, we become aware of unpleasent feelings left over, regret for not having done better, a wish to not repeat the experience like that again, or a wish that it wasn't over so quickly. Or realizing that we missed it entirly.

In any case, when the timing has reached its limit, it is good to let it go and move on, so that one may tap into what happens next.

46 ䷭ Rising Up

ShengRising Up

Beginning Development Gathering Maturity, Employing perceiving the Great Person, Never worry, A southern pressing strongly forward auspicious.

  • 象傳: 地中生木,升;君子以順德,積小以高大。
    Within the earth exists wood, Rising up; Noble people employ conforming to virtuous power, Storing up the small to make into the lofty and great.
Beginning Line

Beginning Six: Welcomed to rise up, greatly auspicious.

  • 象傳: 允升大吉,上合志也。
    Welcomed to rise up, greatly auspicious, because rising up brings together the heart's purpose.
Second Line

Nine Second: Captivation following the Advantageous Culmination employed by the Summer Offering, not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 九二之孚,有喜也。
    Nine Second's captivation, on account of having something to celebrate.
Third Line

Nine Third: Rising into an empty city.

  • 象傳: 升虛邑,无所疑也。
    Rising into an empty city, on account of letting there be no place for doubts.
Fourth Line

Six Fourth: The king uses Gathering Maturity in regards to Mount Qi, auspicious without disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 王用于岐山,順事也。
    The king uses Gathering Maturity in regards to Mount Qi, on account of complying with affairs.
Fifth Line

Six Fifth: Aligning Toward Completion auspicious, Rising up the rungs.

  • 象傳: 吉升階,大得志也。
    Aligning Toward Completion auspicious rising up the rungs, on account of greatly satisfying the heart's purpose.
Top Line

Top Six: Unseen rising up, Advantageous Culmination not pausing this Aligning toward Completion.

  • 象傳: 冥升在上,消不富也。
    Unseen rising up exists at the top, on account of disappearing with no wealth.

47 ䷮ In Difficulty

KunIn Difficulty

In Difficulty: Gathering Maturity, Aligning Toward Completion, great people auspicious, not having disaster, blame and regret, with explanations not believed.

  • 象傳: 澤无水,困;君子以致命遂志。
    Marsh without water, in difficulty; a noble person uses this to deliver a mandate to follow through with the heart's purpose.
Kan is an interesting principle. We call it water, abyss, or danger. For these are all related to it. When Qian and Kun's middle lines exchange, from heaven and earth are born water and fire. Which can be seen as the frameworks for mass and light. With mass, we have something that gives substance, a "Higgs boson", at the center, suspended within a vibrational matrix that gives it some sort of shape. As a type of coagulated energy, it still holds something of the potency of heaven within it, and thus it is a form of vitality, though that vital force may or may not be accessible. And thus, there is the issue of its heaviness and gravity, that draws us into it, like an abyss. Becoming drawn into something like this, there can be danger, as we need to find the path that allows us to suspend ourselves within it centrally.

Dui is a gathering inward and filtering through. It doesn't store things forever, it allows them to settle and condense and transform. But it can't do this if there is an abyss beneath it drawing things into its gravity, its heaviness, below. This is where the emotions feel like they're spiraling down into the abyss, and where the difficult we feel comes from this.

In times like this we need to find the way to open our hearts back up and align with our purposes again. Being in difficulty, we face the work to get ourselves up and out so that we can clear the difficulty. This is why a noble person uses this dynamic to deliver a mandate to follow the heart's purpose. The heart's will and drive to live. The heart is something spiritual. The heart's purpose is not the selfish desires of the mind, but the true call of the heart to accomplish its spiritual curriculum and manifest its destiny. As such it cannot allow itself to become stuck and stagnant.
Beginning Line

Beginning Six: The bottom of it is in difficulty from tree stumps, passing into a dark valley, three years without being seen again.

  • 象傳: 入于幽谷,幽不明也。
    Passing into a dark valley, because it is shrouded from the light.
First Yin has barely begun upon its journey, and even has somewhere to go - Fourth Yang. But Second Yang is closer to it. Second Yang can provide it with work to do and food and drink. However, Second Yang is perhaps a bit selfish and is likely to exploit First Yin for its labor. First Yin can benfit from Second Yang in terms of getting its head out of the water and having a job, but ultimately neesd to step out of this limited dynamic and move ahead to connect with Fourth Yang, which is there waiting for it. Sometimes though, when we are depressed, we feel unworthy. We might be in a situation of domestic abuse and feel that if we leave our abuser, we will have nothing. Or that if we quit our minimum wage job, we will not be able to find another one. However, if we can summon the courage to step beyond this limited stage, we can discover that there are indeed other opportunities out there.
Second Line

Nine Second: In difficulty from drink and food, a red seal-cord means arrives, Advantageous Culmination providing a banquet in ceremonial offering, pressing strongly forward inauspicious, not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 困于酒食,中有慶也。
    In difficulty from drink and food, because striking the right balance is what has blessings.
Second Yang is in a central position, but the position is best suited to softness and flexibility, and finds no outlet in the Fifth Line, for it is Yang as well. So Second Yang is tasked with managing suspension of its yang within Kan all on its own, and it ends up hoarding its resources of drink and food. It tends to benefit from holding First Yin back, such that it has a worker who relies on it, but doesn't really want to let the worker step into their own power either.

Fifth Yang does come for a visit to Second Yang, and Fifth Yang has a red seal-cord. Something to signify their status as an official coming from above to check on what is going on below, perhaps to ensure that everything is OK and maybe make an inquiry about a tithe. But Second Yang tends to not want to provide audience for the person comming to oversee its territory and collect its taxes. So it might try to stall the official or otherwise do something rude or insulting.

Thus it is important for Second Yang to avoid jumping to conclusions, and to practice moderation, so that it can stay centered on its path despite the difficulty. Opening up to the opportunity presented, and making an offering, negotiations can unfold harmoniously and there can be a more positive outcome.
Third Line

Six Third: In difficulty from stone, grasping at thorns, going into one's dwelling place, not being received by one's wife, inauspicious.

  • 象傳: 據于蒺蔾,乘剛也。入于其宮,不見其妻,不祥也。
    Grasping at thorns, due to riding the hard and inflexible. Going into one's dwelling place, not being received by one's wife, this is not a good omen.
Third Yin is a yin line in a hard position unsuitable for it. Below is a yang line and so Third Yin rides on the hardness of Second Yang. However Second Yang has its own difficulties, so this isn't easy for Third Yin, which is already in an uncomfortable position. It would prefer to connect with its counter part in the upper trigram, Sixth Yin. However there are two Yangs between them making this difficult. And Sixth Yin is pretty much done and about to check out of the whole affair.

If Third Yin were Yang, it would be in the position where the ridgepole breaks in hexagram 28's Great Excess. So here as yin, it is as if broken already, between a rock and a hard place.
Fourth Line

Nine Fourth: It [First Yin] arrives slowly but surely, in difficulty from a metal carriage, lacking in grace, there is a conclusion.

  • 象傳: 來徐徐,志在下也。雖不當位,有與也。
    Arriving slowly but surely, because the heart's purpose is situated at the bottom (depressed). Because even though it is an unsuitable position, there is a joining together with [Fourth Yang].
First Yin is the natural partner of Fourth Yang, each being the first line in their respective trigram, and having magnetism. However Second Yang is blocking the way, so First Yin needs to navigate through it before it can move on to connect with Fourth Yang. Fourth Yang is a Yang line in a soft and flexible position, so it is not ideally suited to this position, and yet there is a strong connection with First Yin, so in waiting here it finds itself able to be in a role of support.

Thus, Second Yang represents a metal carriage, slowing First Yin's movement. And perhaps things could feel more graceful - after all this is the work of getting out of difficulty. Yet in the end the connection is possible.
Fifth Line

Nine Fifth: Nose and feet cut off, as difficulty for one with the red seal-cord, only then slowly but surely providing an explanation, Advantageous Culmination participating in a ceremonial offering.

  • 象傳: 劓刖,志未得也。乃徐有說,以中直也。利用祭祀,受福也。
    Nose and feet cut off, because the heart's purpose is situated at the bottom (depressed). Only then slowly but surely providing an explanation, due to making use of centrality to face head on and take on responsibility. Advantageous Culmination participating in a ceremonial offering, due to receiving favor and good fortune.

Second Yang has a strong reaction to Fifth Yang, and "cuts its nose and feet off". After all Fifth Yang is another yang from a lofty position, come to check on its territory in an official capacity, perhaps even to question why Second Yang is hoarding its wealth and not paying taxes. So it is easy for Second Yang to not be immediately willing to embrace it. After Fifth Yang realizes this it is able to find the central way to approach explaining itself, greeting Second Yang where it is at so that they can negotiate together in a more civil fashion.
Top Line

Top Six: In difficulty from entanglement, from unsteady teetering on the edge, shifting into movement is inauspicious. Having inauspiciousness, pressing strongly forward auspicious.

  • 象傳: 困于葛藟,未當也。動悔,有悔吉,行也。
    In difficulty from entanglement, due to nothing being appropriate. From unsteady teetering on the edge, having inauspiciousness auspicious, due to of what it puts into action.
At the culmination of being in difficulty, Sixth Yin finds itself entangled every which way it moves. Realizing it has no way to move without being caught up in something, it is able to end the inauspiciousness of being trapped in difficulties by strongly pressing forward to move itself out of the mess all together. Sometimes we just need the divorce. The bankruptcy. The major life path shift. The breakup. The letting go of what is not serving, completely, so that room is created to discover what does serve.

48 ䷯ The Well

JingThe Well

The Well: The town changes but not the well, not having loss or gain, going and coming orderly and clean. When running dry, without using a well rope, it just trickles into ones jar, inauspicious.

  • 象傳: 木上有水,井;君子以勞民勸相。
    Above wood there is water, the well; a noble person uses this to encourage the common people to diligently aid each other in mutual support.
Wind draws upward, so there is pressure within the well shaft.

In ancient China a grid of 9 plots of land formed a small community of families. The well was located in the middle plot: 井, and this plot was where they would mutually work to pay for community upkeep, taxes, etc. Even as the families changed, the well remained the same. The well here represents the well shaft that draws the water up, and by extention reveals the operation of the central palace of the magic square. When all is gathered together supporting and containing the middle, space is held to draw nourishment up from the earth. When that fails to happen, there is no pressure in the pipes and the water but trickles out.
Beginning Line

Beginning Six: The well clay is not taking in and receiving, an old well that is without birds and beasts.

  • 象傳: 井泥不食,下也。舊井无禽,時舍也。
    The well clay is not taking in and receiving, an old well that is without birds and beasts, because it is at the bottom. An old well that is without birds and beasts, due to a period of abandonment.
The bottom of a well is often full of mud and clay. The clay is actually what the water seeps through to pool in the well. This represents the barrier between First Yin and Second Yang. First the water needs to make it through the mud and muck to become clear so that it can flow. First Yin is without a resonant partner above, and so tends to be weak and without purpose on its own. However it is still holding space here for the water to move through its murkiness, and this is the beginning of its journey upward - first it needs to be drawn through that which is slow and blocked.

In standing meditation first we let the body settle into stillness for a long time before the bubbling spring points at the bottoms of the feet begin to pulse with the upward springing of qi from the earth. It takes time for pathways to form within the turbid and unclear.
Second Line

Nine Second: The well valley spurts out fish, The pottery worn, deteriorated and leaking.

  • 象傳: 井谷射鮒,无與也。
    The well valley spurts out fish, because it does not give any assistance.
Here the water is able to flow, having made it through the mud below. However now it pours sideways flowing through a valley and spurting out fish. Second Yang does not have a resonant partner with Fifth Yang above. However, Third Yang and Fourth Yin provide a pumping mechanism for it to move through if it shores up the pottery of its side walls to connect with Third Yang, then Fourth Yin can draw it up into the open.

Here we are shown how vitality is prone to leaking out, if we do not hold it to an upright path. This can easily be seen in sexuality, how men can leak out their vital fluid when testosterone builds up too much, even though that vitality can be channeled in other ways if one engages in physical work or breathing practices. In women this is like the blood leaking out during menstruation, though this is more like what happens with 50 line 1. It is time for a release of the old and it is proper. With 48 line 2, the release is a loss of what could be.

Second Yang easily follows the path of least resistance, flowing out alongside First Yin downward, unless it is able to be drawn up. As it builds up, so too does the pressure build up, so it follows the direction that can support this. When the spring just comes out of the ground, it is generally clear and without contamination, but that soon changes if it is not kept free of contamination and leaks.
Third Line

Nine Third: That the well is filtered and cleansed but not taken in and received, is the source of my heart sorrow, it is possible to make use of drawing water from the well, to the king this is clearly evident, what is more is that one simultaneously receives good fortune.

  • 象傳: 井渫不食,行惻也。求王明,受福也。
    That the well is filtered and cleansed but not taken in and received, due to proceeding with sorrow and suffering. Seeking out the king's illumination, because it accepts and takes in good fortune.
Third Yang is the culmination of the pressure that draws the water up. It represnts the end of the inner dynamic, where it meets the outer dynamic and touches Fourth Yin. Third Yang is like the pipes that bring the water into our homes, but with their faucets off. Fourth Yin is like the opening of those faucets.

Third Yang represents vitality that is stored up and able to be disseminated, but that is not put to use. It is like all of the latent energy wanting to bubble up from the earth, but no one practicing standing meditation so as to tap into it and receive it.

It is like all the money stored up in a trust fund, unable to be used outside of certain conditions. Or vacation homes and yachts kept ready and waiting to be used.
Fourth Line

Six Fourth: A well with brickwork and masonry does not have misfortune, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 井甃无咎,修井也。
    A well with brickwork and masonry not having misfortune, blame and regret, because it puts the well in order.
Sixth Yin is able to open up to the pressure the well is containing so that it flows through to Fifth Yang. It represents a go-between of sorts, where the water flows out via the cold spring of Fifth Yang, but Fourth Yin is the capacity that holds it in storage. It is the cistern, the storage tank, the water on the shelf in a store. The cash in the wallet. The gas in the tank. It's capacity is what is important here, as is its shape that allows it to carry that which could move through.
Fifth Line

Nine Fifth: The well is cold and pure, cold subterranean well water for taking in and consuming.

  • 象傳: 寒泉之食,中正也。
    Cold subterranean well water's consumption, because it is centered and upright.
Here the water is taken in and consumed, finally reaching the center of the upper trigram and providing its nourishment.
Top Line

Top Six: The well brings in the harvest, do not cover it, there is captivation, Beginning Development auspicious.

  • 象傳: 吉在上,大成也。
    Beginning Development positioned at the Top, due to profound accomplishment.
Here water has been drawn up, filtered, stored up for use, and begun to be used for nourishment. Now that the well has provided for our nourishment, we extend its use to nourish the fields we tend to, so that the nourishment provides lasting benefit. The town may change, but as long as the well is in good operation, its upper lines are always there to support what sustains it from the middle. Thus the top line is auspicious for drawing nourishment out to what needs it.

49 ䷰ Reformation


Reformation: At Si day then captivation, Beginning Development Gathering Maturity Advantageous Culmination Aligning Toward Completion, misfortune is neutralized.

  • 象傳: 澤中有火,革;君子以治歷明時。
    Within marsh there is fire, reformation; a noble person uses this to set things in order one by one illuminating them at the right times.

    Marsh, or Lake, is a dynamic of transformation and emotion. With fire beneath, shining its light upward and illuminating the lake, it needs to be very carefully contained, and then some delicious food can be cooked. But too much fire can create a rebellion of emotion above, can cause the pot to boil over. Emotional changes may be needed, but fire must play the role of softly and gently meeting lake where it is at, with warmth and acceptance. When lake feels it is safe to transform, it does so all on its own before revealing itself.

    With the three lines of fire, the first wants to go forward right out of the gate, is impatiently wanting to create change right away. But to do so would cause problems, so it needs to wrap itself up and learn patience. The third line, also yang, sits right next to lake, and is better tuned into lake's sensitivities. Thus it knows that it needs to be careful with its words and its interventions. It may poke forward a little here and there to feel out what changes lake is ready to accommodate, each time learning to reform its words to better match not what it thinks is needed, but to better match what lake is ready to receive. The second line, yin, is positioned in between these two lines, as the clarity of the fire, and is central. It helps to manage the regulation of the fire from the center, and as such is aware of when lake becomes ready to receive its changes, and at that point it ventures to connect with the fifth line, for now they can meet.

    With the three lines of lake, the first is able to feel the fire below, it rests upon it. As a yang line in a yin position it is not ideally positioned, and yet because of the balance of its innate firmness that has been placed in a more soft position, it finds itself able to sincerely accommodate the balancing act between the forces above and below it. As such it becomes the first line to open up to the transformation that is being invited, and the more sincere it is able to be about this, the more the lines both above and below are able to undergo the work of making the transformation possible. The fifth line is rooted in its central position and is buffered by the fire from the 4th line below it. But as the fourth line warms up to change, it too begins to change, in secret, not quite sure what is transforming yet and not wanting to reveal itself until the changes are complete. During this process it links up with the subtle clarity of line two and together they represent subtle change and transformation that is happening deep within. With line six the transformational process has become such that we are learning to adapt to the winds of change, able to feel ourselves respond to the universal law: when one part moves, all parts move.
Beginning Line

Beginning Nine: Binding and securing with a yellow ox's hide.

  • 象傳: 鞏用黃牛,不可以有為也。
    Binding and securing it with a yellow ox [hide], because it is not possible to use [First Yang] with effectiveness.
At the beginning, fire emerges and First Yang senses what needs to be reformed. However it is inappropriate for it to give voice to this clarity, or strength to its mission. For any future development to be possible, it needs to seal up its convictions and learn to become patient. For impatient rushing for changes is sure to upset the proper balance of things.
Second Line

Six Second: Upon Si day transforming it, pressing strongly forward auspicious, not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 巳日革之,行有嘉也。
    Upon Si day transforming it, on account of its conduct being estimable and praiseworthy.
Si day is the first fire day. Fire lends its energy to harmonious transformation. Second Yin has a resonant connection with Fifth Yang. However it cannot connect right away. Lake needs to first warm up to Fire's invitation to transform. Second Yin helps this process by maintaining balance between the two yang lines on either side of it, and so regulates the fire. When the fire is well regulated, its warmth becomes well received by the upper trigram, and we have our Si day, our fire day, and then Second Yin will be able to connect with Fifth Yang.
Third Line

Nine Third: Pressing strongly forward inauspicious, Aligning Toward Completion exerting effort with raised alertness, reforming its words thrice in going toward, there is captivation.

  • 象傳: 革言三就,又何之矣。
    Reforming its words thrice in going toward, next is what this becomes.
Third Yang again finds itself on the verge of attempting too much, too forcefully. It is right next to the upper trigram and wants to reform it, but must listen and wait until the time is right. Only after setting forth only to hold itself back and reform its intention several times will it begin to know when it has captivated the heart of the lines above it. Once there is captivation between Third Yang and Fourth Yang, the warmth of the fire begins to transform the lake.
Fourth Line

Nine Fourth: Regret vanishes, There is captivation to reform the mandate of destiny, auspicious.

  • 象傳: 改命之吉,信志也。
    Reforming the mandate of destiny's auspiciousness, on account of having faith in the heart's purpose.
Fourth Yang is the first line of the upper trigram, and can feel the fire underneath where it rests. Once it becomes willing to trust the message coming from below, it brings with it the sincerity to transform, based on the message it is receiving. Violent messages coming from below may cause it to transform in ways that the fire below never intended, acting sincerely with the notion that what needs to change is the fire itself! But when the fire is able to connect with its heart, and reach it where it is needed, rather than sincere reactivity, there can be sincere reform.

Fourth Yang is in a soft line position, and has yang lines above and below it. Given that it does not have a resonant partner in the lower trigram, or an easy way to get there or anywhere else, the softness of the line position helps it find balance, and it becomes an ideal arbiter of channeling the transformation throughout the rest of the upper trigram.
Fifth Line

Nine Fifth: A great person transforms like a tiger, not yet holding possession of captivation.

  • 象傳: 大人虎變,其文炳也。
    A great person transforms like a tiger, because its markings are bright.
A tiger has bright stripes that are highly visible. When it changes and transforms itself when stalking prey, it keeps itself in the shadows, so that its changes remain hidden. This enables it to continue to adapt to the changes around it, keeping open the option of repositioning itself while remaining hidden, until it is absolutely certain it can attack its prey successfully.

Not yet possessing captivation in regards to the influence that wishes to change it, Fifth Yang keeps its changes hidden, adapting internally while not revealing anything yet on the surface. As Fourth Yang starts to develop captivation and declares a new mandate of destiny, Fifth Yang also begins to warm up to the changes being invited, and also begins to possess captivation in regards to change, and this enables Second Yin to link up with it.

However, Second Yin and the fire below may easily just not find the way to link up with it, and in such cases it may just retreat, the bright markings of its heart still largely concealed in the shadows.

Sometimes we think we know what someone needs. They're depressed, so we try to help them feel better. But if they feel like we want to change them, they may put walls up, and block our urges for them to change. The beauty of fire is that it is capable both of fierce brightness and destruction, as well as gentleness and harmony. Gentle warmth can be very disarming and needs no agenda. It may not pierce to the source of the wound, but it reaches the heart. And then the walls start to melt away, and the person starts feeling safe and ready to open up about where they are at.

So what is needed here from the fire, if it truly wishes to connect, is not an enlightened mandate to change, but the warmth that reaches through and melts what is ready to melt. The mandate comes from Fourth Yang, not from the fire. Lake already knows it needs to transform, it just needs the warm support of fire to help. And thus two hearts become able to connect.
Top Line

Top Six: A noble person transforms like a leopard, a small person reforms the face they show, pressing strongly forward inauspicious, dwelling in Aligning Toward Completion auspicious.

  • 象傳: 君子豹變,其文蔚也。小人革面,順以從君也。
    A noble person transforms like a leopard, because its natural patterns are fathomless. A small person reforms the face they show, because they submit and conform to following their lord.
At the peak of reformation, the noble person is able to transform itself according to the needs of the way. While smaller people do not easily root themselves in such things and rely upon reforming themselves based on the guidance of their lords.

When one part moves, all parts move. Thus we all eternally transform with the subtleties of the celestial mechanism. Sometimes we get stuck in our habit momentums, and lose some sensitivity and clarity to detect the changes in subtle universal energies. Which is why the world benefits greatly from the noble ones who do the work to follow the way and lead others by their example.

50 ䷱ The Cauldron

DingThe Cauldron

The Cauldron: Beginning Development auspicious, Gathering Maturity.

  • 象傳: 木上有火,鼎;君子以正位凝命。
    Above wood there is fire, Cauldron; A noble person uses upright positioning to concentrate destiny.
Beginning Line

Beginning Six: A cauldron turned upside-down by its leg. Advantageous Culmination in ousting stagnation. Attaining a concubine to take one's seed. Not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 鼎顛趾,未悖也。出否,以從貴也。
    A cauldron turned upside-down by its leg, implying before it repulses. Advantageous Culmination in ousting stagnation, on account of using it according to its value.
First Yin is receptive but not poised to be part of the main party. It has a resonant partner in Fourth Yang, but the one is like a minister and the other a prostitute. Fourth Yang is badly positioned and under pressure. First Yin helps Fourth Yang to aleviate its pressure. Then First Yin can clean up after. Toilets are also used like this - to temporarily hold something we are getting rid of.
Second Line

Nine Second: The cauldron is full, Our counterparts are jealous, they are unable to approach, auspicious.

  • 象傳: 鼎有實,慎所之也。我仇有疾,終无尤也。
    The cauldron is full, due to attentiveness in regards to this. Our counterparts are jealous, because in the end one is without fault.
In hexagram 56 line two is Yin. It is responsible for managing servants while lines 3 and 4 invest any gains in what is above. Here in hexagram 50, its gains have a more important purpose, and lines 3 and 4 are envious, for they are above. And First Yin is envious below and would like to draw Second Yang down with it. But the cauldron protects Second Yin by way of centrality. Third and Fourth Yang are stuck in their rolls of sealing the cauldron, and First Yin is separated below. But Fifth Yin and Sixth Yang are functioning together as one with the medicine of Second Yang, and thus this is auspicious.
Third Line

Nine Third: The cauldron ears molt, their conduct is plugged, the grease of the pheasant is not eaten, soon rain will abate misfortune, in the end auspicious.

  • 象傳: 鼎耳革,失其義也。
    The cauldron ears molt, because they forfeit their proper purpose.
Third Yang and Sixth Yang are both Yang, so do not magnetize, and nor does Third Yang have a nearby yin line to magnetize toward. However Fifth Yin and Sixth Yang are acting as one, and Third Yang can participate in this. But Third Yang is at the top of the inner dynamic of wind, where it meets with fire above. There is pressure involved, and it is like the lid of the pot sealing the pressure in.

So Third Yang initially is apt to withdraw inward and create the seal, in response to the fire above. As this seal forms, the fat of the pheasant that is being cooked within the cauldron is squeezed out, clogging the ears of the cauldron. A pheasant is a lean bird, so it is unfortunate if its fat cannot be eaten.

Rain that comes and cleans the ears of the cauldron so that it can be removed from the fire abates this misfortune.

Sometimes we encounter situations that cause us to retreat from initially. We sense that we could go forward, and yet the circumstances are unusual, so we hesitate and get cut off - our ears molt. And yet the human mentality is largely getting in the way here and sealing us from receptivity to something greater. So we wash out our ears and empty our minds again, and thus enable our ability to be lifted free from above, before we lose the opportunity.
Fourth Line

Nine Fourth: A cauldron with a broken leg, overturning the food cooking for the duke, its outer face stained, inauspicious.

  • 象傳: 覆公餗,信如何也。
    Overturning the food cooking for the duke, because how can it be trusted?
Fourth Yang is beneath Fifth Yin, and ought to support it from below. However it is under such pressure as a strong yang line in a position balanced for gentleness. It will continue to build the pressure up, like a furnace. As the pressure increases, either it persists and burns its ego up completely, itself up completely, or only persists to the point where it reaches a breaking point and capitulates, tipping over as though a cauldron with a broken leg. But due to its position as a minister, what is tipped over is what has been cooking for the duke, thus Fourth Yang stains its reputation if it does not proceed carefully. It needs to find a way to manage working under pressure, egolessly, continuously burning up its own desire to capitulate under pressure.
Fifth Line

Six Fifth: A cauldron with yellow ears, and a solid bar, Advantageous Culmination Aligning Toward Completion.

  • 象傳: 鼎黃耳,中以為實也。
    A cauldron with yellow ears, because the center is used to accomplish fullness and repletion of substance.
Fifth Yin represents the yellow ears of the cauldron, with Sixth Yang's solid substance passing through them. Together they provide the means for carrying the medicine of Second Yang. Six Yang's bar is described as "metal", which is known for being solid. Solidness is used here to show how strength and flexibility are used together, as one.

When we walk with a vessel of liquid, we carefully balance to keep the liquid from spilling. We need to be gentle and sensitive, but also upright and proper. This uprightness squarely adheres to Sixth Yang above it, like a suction cup adhering to a glass ceiling window above it. What is flexible bonded to what is solid to form a union.
Top Line

Top Nine: A cauldron with a jade bar, greatly auspicious, without dis-Advantageous Culmination.

  • 象傳: 玉鉉在上,剛柔節也。
    A jade bar residing at the top, on account of the firm and yielding articulating in the joint.
Nephrite Jade is the stone of completion. It represents completion of the journey of transformation between firm and strong, and soft and flexible. Clear and transluscent, it has capacity to receive, and yet it is also tough and hard, can be used for its strength, as axe heads, or here to carry a cauldron.

Jade is used here to represent this union of yin-ness with yang-ness as one energy of strength and flexibility. Even in its solid yang-ness here, it retains its yin capacity.

51 ䷲ Shock


Shock: Gathering Maturity. Shock summons fear and terror, then laughing in response with exclaims of surprise, oh, ah! Thunderous Shock startling hundreds of residences, without losing the ladle of aromatic wine.

  • 象傳: 洊雷,震;君子以恐懼脩省。
    Repeated thunderclaps, shock; a noble person uses fear and fright to recover and discern through reflecting and scrutinizing.
Beginning Line

Beginning Nine: Thunderous Shock summons fear and terror, if then afterward laughing in response with exclaims of surprise, oh, ah!, auspicious.

  • 象傳: 震來虩虩,恐致福也。笑言啞啞,後有則也。
    Shock summons fear and terror, because fright leads to good fortune. Laughing in response with exclaims of surprise, oh, ah!, because afterward things return to normal.
At the moment of impact, shock is suddenly here, we have a split second to awaken to it, and then it continues past with the wave of its impact carried by Second Yin. Either we allow ourselves to be carried with the wave, or we recover ourselves.

The principle of this line may apply to both striking and being struck. With both, there is the moment of impact, and immediately needing to adapt and recover.

Inspiration and epiphany are also light bulb moments of shock. We get an Aha! And then we recognize our good fortune. Thunder, quake, rumor, strike, trauma, epiphany - all are moments of impact that bring acute change. Our good fortune lies in regaining our center and not being carried along with the rippling. Second Yin is the central line here, so good fortune comes in First Yang recovering itself quickly so as to not create waves that cause Second Yin, which rides upon it, to flee its central position.

Thus we are advised to recover from the impact right away in order to have good fortune and for things to be auspicious. If we do not recover from the impact, because it is too much, then this is shock that carries a significant shock wave and it is possible there may be calamity and disaster.

What is important is that we do our best to not jump to conclusions and try to keep levels heads, even when the shock may be devastating, as in the natural disasters we experience. An earthquake comes and goes, and the good fortune of remaining calm and present helps us to recover and rebuild better than if we allowed ourselves to become distraught.
Second Line

Six Second: Shock summons exerting effort with raised alertness, losing a hundred thousand cowrie, scaling the nine hills, do not pursue, on the seventh day becoming manageable.

  • 象傳: 震來厲,乘剛也。
    Shock summons exerting effort with raised alertness, because [Second Yin] rides the firm and unyielding [First Yang].
The impact of shock from First Yang ripples out and Second Yin rides upon the shock wave, reacting to its hardness with its softness, and becomes apart of its rippling out.

Doing such may leave us off balance, and separated from our position and our wealth. Cowries are small shells that used to be used as currency. Here Second Yin scales the nine hills in its reaction to the shock wave, but can also act to spread the shock wave. In cases of rumor, misinformation, gossip, and trauma, we carry the story of the shock through with us where we go. Until we discover how to manage it.

In the ten day cycle - a week - the 7th day is Yang Metal - Geng.

Wood brings the energy that opens things up. Fire uses this energy to create and harmonize, around the center, earth. Earth swallows up within it all that has been opened up with the phases of wood and fire, but still hasn't processed it. With the metal phase differentiation begins and we learn to take what serves us and let go of what does not serve us.

Thus, when there is metal, it becomes manageable.

But where does Second Yin go as its wave ripples out? Fifth Yin is yin, and not necessarily attractive. But Fifth Yin is the fact checker, and can help Second Yin figure out what serves and what does not serve. And thus prevent the loss of position and wealth.
Third Line

Six Third: Shock to resuscitate and return to consciousness, Shock acting without mistake.

  • 象傳: 震蘇蘇,位不當也。
    Shock that resuscitates and returns to consciousness, because the position is unsuitable.
Third Yin is in a position more ideally balanced for yang firmness, and its yin softness and flexibility here leave it weak to distraction, weak to alertness. It wants to be done with the shock, but the shock wave is still travelling through, weakly, and so it goes along, but is fading. Like driving a car while tired, needing to get home, just a little longer, a yawn, eyes drooping, head nods. And then jolting back awake. Or like being exhausted and at the end of one's rope but on a deadline with something on the line, and using shock to keep going. A heart that is stopped being resuscitated with electrical paddles. Minor shock that helps keep things from breaking down and brings us back to our senses.
Fourth Line

Nine Fourth: Shock progressing through mud.

  • 象傳: 震遂泥,未光也。
    Shock progressing through mud, because it is still not glowing brightly.
Fourth Yang would be the source of the vibration if not for First Yang, as can be seen in hexagram 16. A music box when held in the hands does not sound as open and loud as it does when placed on a wooden table that can open to its sound like a resonance chamber all the way down to the ground without buffer. First Yang blocks this resonance and provides its own vibration, which Fourth Yang can only try to echo through. But above it there are two yins that are poised to swallow this damp echo up with fact checking and paying it no mind. So it finds itself stuck in mud, and its impact buffered and dampened.
Fifth Line

Six Fifth: Shock going and coming exerting effort with raised alertness, not losing the hundred thousand, having a duty.

  • 象傳: 震往來厲,危行也。其事在中,大无喪也。
    Shock going and coming exerting effort with raised alertness, due to upright conduct. Its duty resides in centrality, because it greatly prevents loss.
Fifth Yin resides in centrality, so despite it being in a position ideally suited for yang firmness and strength, it is able to have upright conduct. And given how the shock wave is rippling through, with its yang-ness, Second Yin is provided with an opportunity to arrest this wave of shock and call it out. To fact check the propaganda. To ask the questions that haven't been asked. To bring people back to reality.

In so doing, it clears up the rumors and the shock is swallowed and things return to normal. And Second Yin is able to come back from the nine hills and not lose its hundred thousand cowrie.
Top Line

Top Six: Shock spreading out and searching, looking around from side to side anxious and trembling, pressing strongly forward inauspicious. With shock not reaching oneself, just reaching one's neighborhood, it does not have disaster, blame and regret. With a marriage proposal there is gossip.

  • 象傳: 震索索,中未得也。雖凶无咎,畏鄰戒也。
    Shock spreading out and searching, because the center is still not acquired. Even though inauspicious also not having disaster, blame and regret, due to shying away from the neighborhood by taking precautions.
At the end of shock, the remaining fingers of tremor, rumor, or fear, continue to lace out their tiny threads searching for whatever can give them purchase. Like the small threads of lightning that branch off of the main strike and reach in whatever way they can. Still not having a conclusion, still just a rumor, and yet still searching for its truth.

A conspiracy theory works like this. It may not have evidence or proof, just a compelling story that can't be easily disproven. It is able to spread out and reach minds who continue to carry it and continue to spread it around the neighborhood.

Thus it is beneficial to pay such things no mind, and not be party to the spreading of rumors. Not paying them mind, not having reason for disaster, blame and regret.

52 ䷳ Stillness


Stillness. Keeping its spine still, not laying claim to the body, engaging its inner court, not perceiving its people, not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 兼山,艮;君子以思不出其位。
    Two mountains together, Stillness; A noble person uses this to consider whether to emerge from their position.
Beginning Line

Beginning Six: Keeping its feet still, not having disaster, blame and regret, Advantageous Culmination in extended and long lasting Aligning Toward Completion.

  • 象傳: 艮其趾,未失正也。
    Keeping its feet still, on account of still not forfeiting what is proper.
Second Line

Six Second: Keeping its calves still, not arousing its following along with things, its heart not quickening to pleasure and cheer.

  • 象傳: 不拯其隨,未退聽也。
    Not arousing its following along with things, on account of not yet withdrawing from listening.

Second Yin's last bit, 其心不快, could be literally translated as "its heart not pleased/cheerful". Kuai 快 seems to have a deeper meaning behind it. The characters combined here are 'heart-mind' and the character for hexagram 43, a parting of ways with something. So something related to the heart-mind being having a parting in some way. Which then becomes the classical definition of experiencing pleasure, being pleased, cheerful. As this meaning evolves into modern times it becomes "rapid, quick, speedy, prompt". So we see the relation between the heart having pleasure and cheer, and it beating rapidly, and this representing a parting of ways.

When one's "heart is on one's tongue", we know that we are acting based on our emotions - the heart might be beating more quickly, we might have lots of feelings going on, and they are pulling us in a certain direction, which is likely a parting from stillness and composure.

Thus line three is telling us that the heart ought to remain still and not allow itself to bubble up into joyousness. It sticks to being composed and grounded and stable.

So the meaning here relates to not allowing the heart to bubble up into having feelings of joy and pleasure. From the daoist perspective, the heart easily becomes distracted by feelings and senses. Some of these we like, some we don't like. But it is easy to get lost in them. Meanwhile, by keeping still, the heart is grounded and at peace. Still and at peace, the heart is content and not pulling us too and fro as we chase after pleasures.

Third Line

Nine Third: Keeping the reach beyond its threshold still, aligning its reverence, exerting effort with raised alertness dominating the thoughts and feelings.

  • 象傳: 艮其限,危薰心也。
    Keeping the reach beyond its threshold still, on account of sitting straight upright dominating the heart-mind.

Dominating the thoughts and feelings here is literally the image of smoke or a scent or a cloud of something coloring the heart-mind. Here, Third Yang is focused on holding things together in its role as the containing line of mountains containing dynamic. When it becomes activated, it needs to actively restrain itself so that its role is maintained. Thus it has need to remain composed and upright in its posture, so as to hold everything together in stillness. Even as it touches the upper trigram, it remains focused on the lower trigram dynamic. In this way it keeps the reach beyond its threshold still.

Most translators use 限 to represent a body part, say the hips or loin, that comes between the calves (Second Yin) and body (Fourth Yin) in the order of body parts that are being kept still. Even though there is no evidence for this being a definition. The question ought to be raised - Sixth Yang does not name a body part. Why should Third Yang have to name a body part? Both of these lines are at the top of their respective trigram and functioning in a similar role.

Between the lower trigram and the upper trigram, we cross from the inner dynamic into the outer dynamic. Just as Hexagram 15's Third Yang is able to engage in humility because it keeps its substance beneath the surface, contained within the inner trigram dynamic and not revealed to the outer trigram dynamic.

Fourth Line

Six Fourth: Keeping its torso still, not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 艮其身,止諸躬也。
    Keeping its torso still, on account of bringing all of the torso to a halt.
Fifth Line

Six Fifth: Keeping its cheekbones still, speaking has an order of progression, regret vanishes.

  • 象傳: 艮其輔,以中正也。
    Keeping its cheekbones still, on account of using centrality and uprightness.
Top Line

Top Nine: Complete stillness, auspicious.

  • 象傳: 敦艮之吉,以厚終也。
    Complete stillness's auspiciousness, on account of arriving at a substantial conclusion.

53 ䷴ Gradually Advancing

JianGradually Advancing

Gradually Advancing: A woman marrying has good fortune, Advantageous Culmination Aligning Toward Completion.

  • 象傳: 山上有木,漸;君子以居賢德,善俗。
    A mountain top holds wood, Gradually Advancing; A noble person uses position to be worthy of virtuous power, benevolent conventions.
Beginning Line

Beginning Six: Wild Geese gradually advancing to the base, the younger ones exerting effort with raised alertness, there is scolding, not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 小子之厲,義无咎也。
    The exerting effort with raised alertness of the younger ones, has to do with responsibility for not having disaster, blame and regret.
Second Line

Six Second: Wild geese gradually advancing to boulders, eating and drinking satisfied and content, good fortune.

  • 象傳: 飲食衎衎,吉,不素飽也。
    Eating and drinking satisfied and content, good fortune, not due to simply eating to fullness.
Third Line

Nine Third: Wild geese gradually advancing to a level way, A husband goes to contest and does not come back, A wife becomes pregnant but does not give birth, misfortune; Advantageous Culmination resisting and repelling that which robs from.

  • 象傳: 夫征不復,離群醜也。婦孕不育,失其道也。用御寇,順相保也。
    A husband goes to contest and does not come back, because abandoning the group is shameful. A wife becomes pregnant but does not give birth, due to losing its way. Advantageous Culmination making use of governing and controlling that which robs from, on account of conforming to mutual safeguarding.
Fourth Line

Six Fourth: Wild geese gradually advance to the trees, in some cases attaining their perch, not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 或得其桷,順以巽也。
    In some cases attaining their perch, due to following the operation of flexibility.
Fifth Line

Nine Fifth: Wild geese gradually advancing to a rise, A wife for three years not pregnant, Concluding the absence of chance, it is overcome and able to be borne, good fortune.

  • 象傳: 終莫之勝,吉;得所愿也。
    Concluding the absence of chance, it is overcome and able to be borne, good fortune, due to attaining the position devoted to.
Top Line

Top Nine: Wild geese gradually advancing to a level way, their feathers permissible to be used for conducting ceremonial rites, good fortune.

  • 象傳: 其羽可用為儀,吉;不可亂也。
    Their feathers permissible to be used for conducting ceremonial rites, good fortune; because it must not be disorderly.

54 ䷵ A Younger Sister Marrying

歸妹Gui MeiA Younger Sister Marrying

A Younger Sister Marrying: Pressing strongly forward inauspicious, without a place for Advantageous Culmination.

  • 象傳: 澤上有雷,歸妹;君子以永終知敝。
    Marsh going up with Thunder, A Younger Sister Marrying; A noble person uses patience all the way to the end to have mastery over that which uses things up.
Beginning Line

Beginning Nine: A Younger sister marrying into a subordinate place in the household, treading capacity impaired, auspicious to press strongly forward.

  • 象傳: 歸妹以娣,以恆也。跛能履吉,相承也。
    A Younger sister marrying into a subordinate place in the household, has to do with taking up something long lasting. Treading capacity impaired auspiciously, on account of mutual receptivity.
Second Line

Nine Second: Squinting so as to regard and evaluate, Advantageous Culmination for the person secluded in concentration Aligning Toward Completion.

  • 象傳: 幽人之,未變常也。
    Advantageous Culmination for the person secluded in concentration Aligning Toward Completion, Due to not alternating steady constancy.
Third Line

Six Third: A younger sister marrying with expectation and neediness, annulment and marrying instead into a subordinate position in the household.

  • 象傳: 歸妹以須,未當也。
    A younger sister marrying with expectation and neediness, because this is inappropriate.
Fourth Line

Nine Fourth: A Younger Sister Marrying reaches past the expected timing, delaying marriage for the right opportunity.

  • 象傳: 愆期之志,有待而行也。
    The heart's reason for reaching past the expected timing, is on account of there being waiting on, attending, entertaining, then having done this, acting.
Fifth Line

Six Fifth: Emperor Di Yi's Younger Sister Marrying, the sleeve of her gentleman, not close to the quality of the sleeves of her younger sisters in law, the moon is nearly to its fullness, auspicious.

  • 象傳: 帝乙歸妹,不如其娣之袂良也。其位在中,以貴行也。
    Emperor Di Yi's Younger Sister Marrying, has to do with not being close to the quality of the sleeves of her younger sisters in law. His position is located centrally, due to using estimable and honorable conduct.
Top Line

Top Six: An unmarried woman receiving an offering without substance, the unmarried man slaughters a sheep without blood, not having a hasty placement is auspicious.

  • 象傳: 上六无實,承虛筐也。
    Top Six is without substance, on account of receiving an empty offering.

55 ䷶ Overabundance


Overabundance: Gathering Maturity, Kingship depends upon this, do not be concerned over it, it is suitable for and commensurate with solar noon.

  • 象傳: 雷電皆至,豐;君子以折獄致刑。
    Thunder and lightning all extreme, overabundance; a noble person uses this to settle court cases by passing judgements and sentencing.
Feng means abundance, repletion, fullness. And it is easy to become confused by what is meant by this. Here is the abundance and fullness of fire and lightning and their extremes both come together. The fullness of the sun at the peak of the day, the fullness of the moon, of summer, of all things when they become overexcited and struggle to retain their composure. Having a bumper crop is a good thing. There is more than enough, there is excess. And with excess, with overabundance, options open up to us, and we begin to make decisions based on our egos, and from our strength, even as we are veiling ourselves from the light. Thus this power can easily go astray, and a noble person uses this power to keep things in check so as to preserve the balance of things.
Beginning Line

Beginning Nine: Happening upon an equally matched ruler [Fourth Yang], even though there are ten days without disaster, blame and regret, going toward has priority.

  • 象傳: 雖旬无咎,過旬災也。
    Even though there are ten days without disaster, blame and regret, because exceeding ten days there is disaster.
Ten days was the length of a week. Three weeks (almost) the length of a lunar month. In ten days there is a full cycle. Yang wood, yin wood, yang fire, yin fire, yang earth, yin earth, yang metal, yin metal, yang water, yin water.
Second Line

Six Second: Overabundance of one deflecting light with a screen, at solar noon perceiving the dipper, going toward gains an underlying uncertainty, if with captivation setting forth, auspicious.

  • 象傳: 有孚發若,信以發志也。
    If with captivation setting forth, because it has faith in setting forth with the heart's purpose.
Third Line

Nine Third: Overabundance of one rushing quickly, solar noon appears dim and dull, breaking from the ministers on its right side, not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 豐其沛,不可大事也。折其右肱,終不可用也。
    Overabundance of one rushing quickly, due to not allowing a large matter. Breaking from the ministers on its right side, because ultimately it will not use them.
Third Yang is present where the brightness of fire touches the power of the thunder. It wants to connect with Sixth Yin, but that is inappropriate here. It knows it needs to hold back, because the pressures of the timing are incorrect, but it remains obstinate and is likely to hold back even while also breaking from the ministers on its right side.
Fourth Line

Nine Fourth: Overabundance of one deflecting light with a screen, at solar noon perceiving the dipper, happening upon the foreign ruler [First Yang], auspicious.

  • 象傳: 豐其蔀,位不當也。日中見斗,幽不明也。遇其夷主,吉;行也。
    Overabundance of one deflecting light with a screen, because the position is unsuitable. At solar noon perceiving the dipper, because what is obscured and veiled is not bright. Happening upon the foreign ruler, auspicious, because of one's conduct and behavior.
Fire and Thunder both want to move upward, however here there is little merit in this. Yang in the Fourth position is not suitable as this position benefits from the ability to exercise softness. Here, Fourth Yang discovers an equal to turn toward and receive the arrival of, and together they are able to stabilize what has become overabundant auspiciously.
Fifth Line

Six Fifth: Arriving and revealing itself, there is felicity and acclaim, auspicious.

  • 象傳: 六五之吉,有慶也。
    Six Fifth's auspiciousness, is because there is felicity.
Having embarked upon the journey as Second Yin, uncertain because of the unusual circumstances, yet following through, and arriving as Fifth Yin to reveal itself and root in its position of felicity.
Top Line

Top Six: Overabundance of one's roof, deflecting light from one's household, spying on one's doorway, quiet and still one is without others, for three years not being seen face to face, inauspicious.

  • 象傳: 豐其屋,天際翔也。闚其戶,闃其无人,自藏也。
    Overabundance of one's roof, because the horizon wheels around. Spying on one's doorway, quiet and still one is without others, because one conceals oneself.
With Sixth Yin we come to the point where in its overabundance, one completely screens away all of the light of the heavens with a solid roof, not participating and so not being seen. The heavens wheel around but one's roof blocks it all out, and it no longer participates in the great mess. Things may be quiet and still, but the quiet and stillness of the sage does not veil the light but roots in the light.

56 ䷷ Traveling


Traveling: Small Gathering Maturity, Traveling to Align Toward Completion auspicious.

  • 象傳: 山上有火,旅;君子以明慎用刑,而不留獄。
    Above mountain there is fire, Traveling; A noble person uses clear illumination to carefully enact discipline.
Traveling is about proceeding from one stage to the next, so as to move forward and creatively accomplish something. Like how a fire moves across a mountain, feeding upon the underbrush that has accumulated by the mountain's stability. This is very much like how capitalism functions in modern societies. Our work product is the mountain, and the fire that consumes our work is our modern society and the modern lifestyles we enjoy.

On a smaller scale, traveling is what we all do when we set goals for ourselves to accomplish things to change our lives. At first we work hard to make money, and then we put our creative vision to the test, and see where we can go with it. When our efforts become rewarded, we have traveled all the way through to arrive at our goal. And having arrived, it is important that we not gloat or presume upon our momentary success, but prepare to move on with change toward what is next.

Thus the noble person uses careful discipline with the clarity of the fire's illumination, to Align Toward Completion.
Beginning Line

Beginning Six: Traveling that has jingling and tinkling with small bits and pieces, this is one's place for seizing calamity.

  • 象傳: 旅瑣瑣,志窮災也。
    Traveling that has jingling and tinkling with small bits and pieces, because the heart's purpose comes to the end in calamity.
Traveling here is more in the sense of the beginning of the setting forth it represents.

First Yin is the low ranking servant of lines 2 and 3. The mountain is a container, and Third Yang helps enclose the two below. Lines 2 and 3 are in their ideal positions as yin and yang, but they are stirred by the fire above, which is not in its ideal position. Thus there is movement forward, and First Yin jingles at the prospect of this, even though it is a soft and flexible line in a position of initiation, ideally suited for yang.

Thus its jingling with small bits is like a child excitedly telling a stranger about the family trip. A leak. Talking before acting.

But as the low ranking servant of lines 2 and 3 within the mountain trigram, First Yin is more importantly responsible for helping their employer toward their goal. Without a position of its own, beginning yin is still yet able to serve Second Yin in its preparing to go on a journey. A journey is a type of project, with a goal in mind. And an entry level worker is employed to help with this.

However, due to the fire above, drawing things upwards, lines 2 and three also seek to move above. First Yin cannot directly connect with Fourth Yang, its resonant partner in the upper trigram, due to the containment of Third Yang. Meanwhile Third Yang is drawn upward, and touching upon fire, burns. This undermines its ability to contain itself, and it moves upward through the burning of what it contains, thus the Third and Fourth Yang merge in burning.

For First Yin, able to connect with Third Yang, the loss of Third Yang's ability to contain is like the loss of employment as the employer embarks on a journey. The bags packed into the carriage, the project of some kind accomplished to some degree, the funding having come to and end, or the owners selling and banking their profits, when Third Yang travels upwards, those below are left behind.

In some way this relates to First Yin's calamity. For now it is happy to jingle and tinkle away without any real stake, like an employee making a paycheck, but without any true stake in a company. Or like children on a family trip, an integral part yet still not the ones making decisions. The management is like line 2, the motherly helping to make sure everything gets done, and the boss or father is like line 3, making the decisions to leave the beach and go home when everyone is having fun. Thus the actions to advance, to travel forward, of line 3, are First Yin's misfortune. If First Yin does not find a way to establish itself as more than an employee without a stake, then its misfortune is to remain at the merce of those who are in positions to make decisions on behalf of others.
Second Line

Six Second: Traveling coming to the next stage, holding fast to one's wealth, acquiring a low ranking servant and Aligning Toward Completion.

  • 象傳: 得童僕,終无尤也。
    Acquiring a low ranking servant and Aligning Toward Completion, due to in the end not having fault or shortcomings.
Second Yin begins to manage the business and enterprise of the traveling project. It consolidates the wealth needed to fund the trip with the help of its entry level workers, First Yin, as it serves Third Yang from below. The goal of most busineses is not to support their employees, but to make their owners wealthy. Second Yin is the management that helps this to happen.
Third Line

Nine Third: Traveling that ignites one's next stage, abandoning one's low ranking servant, Aligning Toward Completion exerting effort with raised alertness.

  • 象傳: 旅焚其次,亦以傷矣。以旅與下,其義喪也。
    Traveling that ignites one's next stage, [abandoning one's low ranking servant], because in this case it is by means of injury and hurt.
Third Yang is positioned where mountain meets with the fire above. Below, it is responsible for First and Second Yin which are helping it to manage its business, and it is a yang line in a firm position, able to perform its role of firmly containing those below and protecting them.

However, Third Yang touches with the fire above, and the fire wants to move upward. So Third Yang burns with ambition to be a part of the limelight above. This burning is the exchange between Third and Forth Yang, as fueled by the support below.

But it is all too easy for Third Yang to become neglectful of First and Second Yin in its ambition for an upper class lifestyle. Conditions become unsuitable due to Third Yang's neglect or irresponsible and poor treatment and it loses its help, its staff, due to turn around.

Or, its need for staff has been satisfied and it happily lets them go. As it would when they are done packing for its journey. Never the less, as it reaches the point where it parts with those beneath it and moves forward, it becomes soley responsible for paying its own way as it enters into and attempts to establish itself within the upper trigram dynamic.

This is like quiting one's job and becoming a politician, or an actor, or selling one's house and traveling to another country. The transition between Third and Fourth Yang involves having the energy necessary to make the transition into the fire on the other side and the be capable of sustaining oneself in the new role in Fourth Yang.

Whatever it is that Third Yang touches upon and begins to burn for, it had best proceed carefully and with alertness, to ensure that the fire above does not represent a scam. An over priced cruise. A time share condo that the family never uses but ends up stuck with. Buying into a pyramid scheme. Like blockchain or the stock market. Such things may hold value, but that value tends to draw one into it and consume one's resources. One is all in and dependent on the success of the fire they are creating.

Thus Third Yang needs to carefully consider what is at the very top in the Sixth Yang position. Can it be trusted? Is it only getting its information from Fourth Yang? This is how multi level marketing works. If we don't feed into things like this, they have no support to sustain themselves with.

Thus, the choice of Robber Zhi to not enable society and the fire it had created in separation from the natural world it depends ever upon. The fire above here simply consumes the substance below which feeds it. Such a fire that burns is not sustainable.
Fourth Line

Nine Fourth: Traveling that comes to a pause, acquiring one's traveling expenses, my heart is not carefree.

  • 象傳: 旅于處,未得位也。得其資斧,心未快也。
    Traveling that comes to a pause, because it has not yet acquired a position. Acquiring one's traveling expenses, because the heart is not yet carefree.
Fourth Yang has made it to the upper trigram, but the upper trigram is not ideally balanced. Fourth and Sixth Yang are firm strong yang lines in soft flexible positions. The fourth line is ideally soft, so that this softness can support the ruling line from beneath as would a minister. The sixth line is ideally soft, so that it can surrender to the end that has been reached. So only Fifth Yin really has a position above - despite being a soft line in a position suited to firmness, it is still a central position.

Fourth Yang is like actors and artists who need to develop portfolios of their work before they are able to achieve fame. Or politicians and CEOs who need to develop a reputation in lesser upper level roles before they can travel upward into the limelight of Fifth Yin.

This is the work of traveling. Like First Yin, there is work to do. But Fourth Yang has a purpose and ambition for that work. It is the work that is done on one's way to get somewhere. The heart is not care-free, because it has something to care about, a goal to get through to so that it can finally establish itself.

This also represents the work we do when we have been traveling and we need to earn some more money, so that we can stay on our path forward. This is the line that sustains our pursuit of a higher goal. And represents the movement on our journey from what is behind to what is ahead.
Fifth Line

Six Fifth: Shooting a pheasant with one arrow loosed, finally, via acclaim, a calling.

  • 象傳: 終以譽命,上逮也。
    Finally, via acclaim, a calling, because the top has been reached.
With the centrality of Fifth Yin, the goal of setting out in order and traveling to get somewhere is accomplished. What one does is seen and recognized in the illumination of the fire's center.

Fifth Yin is bounded by Fourth Yang below, and Sixth Yang above, the lines that enclose the fire such that it burns. The destination arrived at is always temporary, and then the fire travels on to another place. Such is the way of fame, favor, and all that which is placed on a pedestal.
Top Line

Top Nine: A bird burning its nest, a traveling person previously displaying happiness, afterward weeping and crying. Failing to keep the ox and arriving at change, inauspicious.

  • 象傳: 以旅在上,其義焚也。喪牛于易,終莫之聞也。
    By means of traveling residing at the top, so its sense of what is right burns up. Failing to keep its ox and arriving at change, because at the end there is no way to make it hear.
Having tasted of fame and amassed wealth Sixth Yang reaches the point where there is no point for that wealth. For ahead there is no where left to travel to, and below there is only keeping the flames alive.

It may have wealth or reputation to use, but its use is inappropriate other than to flow as a source to nourish those below. Attempting to hoard one's gains, one is bound to discover losses. What is raised up will ever come back down. Thus it is best to cling not to such things and to surrender to change, if one is able to hear.

This is like CEO's buying yachts and flying around in private jets and companies lobbying politicians. Or someone famous looking down on those below, somehow expecting that their fame will make them immune to personal responsibility. All of it is inappropriate, and is only sustained by the magnitude of the fire that supports it from below. As soon as the bubble begins to deflate, the limelight fade, these excessive enablements and entitlements become easily repossessed.

One can live in a reality of one's own making, and surround oneself with those who feed into this reality and thus make it real. Sometimes we have a thriving enterprise, other times that which we once depended upon to prop up our vision [Third and Fourth Yang] are not necessarily convinced, and if Sixth Yang acts entitled to its position, it is likely to offend those below and discover that it has no support and has lost what it coveted.

57 ䷸ Yielding


Yielding: Small Gathering Maturity, Advantageous Culmination having a place to go toward, Advantageous Culmination perceiving the great person.

  • 象傳: 隨風,巽;君子以申命行事。
    Going along with the wind, yielding; a noble person uses this to declare a mandate and conduct affairs.
Below, we stir to a proper course of action, following the way we are led, and working to prepare ourselves within, to follow the course to fruition without. Above, the directing of what is below unfolds, again doing its best to yield to the ideal balance of what is being asked for.
Beginning Line

Beginning Six: Advancing and retreating, Advantageous Culmination for the martial person's Aligning Toward Completion.

  • 象傳: 進退,志疑也。利武人之貞,志治也。
    Advancing and retreating, because the heart's purpose has doubts. Advantageous Culmination for the martial person's Aligning Toward Completion, because then the heart's purpose is brought to order.
In the beginning, First Yin has little leverage and is like a traveler at a fork in the road, not knowing which way to take. A jobless person, looking at listings, and considering what calling could be right for them, or achievable. This is where we consider what doors are closed and what doors might be willing to open, if we knock. This is the infant, struggling to stand and falling over again. And again, until...
Second Line

Nine Second: Under the platform yielding is present, making use of officials and shamans to be in ample compliance with, auspicious, not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 紛若之吉,得中也。
    Amply complying with's auspiciousness, because it obtains the center.
A platform is something that supports someone from below. When the platform is yielding beneath one, it is not providing firm support. Second Yang is a yang line and would like to have firm support beneath it, but finds itself in a yin position that is balanced for softness and yielding. However, it has centrality, and is able to get help from those around it to ensure it complies correctly with what is needed.

This is the infant finally standing up and exploring if it can walk. This is applying to the job after carefully putting together a resume and cover letter. This is following the path after determining the right way on the map. One uses whatever support they can to ensure they are doing things correctly, and thus take full advantage of the centrality of this position, even as they are feeling like a fish out of water, not sure if they are in the right place.
Third Line

Nine Third: Repetedly yielding, lacking grace.

  • 象傳: 頻巽之吝,志窮也。
    Repeatedly yielding's lacking grace, because the heart's purpose is exhausted and depleted.
Here Third Yang is in a position suited for it, and yet has no resonant partner in line 6, and rides a firm yang line beneath it, with a soft yin line above it. This is like a group of children who have lined up, as their teacher asked them to, and then waiting... but they feel the opening in Fourth Yang above them, and want to move forward, even though it is not time yet. This is like being at a red light at an intersection, stopped while other cars come through, waiting. But perhaps it is late and there are no other cars and the light is taking so long to turn green, so we might be tempted to ignore instructions and move forward anyway, just because there is a space there to move forward into. We quickly tire of waiting and just want to go. A steady breath and a reminder to be patient may go a long way in situations like this.
Fourth Line

Six Fourth: Misfortune vanishes, in the field capturing three kinds of game.

  • 象傳: 田獲三品,有功也。
    In the field capturing three kinds of game, because there is work accomplished.
Here Fourth Yin is an intersection of sorts. Above it is the Central Fifth Yang that decides what ideally comes and goes, when, and below it is the traffic waiting to move through. So here Fourth Yin is the facillitator of the movement, and operates so as to allow things to come together within its space, and accommodates the coordination within its space. It is not the decider, but it is like the way others move through. It is the capacity that yields to harmonious flow - so long as everyone follows the way obediently.

If Third Yang cannot be patient enough, or if Fifth Yang is not carefully directing the traffic, as would an Air Traffic Controler, then it may discover its space capturing clashes or accidents. And as any good mediator of conflict knows, these sorts of things can easily happen between peoples that are at odds with each other. In times like these what is needed is not someone to judge right from wrong, but someone to harmonize between two hearts that are oppositional - by being able to help each heart feel seen and accommodated.
Fifth Line

Nine Fifth: Aligning Toward Completion auspicious misfortune vanishes, without dis-Advantageous Culmination. Without a beginning there is a conclusion, Before Geng (庚) three days, after Geng (庚) three days, auspicious.

  • 象傳: 九五之吉,位正中也。
    Nine Fifth's auspiciousness, because it is positioned upright in the center.
Fifth Yang is like the Air Traffic Controller, or the Traffic light, or the Boss deciding who to hire or promote. Ultimately the one regulating the flow of the wind - and ideally such that it yields to following the natural way forward. These days what is right for a company is to keep the company healthy and successful. But sometimes the proper way is allowing things to be finished when they are done. Geng is yang metal, and it makes decisions. Tracing it back three - Geng, Ji, Wu, we have the Yang and Yin Earth days, where centrality gathers such that we may come to a decision from a central place. Following it forward - Geng, Xi, Ren, we have the culmination of a decision into its manifestation, as metal's condensinc/judging/accepting returns to coagulate into potential, water.

Ultimately, the cycle of the WuXing, or Five Phases of change, follows a circle, or cyclical dynamic. Water (potential energy) becomes wood (growth, kinnetic energy), and this culminates with fire (climactic, creactive energy). This creative energy of fire creates the center, earth. The gravity which captures the central point of whatever cyclical dynamic we are navigating. Metal then is the return that follows the growth, and its job is to process all that has happened and help it to return back to water. However, when a central dynamic (earth) is already established, fire does not attempt to fundamentally change this earth unless that is necessary, but rather harmonizes with this center. Thus fire is ideally harmonious, not wild and passionate and intensely transforming. Like when we throw a ball up into the air, fire is when it culminates and harmonizes around gravity to return.

Thus metal, is about harvesting what is needed to be taken back in. In the autumn, we harvest the grains and separate the seeds we can store and eat from the chaff that we cannot. Or with the emotions, we accept what we can and reject what we cannot, or put it into stasis until we can, especially in the evening, taking time for the feelings to settle rather than adding more to them after we are done with work and have returned home.

Unfortuantely, this sort of processing continues ad nausium, and we never step into the fullness of acceptance such that all can return, until we die. This is like the wind of the consciousness, unwilling to let go of the need to think and think and think some more. It is auspicious for us to break past this processing of the mind such that it can return to abide in the peacefullness of water.
Top Line

Top Nine: Under the platform yielding is present, losing their ability to earn money, Aligning Toward Completion inauspicious.

  • 象傳: 巽在床下,上窮也。喪其資斧,正乎凶也。
    Under the platform yielding is present, because at the top depleted of their resources. Losing their ability to earn money, because when upright and proper, what inauspiciousness?
A platform is something that supports someone from below. When the platform is yielding beneath one, it is not providing firm support. Sixth Yang is a yang line and would like to have firm support beneath it, but finds itself in a yin position that is balanced for softness and yielding. Furthermore, this comes at the very end of the Yielding hexagram dynamic, and a yang line struggles to yield at the end.

Second Yang is in a similar position, yet it has centrality and humility to help it accomodate its need to yield to its position. When a yang line reaches the top it tends to struggle to let go - so here Sixth Yang finds itself without support to stand upon, in a retiring position - what more is to be done other than to accept what is and to move on? If one does this ordinarily, one thing leads to, yields to, another - what inauspiciousness could there be in the normal transition of things? It is generally when we allow things to get to a certain point, without having ground to stand on, that we lose in this way.

This is like telling the teacher that one's dog ate their homework. Or trying to ask for longer to pay rent on the day it is due. When we are irresponsible and wait to the last minute to do things, is it any wonder that we find that the platform we would like to stand upon is yielding beneath us?

This is also what happens when we do not bring the processing of metal in Fifth Yang to a completion. It is like staying up late into the night with an overactive mind, fueled by caffeine, unable to accept that it is time to return to water, return to sleep. And then waking up the next day exhausted. Or like how a culture may miss when it is time to adapt to changing times after 250 - 300 years or so, and thus suffer a major change to how it functions as parts of it begin to collapse or radically transform.

Sixth Yang represents the signs of things wearing down as they begin to reach their limit and no longer have proper leverage over making central changes auspiciously.

58 ䷹ Feeling


兌: Feeling: Gathering Maturity, Advantageous Culmination Aligning Toward Completion.

  • 象傳: 麗澤,兌;君子以朋友講習。
    Beautiful lowlands, feeling; A noble person uses this to become friends with then pay attention to and become familiar with.
Dui 兌 is our trigram we name marsh or lake, but it represents two distinct concepts. That of opening, like a tunnel. And that of delight and joy. Together, this is the mechanism of feeling. The top line is yin, able to open when it actives, so as to receive what comes through. The middle line then collects what comes through, deciding what to store up, what to let go of. This deciding is the processing of what is coming through. Sometimes we get caught up in the processing and just want to take our time soaking in what we are feeling. Sometimes we yearn to feel more, and more, and so feeling becomes addictive. Sometimes we learn to delay our gratification, and spend more time gathering what comes through.

Ultimately feelings can become hard to let go of, and have a powerful allure over us.

Is this not why we name it Lake and Marsh? A lake is something that fills up. A marsh is something that filters slowly through, never missing anything, slowly transforming. More than this, the lowlands that are also associated with marshlands, are also the fertile valleys where things grow. The places where the earth feels the nuturients returning to gather and where new life finds the conditions good for flourishing. All that we see as beautiful comes of this type of flourishing. Thus in feeling, we listen to our sensitivities, become friendly, pay attention, and develop closeness and familiarity with.
Beginning Line

Beginning Nine: Harmonious feelings, auspicious.

  • 象傳: 和兌之吉,行未疑也。
    Harmonious feelings' auspiciousness, because they engage before there are any doubts.
In the beginning, when feelings emerge, they naturally look for where the harmony is at, look at the good in things. First Yang is a yang line, and wants to express, but is also in a subordinate position so is generally happy just being content where it is.
Second Line

Nine Second: Captivated feelings, auspicious, inauspiciousness vanishes.

  • 象傳: 孚兌之吉,信志也。
    Captivated feelings' auspiciousness, due to believing in the heart's purpose.
Second Yang is captivated by what it feels above from Third Yin. However, Third Yin is positioned unsuitably, while Second Yang is positioned with centrality. It captivated by Third Yin, and yet still able to guard itself auspiciously and maintain its centrality, because it is true to its heart-will.
Third Line

Six Third: The arrival of feelings, inauspicious.

  • 象傳: 來兌之凶,位不當也。
    Arriving feelings' inauspiciousness, because the position is inappropriate.
Third Yin is unsuitably placed in a firm position where it can't help but to feel, and wants the support of Second Yang below, wants to settle itself onto Second Yang below and connect with feeling. It is simply not quite the right time or place for such feelings, so Second Yang takes care to maintain its centrality and mitigate the inappropriate influence.

This is like passing notes in class, public displays of affection, or sending flowers to work on valentines day. Sometimes small arrivals of emotion can be very welcome and help us move through our day, but not if we allow ourselves to become consumed by them and distracted from our purpose.
Fourth Line

Nine Fourth: Mulling over feelings, not yet content, in between indisposition and possession of delight.

  • 象傳: 九四之喜,有慶也。
    Nine Fourth's delight, is due to it having felicity.
Fourth Yang is in between Third Yin and Fifth Yang. Fourth Yang can serve Fifth Yang as a minister, and this is beneficial. But Third Yin is tempting for Fourth Yang, representing easy comfort to ride upon, and Third Yin is positioned in a somewhat tempting way. It would be easy for Fourth Yin to give in to its feelings, and yet are not these feelings the very source of its indisposition? But if it goes to support Fifth Yang as a minister, it rediscovers its straightforwardness, becomes content and has possession of delight. Its felicity with with Fifth Yang, because together they cater to balance and centrality, and Fifth Yang needs Fourth yang to help keep it on track.
Fifth Line

Nine Fifth: Captivated by that which strips away [Sixth Yin], there is exerting effort with raised alertness.

  • 象傳: 孚于剝,位正當也。
    Captivated by that which strips away [Fifth Yin], due to being positioned for proper attending and managing.
Fifth Yang is captivated by Sixth Yin above, similar to how Second Yang is captivated by Third Yin. Both Fifth Yang and Second Yin have centrality, but Fifth Yang has more commanding role, even as Sixth Yin is attempting to stretch out feeling endlessly, like an eternal dream. Fifth Yin is easily captivated by this dream, and so needs to work hard to maintain its centrality, and benefits greatly from support by Fourth Yang drawing it back to earth.
Top Line

Top Six: Drawing out feelings.

  • 象傳: 上六引兌,未光也。
    Top Six drawing out feelings, because it is still not glowing.
As the dynamic of feeling comes to its limit, its end, Sixth Yin is not ready to give up on feeling, and because it is yin it is able to hold itself open here at the end, openly imagining, and sensing the promise of that elusive glowing radiance. It is able to captivate Fifth Yang to a considerable degree, with the promises that only the imagination can offer. This too shall pass.

59 ䷺ Diffusion


Diffusion: Developing Maturation. Ruling as a king depends upon having a temple, Advantageous Culmination fording a large river, Advantageous Culmination Aligning Toward Completion.

  • 象傳: 風行水上,渙;先王以享于帝立廟。
    Wind active above water, Diffusion; Kings of old use this by establishing a temple for offering to the divine.
Beginning Line

Beginning Six: Borrowing rescue from a strong horse, auspicious.

  • 象傳: 初六之吉,順也。
    Beginning Six's auspiciousness, on account of following and going with the flow.
Second Line

Nine Second: Diffusion hastening toward its opportunity, losing misfortune.

  • 象傳: 渙奔其机,得愿也。
    Diffusion hastening toward its opportunity, on account of obtaining hope.
Third Line

Six Third: Diffusing its ego-self, without regret.

  • 象傳: 渙其躬,志在外也。
    Diffusing its ego-self, on account of the heart's purpose extending beyond itself.
Fourth Line

Six Fourth: Diffusing its flock, Beginning Development auspicious. Diffusing possession of farmlands and gravesites, It is not for outsiders to think about.

  • 象傳: 渙其群,吉;光大也。
    Diffusing its flock, Beginning Development auspicious; On account of illuminating greatly.
Fifth Line

Nine Fifth: Diffusion sweating out its largess, Diffusion governing as a King from a central position of authority, not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 王居无咎,正位也。
    Governing as a king from a central position of authority not having disaster, blame and regret, because it is correctly positioned.
Top Line

Top Nine: Diffusing its blood-ties, departing and going far away, not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 渙其血,遠害也。
    Diffusing its blood-ties, on account of separating from harmful troubles.

60 ䷻ Regulation


Regulation: Gathering Maturity. Troubled regulation must not Align Toward Completion.

  • 象傳: 澤上有水,節;君子以制數度,議德行。
    Above marsh is a supply of water, Regulation; A noble person uses this to work from a design by evaluating the measurements, assessing virtuous conduct.
Beginning Line

Beginning Nine: Not coming out of the residence's inner doorway, not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 不出戶庭,知通塞也。
    Not coming out of the residence's inner doorway, on account of perceiving all the way through to where things are dammed up.
Second Line

Second Nine: Not coming out of the residence's outer doorway, inauspicious.

  • 象傳: 不出門庭,失時極也。
    Not coming out of the residence's outer doorway, on account of forfeiting opportunity's peak.
Third Line

Six Third: Like not regulating, but then sighing in despair, not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 不節之嗟,又誰咎也。
    Not regulating's sigh of despair, because then again who could be blamed?
Fourth Line

Six Fourth: Stable and secure regulation, Gathering Maturity.

  • 象傳: 安節之,承上道也。
    Stable and secure regulation's Gathering Maturity, on account of undertaking the way of what is above.
First Yang stops and does not attempt to come through to Fourth Yin, because it can perceive that Fourth Yin is regulating the closing and opening of the dam that secures the water above, from inundating the lake below.
Fifth Line

Nine Fifth: Appealing and pleasant regulation, auspicious; going is given precedence.

  • 象傳: 甘節之吉,居位中也。
    Appealing and pleasant regulation's auspiciousness, on account of occupying a central position.
Top Line

Top Six: Troubled regulation, Aligning Toward Completion inauspicious, misfortune is undone.

  • 象傳: 苦節凶,其道窮也。
    Troubled regulation Aligning Toward Completion inauspicious, on account of its way reaching the limit.

61 ䷼ Inner Captivation

中孚Zhong FuInner Captivation

Inner Captivation: Concealing fish auspicious, Advantageous Culmination fording a great river, Advantageous Culmination Aligning Toward Completion.

  • 象傳: 澤上有風,中孚;君子以議獄緩死。
    Above the marsh there is wind, Inner captivation; A noble person uses this to rule on legal cases in a slow and measured way before finishing them.
Beginning Line

Beginning Nine: Anticipating what comes is auspicious, there is another who is not familiar.

  • 象傳: 初九虞吉,志未變也。
    Beginning nine anticipating what comes auspiciously, due to the heart's purpose not yet shifting.
Second Line

Nine Second: A crane calling from the shadows, its children [Fifth Yang] attune to it, I have a satisfying vessel of wine, I join together with you [Fifth Yang] in drinking it up.

  • 象傳: 其子和之,中心願也。
    Its children [Fifth Yang] attune to it, due to hitting the mark of the heart's source dream.
Third Line

Six Third: Acquiring opposition, sometimes beating a drum sometimes stopping, sometimes weeping sometimes singing.

  • 象傳: 可鼓或罷,位不當也。
    How is it that the drumming sometimes ceases? Because the position is not well matched.
Fourth Line

Six Fourth: The moon is almost visible, the horses run away, not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 馬匹亡,絕類上也。
    The horses run away, due to running across the standard to the top.
Fifth Line

Nine Fifth: There is a captivating connection to follow along toward [Second Yang], without misfortune.

  • 象傳: 有孚攣如,位正當也。
    There is a captivating connection to follow along toward, because [Second Yang] properly takes responsibility for it.
Top Line

Top Nine: Flying rumors ascending to heaven, Aligning Toward Completion inauspicious.

  • 象傳: 翰音登于天,何可長也。
    Flying rumors ascending to heaven, because how could this last?

62 ䷽ Minor Exceeding

小過Xiao GuoMinor Exceeding

Minor Excess: Gathering Maturity, Advantageous Culmination Aligning Toward Completion, allowable for minor affairs, not allowable for great affairs. A flying bird leaves behind this message, not suitable for going above, suitable for falling below, greatly auspicious.

  • 象傳: 山上有雷,小過;君子以行過乎恭,喪過乎哀,用過乎儉。
    Above a mountain there is thunder, minor excess; a noble person uses this to implement excesses in relation to showing respectful regard, and abandons excesses in relation to sorrow and loss, making use of excessiveness in relation to regulation.
Excess means going past the appropriate measure with something. That can also be a transgression, a trespass. Even though the excesses here are minor, they are still excesses. Here we learn when to keep our mouths shut and choose our timing carefully. So that small excesses do not hinder the way.
Beginning Line

Beginning Nine: A bird flying makes use of this inauspiciously.

  • 象傳: 飛鳥以凶,不可如何也。
    A bird flying makes use of this inauspiciously, because it must not be done like this.
Second Line

Six Second: Exceeding one's patriarchal lineage, happening upon one's matriarchal lineage, not reaching one's noble lord, happening upon their vassals; not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 不及其君,臣不可過也。
    Not reaching one's noble lord, because vassals must not go to excesses.
Third Line

Nine Third: Not exceeding it guarding against it, with idle indifference a chance of destroying it, inauspicious.

  • 象傳: 從或戕之,凶如何也。
    With idle indifference a chance of destroying it, because this is what inauspiciousness is like.
Fourth Line

Nine Fourth: Let there be no disaster, blame and regret, not exceeding the happenstance of this. Going toward while exerting effort with raised alertness invariably uses precaution, do not make use of long lasting Aligning Toward Completion.

  • 象傳: 弗過遇之,位不當也。往厲必戒,終不可長也。
    Not exceeding the happenstance of this, because the position is inappropriate. Going toward while exerting effort with raised alertness invariably uses precaution, because in the end it must not increase.
Fifth Line

Six Fifth: Dense clouds but no rain, coming from our western countryside, the duke shoots a stringed arrow at the target.

  • 象傳: 密雲不雨,已上也。
    Dense clouds but no rain, due to already reaching the top.
Top Line

Top Six: Not falling into step with it exceeding it, the flying bird separating from it, inauspicious, this is what is called a disastrous mistake.

  • 象傳: 弗遇過之,已亢也。
    Not falling into step with it exceeding it, due to becoming overbearing and excessive.

63 ䷾ Having Just Crossed Over

既濟Ji JiHaving Just Crossed Over

Having Just Crossed Over: Gathering Maturity, small Advantageous Culmination Aligning Toward Completion, at first auspicious by the end disrupted.

  • 象傳: 水在火上,既濟;君子以思患而預防之。
    Water situated above fire, having just crossed over; a noble person uses this to reflect on threads of trouble in the heart field and then prepares to guard against them in advance.
Beginning Line

Beginning Nine: Dragging the wheels of its cart, drenching its rear end, not having disaster, blame and regret.

  • 象傳: 曳其輪,義无咎也。
    Dragging the wheels of its cart, due to proper responsibility it is without disaster, blame and regret.
Second Line

Six Second: A lady losing her carriage screen, do not chase after it, on the seventh sun obtaining it.

  • 象傳: 七日得,以中道也。
    On the seventh sun obtaining it, due to utilizing the middle way.
Third Line

Nine Third: The Lofty Ancestor (opens in a new tab) descends upon the demon quarter, in three years subduing them, small people do not avail themselves of this.

  • 象傳: 三年克之,憊也。
    In three years subduing them, due to wearing them out.
Fourth Line

Six Fourth: A silken safe conduct pass with a tunic of rags, all day long staying on guard.

  • 象傳: 終日戒,有所疑也。
    All day long staying on guard, because it has reason to be suspicious.
Fifth Line

Nine Fifth: The eastern neighbor's slaughter of an ox, is inferior to the western neighbor's spring offering, receiving the completion of their good fortune.

  • 象傳: 東鄰殺牛,不如西鄰之時也;實受其福,吉大來也。
    The eastern neighbor's slaughter of an ox [is inferior], because it is inferior to the western neighbor's timeliness; receiving the completion of their good fortune, because of auspiciousness greatly coming through to arrive.
Top Line

Top Six: Drenching its head, exerting effort with raised alertness.

  • 象傳: 濡其首厲,何可久也。
    Drenching its head exerting effort with raised alertness, because what could possibly last?

64 ䷿ Not Yet Crossed Over

未濟Wei Ji䷿Not Yet Crossed Over

Not yet crossed over: Gathering Maturity, a small fox almost crossing a river, drenching its tail, without a place for Advantageous Culmination.

  • 象傳: 火在水上,未濟;君子以慎辨物居方。
    Fire placed above water, not yet crossed over; A noble person uses this to carefully distinguish the direction and placement of phenomena's situation.
Beginning Line

Beginning Six: Drenching its tail, lacking patience and grace.

  • 象傳: 濡其尾,亦不知極也。
    Drenching its tail, because for its part not knowing the high point.
Second Line

Nine Second: Dragging the wheels of its cart, Aligning Toward Completion auspicious.

  • 象傳: 九二吉,中以行正也。
    Nine Second Aligning Toward Completion auspicious, on account of centrality utilizing proper conduct.
Third Line

Six Third: Not yet crossing over, pressing strongly forward inauspicious, Advantageous Culmination fording a large river.

  • 象傳: 未濟征凶,位不當也。
    Not yet crossing over pressing strongly forward inauspicious, because the position is inappropriate.
Fourth Line

Nine Fourth: Aligning Toward Completion auspicious, Remorse goes away, shock is applied to attack the ghostly realm, in three years having reward in regards to a large territory.

  • 象傳: 貞吉悔亡,志行也。
    Aligning Toward Completion remorse goes away, because the heart's purpose acts.
Fifth Line

Six Fifth: Aligning Toward Completion auspicious, not having remorse, the noble person's glowing light, with captivation, auspicious.

  • 象傳: 君子之光,其暉吉也。
    A noble person's glowing light, because one is spreading light auspiciously.
Top Line

Top Nine: There is captivation with regard to drinking alcohol, not having disaster blame and regret, drenching its head, there is captivation to being remiss about this things.

  • 象傳: 飲酒濡首,亦不知節也。
    Drinking alcohol and drenching one's head, because for one's part not knowing moderation.